Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
A university of and for our regions, the University of Newcastle has delivered superior education and world-class research since 1965.
By working with our industry, community and government partners, we translate new knowledge into innovations that make a real difference – to our communities, our economy and our planet.
Dedicated to our core values of equity, excellence, engagement and sustainability, the University of Newcastle is a globally recognised education institution committed to solving the world's greatest problems.
This program gives students a broad understanding of Australian and global business environments. You will graduate with skills and attributes valued by employers in disciplines.
These are courses currently available in "Marketing Major":
Outstanding business leadership meets you when you graduate with a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Newcastle. With brand new on-campus facilities, or an all-inclusive online program guided by business leaders and academics, the MBA is designed to challenge you and build your capacity for business excellence.
The MBA attunes you to a higher understanding of business management decision making, marketing, organisational behaviour, accounting and finance processes, strategic management and the international business arena.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Project Management at the University of Newcastle provides you with specialised project management and leadership skills that are highly valued and in demand across industries including property development, construction, mining, utilities, information technology and business sectors.
Learn project management methodologies and technologies from expert industry practitioners, and then apply these skills to real-world and project-based coursework. We have worked with industry to ensure that the skills you learn will be immediately applicable in your career, increasing your value in the labour market.
This qualification is designed for professionals currently working or looking to manage successful projects. Our online accelerated program will equip you to excel in your current role or prepare to make the next step in your career.
Learn moreA career in accounting provides challenging, rewarding and versatile opportunities in the current business environment. Increasingly, businesses are looking for people with superior analytical skills that accounting can provide.
A Master of Professional Accounting is a qualification that equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in accounting and aid career progression to senior management level.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce is a practical and flexible degree, with core courses designed to give you a thorough overview of business and commerce environments, before you specialise in Accounting, Economics, or Finance.
When you study a commerce degree, you will be equipped to make a smooth transition from the classroom to the boardroom, by acquiring skills that employers value.
A sense of global citizenship is imparted through international case studies and cross-cultural analysis. Through courses in your chosen major, you will gain insight into the interplay between the financial, legal, political and economic systems and how these factors influence the contemporary business environment, both in Australian and global contexts.
Learn moreThis program gives students a broad understanding of Australian and global business environments. You will graduate with skills and attributes valued by employers in disciplines.
These are courses currently available in "International Business Major".
Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiations
National as well as organisational culture plays an important role in managerial effectiveness and business performance of firms engaged in cross-border operations. The theory and practice of management and negotiation in a cross-cultural international context is examined with models of cross-cultural management critiqued and applied to contemporary business cases
Global Trade and Finance
This course introduces students to the basic theories of international trade and trade policy with an emphasis on contemporary global policy issues. Students will examine why and how nations gain from international trade in goods, services, and assets.
International Business Strategy
Multinational firms leverage their capabilities and competencies to create competitive advantage in international and global markets. This course analyzes how and also studies equity and non-equity strategic alliances as forms of global competition
International Human Resource Management
Aims to develop a critical understanding of the role and functions of the various human resource activities within multinational corporations (MNC). It provides an overview of the impact of globalization and varieties of capitalism in shaping international human resource management practices in MNCs.
International Marketing
Remaining competitive in a changing environment requires organizations to continuously adapt to market forces. The complexities of marketing in an international environment are examined while addressing local market characteristics.
International Trade Logistics
This course introduces you to practical operational issues in International Trade Logistics. The focus is on problem-solving and appreciation of contemporary issues in International Trade Logistics. Case reports and analyses are used to provide an integrative understanding of international logistics operations and process designs.
Managing International Business Risk
Global companies continually face an increasing variety of business, political, economic, and security risks that can directly impact both operation and profit. This course identifies and analyzes the multi-level risk environments facing today's global businesses and investigates strategies to identify, assess, manage, and mitigate international and geopolitical risk.
Learn to push your creative boundaries. Embrace the changes occurring across today’s complex communication landscape. Choose your major area/s of study and develop work-ready skills, including critical thinking, writing, and producing creative and factual content.
Course options prepare you to create content for many forms of media. These include social, radio, podcasting, broadcast, streaming, and news platforms. You can tailor your skills for specific areas of interest, including drama and documentary, gaming and lifestyle, strategic communications, public relations and corporate communications.
Communication integrates practical experience, critical analysis, and creative thinking with industry opportunities. You’ll be ready to take on a range of exciting careers.
Learn moreComputer Scientists work on challenging, complex problems. They develop the foundation of new software technologies, both theoretical and practical. Computer science is fundamental to the newest trends in computing. Including machine learning, autonomous systems, cybersecurity and virtual reality.
These trends are part of everyday technologies. This includes smart phones, online shopping, navigation, social media, games and smart appliances.
This degree produces innovative and resourceful computer scientists who can solve complex problems. They work in fields like AI, robotics, graphics, digital forensics, web development and security.
With this degree, you could develop sophisticated systems to support access to education. Or develop virtual reality programs to help people recover from post-traumatic stress. Or fight diseases by discovering biomarkers that allow early diagnosis.
Learn moreSocial Science is the study of social systems, institutions, and cultures. This degree will equip you to understand and analyse the social dynamics of the world around you, and develop practical solutions to create positive change. You will learn to analyse and address key social issues and inequalities, using practical strategies and methods to propose evidence-based solutions that can create better outcomes for all. This program allows you to pursue your interests by choosing from a diverse range of majors. You will graduate work ready, with the skills and knowledge you need to pursue a rewarding career.
Learn moreThis program is for those who are interested in using science to understand people. Be inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things using a variety of scientific methods.
Cover a broad range of areas such as mental illness, interventions, the biology of the brain, child development and aging, memory, and decision making. Undertake pre-professional courses each year, preparing you for professional practice. They include guest lectures from practicing psychologists, problem-based?workshops?and video material to provide an accurate picture of the range of areas within psychology.
This fascinating and evolving field will prepare you to work in a broad range of industries where you can positively impact the lives of others.
Learn moreIf you're interested in social responses to crime and crime prevention, the Bachelor of Criminology is for you.
If you're interested in social responses to crime and crime prevention, the Bachelor of Criminology is for you.
Learn moreOur oral health therapy students graduate with dual qualifications in dental hygiene and dental therapy. This degree has a strong focus on disease prevention, world class simulation and an advanced restorative scope. Learn valuable skills from professional dental practitioners that will make a real difference. Help shape a healthier future for children and adults. You will learn how to perform a range of preventive and minor restorative tasks, educate your community, and discover emerging methods for controlling and treating disease. By studying this degree, you will broaden your career options and boost your employability.
Learn moreTraining health experts in human mobility. If you want a rewarding and flexible career, then this is the degree for you.
Help restore a person’s independence and mobility by learning to diagnose, treat, and manage patients’ foot and lower leg problems.
Students gain hands-on experience in our state-of-the-art Podiatry Clinic located at the Central Coast Wyong Hospital. Take part in rural and regional placement opportunities in both the public and private sectors.
Learn moreAs a midwife, you will partner with women/birthing people, their babies and their families through pregnancy, labour, birth and the early parenting period. Our Bachelor of Midwifery produces outstanding midwifery graduates that are highly sought after. The degree has been co-designed with industry stakeholders to ensure our students are armed with the most current midwifery knowledge and practice.
State-of-the-art simulation labs provide a safe environment to practice your clinical skills. You can also complete part of your clinical placement in a rural facility and experience the sense of community that surrounds birth in rural and remote areas.
Learn moreBy studying nursing, you will learn the fundamental skills of providing excellence in caring for individuals, families, and communities. Nurses play an important role in improving the lives of so many – and are essential to all healthcare systems.
During your studies you will experience diverse and fast-paced medical environments through clinical placements opportunities. These include medical-surgical facilities, acute care, aged care and rural health clinics. You will also gain hands-on clinical experience in our world-class simulation laboratories which are located on campus.
Become one of our highly sought-after nursing graduates who find employment soon after graduation. You will enter the work-force career ready with critical skills and knowledge under your belt.
Learn morePrimary school (kinder – year 6) is the critical period where children cultivate life-long skills. Discover how you can empower the next generation and influence positive change.
Study in our state-of-the-art technologies: SimTeach, SimCave and SimSchool. These immerse students in both virtual reality and hands-on experiences and prepare students for diverse contexts and diverse students. Our technologies are used to reflect our commitment to equity, excellence and indigenous knowledge, through shared experiences, indigenous storytelling and reflective practice.
Learn moreSecondary teachers nurture, teach and empower students at a critical period of their development. You will learn how to inspire high school students to make the most of their education and ignite their passion in a particular subject area.
Combine your passion for education with your chosen areas of interest. Choose your teaching specialisations from a range of NESA Accredited Teaching Areas. Gain in-depth knowledge, expertise, confidence, and the skills to be an exceptional teacher.
Study in our state-of-the-art technologies. SimTeach, SimCave and SimSchool immerse students in both virtual reality and hands on experiences. These technologies prepare students for diverse contexts and diverse students. Our technologies are used to reflect our commitment to equity, excellence and indigenous knowledges, through shared experiences, indigenous storytelling and reflective practice.
Learn moreIf you are searching for a challenging and rewarding career that will utilise your communication and leadership skills to help shape our children’s future, then the Master of Teaching (Primary) is for you. Using your existing Bachelor degree as a foundation, the Master of Teaching (Primary) offers you a highly regarded fully accredited teaching program.
Our program, which you will study over four trimesters in total, incorporates Quality Teaching, the NSW model of pedagogy which was developed and refined by researchers at the University of Newcastle. The courses you will study will develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions you will need for a successful career in teaching.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce is a practical and flexible degree, with core courses designed to give you a thorough overview of business and commerce environments, before you specialise in Accounting, Economics, or Finance.
When you study a commerce degree, you will be equipped to make a smooth transition from the classroom to the boardroom, by acquiring skills that employers value.
A sense of global citizenship is imparted through international case studies and cross-cultural analysis. Through courses in your chosen major, you will gain insight into the interplay between the financial, legal, political and economic systems and how these factors influence the contemporary business environment, both in Australian and global contexts.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Business Analytics focuses on emergent issues in context specific domains within business, preparing students to think like business decision makers who understand how business analytics supports the business decision making process. This program provides domain specific context and knowledge from a range of business disciplines and utilises cases to provide students opportunities to apply new knowledge to resolve prolbems and issues that they will encounter in business contexts.
Learn moreIf you're interested in the structure and function of the human body, then this is the degree for you. The Bachelor of Biomedical Science prepares you for a career in a wide range of biomedical fields. You’ll gain ‘career-ready’ skills on campus in our world-class, medical science precinct. Start to apply your skills and gain experience in specialised lab spaces. Prepare for cutting-edge thinking by learning from active biomedical researchers who contribute to breaking research discoveries.
Learn moreUsing the latest scientific developments and advancements, you'll learn first-hand from our actively involved researchers how to deliver innovative solutions for real-world problems. You'll also develop highly sought after and transferable skills in problem solving, communication and independent thinking.
These are courses currently available in "Physics".
Advanced Physics IPhysics underpins most aspects of modern engineering, technology, and medicine; developments in physics often drive social change. Knowledge of physics is therefore vital to understanding the world around us. Physics is needed to make new materials, monitor our environment, put satellites into orbit, harness energy, determine the strength of structures, take scans of the human body, develop faster computers, etc. The course is calculus based and covers topics from mechanics and kinematics, wave mechanics, electricity, particle physics, cosmology, and thermal physics.
Advanced Physics IIPhysics underpins most aspects of modern engineering, technology, and medicine. For example, about 25% of the world's economy is tied to the quantum mechanics of silicon, and many of the most important practical advances in chemistry and biology can be traced to the precise understanding of the behaviour of atoms and molecules provided by quantum mechanics. Knowledge of physics is therefore vital to understanding the world around us. This calculus-based course continues on from PHYS1210 and covers the topics of mathematical tools, electromagnetism, optics and physics of matter.
Calculus of Science and EngineeringProvides the essential mathematical techniques of Physical Science and Engineering. These are the methods of Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations. Multivariable Calculus involves a study of the differential and integral calculus of functions of two or more variables. In particular it covers introductory material on the differential calculus of scalar and vector fields, and the integral calculus of scalar and vector functions. Differential Equations arise from mathematical models of physical processes. Also includes the study of the main analytical and numerical methods for obtaining solutions to first and second order differential equations.
Classical Physics 2Waves and oscillating systems are fundamental to an understanding of the physical world. Through these concepts we can understand diverse phenomena, from pendulums, musical instruments, and mechanical structures, through tides, plasma waves in space, to the nature of light. Technological applications of these ideas are at the heart of all optical and electrical devices. At its core Classical Physics 2 studies the motion of particles, fields and energy using the concepts of Wave Mechanics. This course requires an intermediate level of calculus for treatment of waves and oscillators, electromagnetism and optics.
Complex AnalysisComplex analysis forms a basis for not only advanced mathematical topics, including differential equations, number theory, operator theory and other 3000 and higher level courses, but also for special functions of mathematical and quantum physics. Through this, complex functions make a significant contribution to the understanding of the world in which we live. This course covers fundamental knowledge in the theory of analytical functions with applications to definite integration and culminates with study of harmonic and special functions.
Mathematics for Engineering, Science and Technology 1This course covers the parts of calculus and algebra which are fundamental to all of mathematics and its applications. In algebra, students learn concepts and symbolic manipulation when calculating with large numbers of variables. In calculus, they learn concepts used when working with continuously changing variables. Both ways of thinking are essential in the mathematics met by students in the Sciences, Engineering and Commerce. These concepts will be further explored in MATH1120.
Mathematics for Engineering, Science and Technology 2This course covers the mathematics necessary to perform calculations in, and create models for, the real world of Science and Engineering. Specifically, it will demonstrate how to do mathematics in a three-dimensional world. The course describes the fundamental ideas of calculus of functions of one and two variables, differential equations and linear algebra. It continues from MATH1110 to complete a first year of Mathematics suitable for Science and Engineering students, and others for whom Mathematics is a tool.
Quantum Information ScienceQuantum Information Science deals with the application of quantum mechanics to represent and process information. It is fundamental to the development of more realistic modelling on a practical timescale which will have a broad impact in a range of areas essential to the modern world. These include drug design, sustainable power generation, and the development of new materials.
Learn moreThe data science industry is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field of immense global significance. The comprehension and interpretation of data is pivotal to business success. Scientific exploration of diverse datasets plays a crucial role in evidence-based decision-making.
A Master of Data Science from the University of Newcastle will equip you with the essential specialised skills and knowledge required to understand and engage with a variety of data generated from diverse industries and settings.?This professional and?industry-oriented?program will enable you to apply your theoretical statistical and computational knowledge to better understand and explore data using applied problem solving and computer practice.
Explore the forefront of this industry, immersing yourself in the latest advancements and gaining a comprehensive understanding of data science. From foundational skills in data processing and visualisation, to the construction of intricate descriptive and predictive models, you will acquire the essential tools to navigate the complexities of this field with confidence. Elevate your proficiency in data science and equip yourself with the cutting-edge competencies demanded by the industry.
Learn moreScience is about asking new questions and then answering them. Science underpins all things including technology, business, environmental management, research, and health. Complement and enhance your knowledge by developing business and communication skills.
Systems Thinking for an Integrated Workforce
Through a quality improvement and data analytics lens, the course develops the student’s ability to leverage workplace data and synergies, analyze and improve organizational systems, and realize quality processes and outcomes. Students will become systems thinkers, able to:
Statistical Inference
STAT2300 further extends the theory, methods, and mechanics that underpin standard statistical analysis from STAT1300. The course builds upon advances in computational power by introducing exciting numerically-driven techniques such as jackknife and bootstrap resampling procedures for investigating and modeling data, thereby equipping students with tools for analysis of data when distributional assumptions are challenging.
Predictive Analytics
The world is awash in data, and there is a huge demand for people with the skills and knowledge to turn data into actionable insights. STAT2020 covers the basics of predictive data analytics, statistical computing, and visualization. Students develop an understanding of data science, from the basic skills of data processing and visualization to building sophisticated descriptive and predictive models.
Mathematics for Engineering, Science and Technology 2
This course covers the mathematics necessary to perform calculations in, and create models for, the real world of Science and Engineering. Specifically, it will demonstrate how to do mathematics in a three-dimensional world. The course describes the fundamental ideas of calculus of functions of one and two variables, differential equations, and linear algebra.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Statistics provides us with a quantitative framework to utilize data for describing, summarizing, and modeling the world around us. This course provides students with fundamental concepts of probability, random variables and their distributions, and then applies them to provide the theoretical foundation for data analysis through statistical modeling, estimation, and hypothesis testing.
Forecasting with Linear Time Series Models
Time series analysis is a statistical methodology to exploit historical data generated by real-world systems to forecast the future of these systems. This course presents both theory and applications of time series analysis at a level accessible to a wide variety of students and practitioners in statistics, economics and finance, science, engineering, and quantitative social sciences.
The courses shown above are a guide and don't reflect the exact year-by-year structure of the program.
Learn moreYou will establish a firm understanding of the contemporary business environment and undertake studies in a range of disciplines. You'll have the opportunity to select your courses from seven business-related majors.
These are courses currently available in "Human Resource Management Major":
Architecture is more than just art and technology. Our graduates explore their potential as agents for change.
They don’t just design and shape the physical spaces of our cities and buildings. They stimulate the places we live and work, engage the community and improve our world.
Learn in the state’s newest creative innovation centre – Newcastle. Through practical ‘live’ projects, you’ll develop design principles that emphasise social, economic and environmental sustainability. You will also become a consultative problem solver. More than half of your degree is dedicated to architecture studio work.
Learn moreArchitecture at the University of Newcastle is different. Our program is grounded and future-focused, shaping students who care for Country, who are motivated by social and ecological issues, and who explore their potential as agents for change.
Our students develop a broad range of skills actively through design projects. In our applied learning framework, you will spend most of your time—more than other NSW programs—in studio, with options for undertaking an array of briefs as well as exciting, special elective projects. We are committed to developing the best learning experience for our unique student cohort and working collectively to create a vibrant and engaged design community that centres on our Architectural Design Studio, Workshop, and Makerspace.
Learn moreThe data science industry is constantly evolving, and the specialised knowledge is used around the world every day. Understanding data is vital to the success of any business and the science behind various data sets plays an important part in decision making through evidence-based research.
If you’re interested in updating your skills and staying on top of an ever-changing industry, the Graduate Certificate in Data Science will help you get there.
Equip yourself with the essential professional skills and knowledge to understand and engage with a variety of data generated from diverse industries and settings.
Your studies will focus on the latest industry developments, and you will acquire an understanding of data science. From foundational skills in data processing and visualisation to the construction of intricate descriptive and predictive models, you will acquire the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of this field.
Learn moreRadiation therapy uses advanced technology to target and destroy cancer cells. The University of Newcastle, and its world-first Radiation Therapy teaching laboratories is a leading radiation therapy trainer with graduates being sought after worldwide.
As a Radiation Therapist, you can make a real difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families through exceptional patient care involving the development and delivery of highly sophisticated cancer treatment to manage or cure their disease.
Studying a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Honours) (Radiation Therapy) will set you on a path to make your mark on the world.
This degree requires students to participate in clinical placements in NSW Health facilities. Clinical placement provides you with unique hands-on experience, preparing you for a successful transition into a career in the field of Radiation Therapy.
Learn moreScience is about asking new questions and then answering them. Science underpins all things, including technology, business, environmental management, research, and health. Complement and enhance your knowledge by developing business and communication skills.
These are courses currently available in "Biological Sciences":
The Role of Science in Addressing Critical Issues
Most of the critical issues that face our society today require science to help find the right solutions for our current and future generations. Because this degree emphasizes problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking, graduates are sought after across a range of sectors.
Courses in Earth Sciences
These are courses currently available in "Earth Sciences":
Science is about asking new questions and then answering them. Science underpins all things including technology, business, environmental management, research and health. Complement and enhance your knowledge by developing business and communication skills.
These are courses currently available in "Geography":
Science is about asking new questions and then answering them. Science underpins all things, including technology, business, environmental management, research, and health. Complement and enhance your knowledge by developing business and communication skills.
These are courses currently available in "Biodiversity and Conservation".
Calculus of Science and Engineering provides the essential mathematical techniques of Physical Science and Engineering. These are the methods of Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations. Multivariable Calculus involves a study of the differential and integral calculus of functions of two or more variables.
Complex analysis forms a basis for not only advanced mathematical topics, including differential equations, number theory, operator theory, and other 3000 and higher-level courses, but also for special functions of mathematical and quantum physics.
Mathematics for Engineering, Science, and Technology 2 covers the mathematics necessary to perform calculations in, and create models for, the real world of Science and Engineering. Specifically, it will demonstrate how to do mathematics in a three-dimensional world.
Number Theory: Modern Society is built on a foundation of algorithms underpinned by the ubiquity of the computer, a discrete device that depends upon its programmed ability to understand the integers.
Partial Differential Equations arise from the mathematical modeling of a wide range of problems in biology, engineering, physical sciences, economics, and finance. Therefore, they form an essential part of the mathematical background required for engineering and physical sciences.
Research Integrated Learning: This course provides extension material to encourage the development of advanced skills and enhance career progression. This is done through experiential learning supported by appropriate readings and career guidance that allows students to expand the theoretical knowledge and skills developed in their undergraduate program and integrate these with real-world skills and experience through undertaking a supervised practical project.
Learn moreScience is about asking new questions and then answering them. Science underpins all things including technology, business, environmental management, research, and health. Complement and enhance your knowledge by developing business and communication skills.
Biological psychology is the study of the biological bases of behaviour. PSYC2400 covers core introductory topics in biological psychology which examine the way in which the nervous system integrates activity at many levels, from the micro level of molecular changes in nerve cells to a macro level of whole systems. PSYC2400 also examines biological bases of behaviour in terms of human anatomy, physiology, and evolution and includes selected topics in neuroscience and their relevance to psychology.
Why do people do the things they do? Welcome to the fascinating world of psychology: the scientific study of mind and behaviour. This course introduces some of the key factors that influence people's perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. Areas covered include an overview of the history of psychology, lifespan development, social, cross-cultural and Indigenous studies, individual differences in personality and intelligence, health and clinical psychology as well as an introduction to forensic psychology.
What makes us tick? Welcome to the hidden world of psychology where we investigate the mechanisms of behaviour. We look at the underlying biological systems that determine everything we do, think and feel.
This course examines the theory and practice underlying the design and construction of psychological tests (ability and personality), questionnaires and interviews. A variety of testing materials, questionnaires and interview types are introduced in lectures and also in practical sessions that provide basic training in their design, construction, administration, and interpretation.
Our understanding of human behaviour comes from our ability as psychological researchers to apply appropriate research methods and statistics to answer research questions. PSYC3000 examines advanced univariate research designs and related inferential statistics.
Learn moreThis program gives students a broad understanding of Australian and global business environments. You will graduate with skills and attributes valued by employers in disciplines.
Learn moreHonours programs in Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, International Business, Tourism, and Politics and International Relations are available. Potential Honours students should consult with the Newcastle Business School towards the end of the semester prior to that in which they intend to enrol.
Program learning outcomes
On successful completion of the program students will have:
This program gives students a broad understanding of Australian and global business environments. You will graduate with skills and attributes valued by employers in disciplines.
Tourism and Event Management
These are courses currently available in "Tourism and Event Management Major":
The Master of Business Administration program is designed to provide students with a range of analytic, strategic, and leadership skills which will prepare them for increasingly competitive careers in business management in the corporate and public sectors. The program offers a grounding in fundamental business areas such as accounting, organisational behaviour, marketing, and management. Analytic and problem-solving skills are emphasized through an applied understanding of the theoretical framework within which today's managers must operate, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in teamwork, writing, presentation, and time-management. The ability to cope with rapid organizational and technological change is developed through an understanding of organisational behaviour, information systems, and organisational change and development.
Compulsory Courses
Health economics is the application of economic principles to health and healthcare. Students apply core concepts of supply and demand theories to health and healthcare examples and learn about the importance of information (and information asymmetry) in health care markets; the critical role of insurance; hospital financing and delivery; and private/public mix in finance and provision of healthcare. In this course, students are introduced to key conceptual frameworks of healthcare economics and decision making and examine how Australian and international healthcare systems are designed and organized, including the critical components of long-term care and pharmaceutical markets.
Directed Courses
The Master of Business Administration program is designed to provide students with a range of analytic, strategic, and leadership skills which will prepare them for increasingly competitive careers in business management in the corporate and public sectors. The program offers a grounding in fundamental business areas such as accounting, organisational behaviour, marketing, and management. Analytic and problem-solving skills are emphasized through an applied understanding of the theoretical framework within which today's managers must operate, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in teamwork, writing, presentation, and time-management. The ability to cope with rapid organisational and technological change is developed through an understanding of organisational behaviour, information systems, and organisational change and development.
Compulsory Courses
This course provides an introduction to human resource management (HRM), and to frameworks explaining the core functions of HRM i.e. planning, recruitment, development, reward, voice, and exit. In particular, students will consider how responsibility for people management is distributed inside and outside the organisation. The course takes a very practical view of HRM, using many examples, exercises, and cases. Students are encouraged to think about what HRM means - how it differs according to the nature of work, by organisation, by industry sector, and in different regions and countries - and to consider what constitutes ethical human resource management.
Directed Courses
The Master of Business Administration program is designed to provide students with a range of analytic, strategic, and leadership skills which will prepare them for increasingly competitive careers in business management in the corporate and public sectors. The program offers a grounding in fundamental business areas such as accounting, organisational behaviour, marketing, and management. Analytic and problem-solving skills are emphasized through an applied understanding of the theoretical framework within which today’s managers must operate, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in teamwork, writing, presentation, and time-management. The ability to cope with rapid organisational and technological change is developed through an understanding of organisational behaviour, information systems, and organisational change and development.
Compulsory Courses
This course analyzes the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalization of markets and production for both domestic and multinational firms. The environment for global business is divided into three aspects; social and cultural; government and political; economic and technological.
This course focuses on the management of international business organizations, comprising both equity (wholly-owned and JV) and non-equity business organizations (strategic alliances).
This course examines the ways in which cultural differences impact on the process of doing business and managing internationally. A range of conceptual frameworks are developed, including mental models and schemata as the source of cultural differences and difficulties in managing intercultural interactions.
This course analyzes how multinational enterprises (MNEs) develop and leverage their capabilities and competencies to create competitive advantages in international markets. A key purpose of this course is to understand how managers design and implement international business strategies.
The Master of Business Administration program is designed to provide students with a range of analytic, strategic and leadership skills which will prepare them for increasingly competitive careers in business management in the corporate and public sectors. The program offers a grounding in fundamental business areas such as accounting, organisational behaviour, marketing and management. Analytic and problem solving skills are emphasised through an applied understanding of the theoretical framework within which today’s managers must operate, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in teamwork, writing, presentation and time-management. The ability to cope with rapid organisational and technological change is developed through and understanding of organisational behaviour, information systems and organisational change and development.
Students must complete the following compulsory course:
Customer Decision Making and Behaviour
Customers employ strategies of choice. Understanding these consumer decision-making processes, behaviors, and contributing influences is the essential challenge of this course. It also investigates how consumer behavior plays a vital role in developing appropriate marketing mix strategies to sell goods, ideas, and services.
Students must complete three courses from the directed course list to achieve a specialization:
If you are searching for a rewarding career that will use your communication and leadership skills to shape the future of Australia’s youth, then the Master of Teaching (Secondary) is for you. Using your existing Bachelor degree as a foundation, the Master of Teaching (Secondary) offers a highly regarded, accredited teaching program.
Our program, which you will study over four trimesters, incorporates Quality Teaching, the NSW model of pedagogy which was developed and refined by researchers at the University of Newcastle. The courses you will study will develop the knowledge, skills, and dispositions you will need for a successful career in teaching.
Learn moreKick-start a rewarding career in public health in just one year! Whether you are looking to change your career direction, or upskill for a promotion, this is the perfect postgraduate program to give you that much needed competitive edge. Intended for people from diverse educational backgrounds and those working in a variety of settings, including health departments and community organisations, the Master of Public Health is a flexible degree, designed to give you a broad introduction to public health and to provide you with the skills and knowledge to define, critically assess and resolve public health issues within a community, whilst catering for your individual career goals.
Through innovative and applied education tools and expert industry engaged academics, you’ll gain an understanding of contemporary public health issues, and learn practical techniques for analysing and evaluating public health problems in Australia and globally. Whether you study online or on campus, this program provides real experiences in public health through core courses that are designed to give you the skills you need, and electives that suit your interests. Workplace-related learning and research projects can be readily incorporated for those who work in relevant public health jobs.
Learn moreThe Master of Professional Psychology is a professional qualification for those who wish to practice as a Registered Psychologist. Through intensive psychological training and education, graduates will be skilled in applying advanced psychological learnings competently and ethically across a broad range of professional settings.
You will enhance your theoretical skills and learn to use relevant principles and methods to assist people with a range of behavioural problems, taking into account social and cultural diversity, current relevant legal frameworks, mental health practice standards and codes of ethical practice.
On successful completion of the program and an additional internship year under the supervision of a registered psychologist, graduates will be eligible for registration with the Psychology Board of Australia as a General Registered Psychologist.
Learn moreThe program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specialisations are not available at both campuses.
The specialisations of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, and Physics are available to students at the Callaghan campus.
The Marine Science and Sustainable Resource Management specialisations are available at the Ourimbah campus only.
The Psychology specialisation is available at both the Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses.
Biological Sciences units
The program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specializations are not available at both campuses.
Chemistry units
The program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specialisations are not available at both campuses.
The specialisations of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, and Physics are available to students at the Callaghan campus.
The Marine Science and Sustainable Resource Management specialisations are available at the Ourimbah campus only.
The Psychology specialisation is available at both the Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses.
Earth Science units
The program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specialisations are not available at both campuses.
The specialisations of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, and Physics are available to students at the Callaghan campus.
The Marine Science and Sustainable Resource Management specialisations are available at the Ourimbah campus only.
The Psychology specialisation is available at both the Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses.
Marine Science units
The program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specialisations are not available at both campuses.
The specialisations of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, and Physics are available to students at the Callaghan campus.
The Marine Science and Sustainable Resource Management specialisations are available at the Ourimbah campus only.
The Psychology specialisation is available at both the Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses.
Physics units
The program can be completed over one year of full-time study or part-time equivalent. Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Bachelor of Science (Honours) is offered at Callaghan and Ourimbah Campuses.
Please note that specialisations are not available at both campuses.
The specialisations of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Science, Geography and Environmental Studies, and Physics are available to students at the Callaghan campus.
The Marine Science and Sustainable Resource Management specialisations are available at the Ourimbah campus only.
The Psychology specialisation is available at both the Callaghan and Ourimbah campuses.
Psychology units
The Bachelor of Commerce is a practical and flexible degree, with core courses designed to give you a thorough overview of business and commerce environments, before you specialize in Accounting, Economics, or Finance.
When you study a commerce degree, you will be equipped to make a smooth transition from the classroom to the boardroom, by acquiring skills that employers value.
A sense of global citizenship is imparted through international case studies and cross-cultural analysis. Through courses in your chosen major, you will gain insight into the interplay between the financial, legal, political and economic systems and how these factors influence the contemporary business environment, both in Australian and global contexts.
The Bachelor of Commerce is a practical and flexible degree, with core courses designed to give you a thorough overview of business and commerce environments, before you specialize in Accounting, Economics, or Finance.
When you study a commerce degree, you will be equipped to make a smooth transition from the classroom to the boardroom, by acquiring skills that employers value.
A sense of global citizenship is imparted through international case studies and cross-cultural analysis. Through courses in your chosen major, you will gain insight into the interplay between the financial, legal, political, and economic systems and how these factors influence the contemporary business environment, both in Australian and global contexts.
Course List
The Graduate Certificate in Business Administration is the first step for professionals aiming to expand their career opportunities. You will improve your foundational skills in managerial decision making, understand effective organisational structures, study human behaviour and learn how to expertly manage people.
The program’s content focuses on advanced management capabilities which are transferrable to organisations of all sizes in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors, arming you with the high-level skills and "know-how" to succeed in management roles.
Learn moreThe Master of Laws program (LLM) is designed to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of a specialist area of law. All courses offered within the LLM program are developed for advanced study, contain a significant research component and focus on critical thinking and critical analysis of complex legal issues.
Learn moreThe Master of Information Technology (MIT) at the University of Newcastle is a broad, flexible and technical degree which offers exciting and diverse career opportunities and challenges.
As well as providing foundation IT skills for entrants with limited IT experience, the program provides opportunities for experienced IT professionals to enhance and apply their skills within emerging technology driven growth areas including IT, communications, management, business and entrepreneurship.
Learn moreThe Master of Clinical Psychology is a professional qualification for those who wish to practice as a Clinical Psychologist. With expert supervision in our Psychology clinic and local health care and community settings, the course will give you the skills to work in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders.
You will enhance your conceptual and interpersonal skills and apply advanced knowledge, principles and methods to relevant procedures, technologies and techniques in the professional practice of Clinical Psychology. You will work collaboratively and effectively with a diverse range of clients and other health professionals, and be able to conduct, evaluate and present systematic research relevant to Clinical Psychology.
Graduates will be knowledgeable, skilled and ethical practitioners of Clinical Psychology and capable of adhering to the 'scientist-practitioner' model of practice.
Learn moreComputer Scientists work on challenging, complex problems. They develop the foundation of new software technologies, both theoretical and practical. Computer science is fundamental to the newest trends in computing. Including machine learning, autonomous systems, cybersecurity, and virtual reality.
These trends are part of everyday technologies. This includes:
This degree produces innovative and resourceful computer scientists who can solve complex problems. They work in fields like:
With this degree, you could:
Computer Scientists work on challenging, complex problems. They develop the foundation of new software technologies, both theoretical and practical. Computer science is fundamental to the newest trends in computing. Including machine learning, autonomous systems, cybersecurity and virtual reality.
These trends are part of everyday technologies. This includes smart phones, online shopping, navigation, social media, games and smart appliances. This degree produces innovative and resourceful computer scientists who can solve complex problems. They work in fields like AI, robotics, graphics, digital forensics, web development and security.
With this degree, you could develop sophisticated systems to support access to education. Or develop virtual reality programs to help people recover from post-traumatic stress. Or fight diseases by discovering biomarkers that allow early diagnosis.
Learn moreWe train environmental engineers capable of solving the world's biggest challenges. As an environmental engineer, you might help with the adaptation of infrastructure and ecosystems to climate change. Or you could rehabilitate land damaged by mining. You might work on the clean-up of an oil spill that threatens ecosystems.
What is environmental engineering? Environmental engineers combine knowledge of chemistry, geomechanics, hydrology and land surface processes. By studying courses in environmental engineering and related fields, they learn to develop sustainable engineering practices.
Engineers use their knowledge to find solutions to complex environmental problems like water pollution and soil erosion. Environmental engineers have a profound impact on our health and quality of life.
Our environmental engineers learn to work with other specialists. This ensures that they can optimise resource use and minimise long-term impacts on the environment.
Learn moreMechanical engineers design, manufacture and optimise specialist machines and processes. They solve important problems using robotics, new advanced materials, the fundamental laws of energy generation and transmission and the computer control of physical systems – from nano to mega-tonne scale. They work on everything from power plants to air conditioners, aircraft engines and racecars. With a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours), you could design self-driving farm machinery for ultra-efficient food production or build revolutionary biomechanical solutions for people with disabilities.
Learn moreRobots can’t replace you if you’re building them.
By studying the Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Honours), you will become an engineer capable of solving the world’s greatest challenges.
Mechatronics engineering involves the synergy of electrical, computer and mechanical technologies that lead to new solutions to industrial problems. Students study a diverse range of courses like technical design, automation, and operational performance of electromechanical systems. Mechatronics engineers work in industries such as defence, advanced manufacturing, mining and health.
As an engineer, you might develop companion robots to help care for our aging population. You could design drones that assist in search and rescue operations following a natural disaster. Or you could join our team of precision mechatronics researchers and work on medical solutions such as the endoscopic ‘pill robot’ for non-invasive 3D imaging and intervention.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during their Bachelor of Arts or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The BA (Honours) is taught in a flexible format featuring disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning and research. All students complete a common core course, and compulsory courses offered by the discipline or cluster most appropriate to each student's area of specialization.
Ancient History
BA Theory and Practice in Historical, Cultural, and Critical Inquiry
The Honours program is intended to develop and strengthen professional skills, challenge students intellectually, and round off undergraduate studies with higher-level independent studies which will be useful in many fields of future endeavor. This course introduces students to the world of international scholarship and advanced research in modern and ancient history.
Honours Thesis 1
HASS4003 is the first part of the thesis component of the B Arts (Hons), the other component being HASS4004. The honours thesis gives students the opportunity to put the skills they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate studies into practice in the form of a substantial project.
Honours Thesis 2
HASS4004 is the second part of the thesis component of the B Arts (Hons), the first component being HASS4003. The honours thesis gives students the opportunity to put the skills they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate studies into practice in the form of a substantial project.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during their Bachelor of Arts or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The BA (Honours) is taught in a flexible format featuring disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning and research. All students complete a common core course, and compulsory courses offered by the discipline or cluster most appropriate to each student's area of specialization.
BA Theory and Practice in Screens, Languages, English and Writing
This course offers advanced knowledge and skills in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the areas of English and Writing, Languages, and Film, Media, and Cultural Studies. A collaborative student-centered course design will enable academic, creative, and/or professional approaches to studies in the humanities.
Honours Thesis 1
HASS4003 is the first part of the thesis component of the B Arts (Hons), the other component being HASS4004. The honors thesis gives students the opportunity to put the skills they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate studies to practice in the form of a substantial project.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during their Bachelor of Arts or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The BA (Honours) is taught in a flexible format featuring disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning and research. All students complete a common core course and compulsory courses offered by the discipline or cluster most appropriate to each student's area of specialization.
French Studies UnitsBachelor of Arts (Honours) in German
Students who perform well during their Bachelor of Arts or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The BA (Honours) is taught in a flexible format featuring disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning and research. All students complete a common core course, and compulsory courses offered by the discipline or cluster most appropriate to each student's area of specialization.
German UnitsBA Theory and Practice in Screens, Languages, English and Writing: This course offers advanced knowledge and skills in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the areas of English and Writing, Languages, and Film, Media and Cultural Studies.
Honours Thesis 1 (HASS4003): The first part of the thesis component of the B Arts (Hons), providing students the opportunity to put the skills they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate studies to practice in the form of a substantial project.
Honours Thesis 2 (HASS4004): The second part of the thesis component of the B Arts (Hons), giving students the opportunity to put the skills they have acquired over the course of their undergraduate studies to practice in the form of a substantial project.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during their Bachelor of Arts or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain an Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The BA (Honours) is taught in a flexible format featuring disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning and research. All students complete a common core course, and compulsory courses offered by the discipline or cluster most appropriate to each student's area of specialisation.
History units:
A Master of Marketing from the University of Newcastle equips graduates with marketing knowledge and skills to plan and execute marketing strategies and tactics for organisations in the not-for-profit, government and private sectors. The program is comprehensive, contemporary and practical, developing your professional expertise in the processes and application of modern marketing.
The Master of Marketing can be studied face-to-face at the Newcastle City Precinct, online or a combination of the two. Allowing you to balance your professional and personal life and study at a time and pace that suits you.
Learn moreGain an introduction to contemporary public health issues and learn practical techniques for analysing public health problems with a Graduate Certificate in Public Health from the University of Newcastle. You will develop an understanding of the patterns and causes of disease within populations through evidence-based interventions and learn about the current Burden of Disease in Australia, the region and globally.
You’ll also explore the biological, social and environmental causes of these patterns of disease and how economic and political processes, health systems and organisations will determine the effectiveness of public health responses. This program approach will facilitate graduates’ access to work and further study opportunities.
Learn moreSocial workers are concerned with personal and social relationships between individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities. They seek to relieve distress, redress inequality, promote social justice and participate in the processes of social change which remove structural disadvantage and create opportunities for people to achieve their own goals.
Social workers are involved in meaningful, life-changing work. You will learn about supporting and resolving personal and social relationship issues between individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities.
The courses you study will teach you to relieve distress, redress inequalities and promote social justice.
This program is experience-based and will prepare you for a professional career as a social worker. There is a strong demand for qualified Social Workers and job opportunities are broad and rewarding.
Learn moreOur graduates work with people and communities to help them overcome challenges and get the most out of everyday life activities. They work with children to help them reach developmental milestones or to participate in school and social situations. You’ll learn how to support recovery and inclusion in their communities for people with mental health difficulties. You'll study how to assist people to return to their daily lives after a stroke or hip replacement and interventions to support return to work following an accident.
As an occupational therapist, your skills will be invaluable as you work with individuals and communities to assess their unique situation, determine goals and put together a plan for success.
Learn moreIf you are a practising teacher or educator with a passion for learning and desire to develop an advanced understanding of a variety of broad issues then the Graduate Certificate in Education is the program for you. This program will enhance your existing skills as an education professional, see you connect with the latest developments and research in the field, and move beyond the classroom to explore system-level issues and challenges. Upon graduation you will be positioned as an educational leader.
Learn moreCyberspace has profoundly transformed the way we live and do business. We are increasingly relying upon networked applications for assessing information and making critical business decisions, so it is critical for individuals, enterprises and governments to be able to secure cyberspace from attacks to allow them to effectively conduct their business.
This program is designed to provide a pathway for information technology professionals to progress their careers in the cyber security domain. In this program, students develop a comprehensive understanding of network security, system security and security theory.
Learn moreCyber security has become a critical need in the 21st century as users, enterprises and governments increasingly rely upon networked applications for assessing information and making business decisions. There is a significant shortage of cyber security skills and expertise throughout the world.
This program is designed to provide a pathway for information technology professionals seeking to commence or further progress their careers in the cyber security domain. In this program, students develop a comprehensive understanding of network security, system security and security theory.
Learn moreWhether your interest is in information systems, software engineering, multimedia or telecommunications, the Graduate Certificate in Information Technology will provide you with a solid foundation in the relevant technologies and theoretical concepts.
Different levels of entry are available based on the previous experience of individual students. As well as providing foundation IT skills for entrants with limited IT experience, the program provides opportunities for experienced IT professionals to enhance and apply their skills within emerging technology driven growth areas including IT, communications, business and entrepreneurship.
Learn moreThis program provides an accredited Honours level 4th year of study in psychology. The content of the program includes a number of advanced topics in psychology together with the completion of an Honours level research thesis.
Taking into account broad diversity, and consistent with current relevant legal frameworks and codes of ethical practice, graduates will apply psychological knowledge to competently and ethically achieve the following Program Learning Outcomes.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during the Bachelor of Nursing degree may undertake a further year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) study to obtain an Honours degree. The Honours degree is designed to develop students' knowledge and skill in research and theory development, and involves a research project in a selected field of nursing. It is intended for registered nurses who wish to prepare themselves for higher degree studies and for leadership in nursing practice, research and education.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Master of Nursing will advance your knowledge to progress your career. Through selecting a specialisation you may strengthen your skills in professional leadership, clinical education, health care improvement, research, and evidence-based practice. You will have the opportunity to further develop your individual areas of interest whilst exploring and learning to adapt to the challenging and constantly changing landscape of professional nursing
Learn moreDiscover the theories and practices that are shaping international business today and build the skills and knowledge required to lead a business and affect sustainable organisational change with UC’s innovative Master of International Business degree.
The two-year course will open numerous pathways to dynamic international careers. Building on your undergraduate studies, you’ll develop high level theoretical and analytical skills and the ability to synthesize information, so you can become an effective leader and communicator in a wide range of multinational business and management settings.
Explore human behaviour in organisations, business decision making, service management and aspects of international law, trade and governance as well as economics and marketing for managers, and learn to provide solutions to complex problems in the international business sphere.
Delivered with a mix of day and evening classes, the Master of International Business will also provide you with the opportunity to study real-world situations through projects and to build industry networks through an internship.
Learn moreThe Master of Human Resource Management teaches students the skills and knowledge to manage people within an organisation to be efficient and effective in their approach to work, which is fundamental to all business activity. This program empowers students to apply their knowledge within complex organisational environments to develop and lead high-performing teams and workforces.
If you’re looking to advance your career in human resource management (HRM), employment relations (ER) or consulting, the Master of Human Resource Management is for you. You will develop a deep knowledge of people management and how to strategically manage a workforce, while learning to deal effectively with workplace conflict and other organisational challenges.
Learn moreA career in accounting provides challenging, rewarding and versatile opportunities in the current business environment. Increasingly businesses are looking for people with superior analytical skills which accounting can provide. The Graduate Certificate of Professional Accounting program is designed for students with a degree in a field other than accounting who wish to obtain an introduction to accounting concepts and procedures.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Marketing is designed to give students the opportunity to better evaluate existing and potential markets and to develop strategies that achieve organisational outcomes appropriate for the Australian and international business environment. Students will develop a solid understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of marketing and how they are applied in all contexts. The Graduate Certificate and Master of Marketing have been developed for students with little or no background in the discipline or those wishing to upgrade their existing knowledge in the field.
Learn moreSecure your future with highly specialised training, exciting placements and flexible outcomes.
When you study a Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours), you are accessing the most comprehensive degree of its kind in Australia. Open up experiences and job opportunities like no other when you study this program.
Speech pathologists assess and treat children and adults with communication and swallowing disorders. This spans across developmental and acquired speech and language disorders, cleft lip and palate, voice disorders and stuttering.
Learn morePhysiotherapists work across many health settings and complex clinical problems. These involve musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiorespiratory systems.
This program integrates the clinical and basic sciences, focusing on evidence-based physiotherapy practice. The program involves case-based learning with a strong inter-disciplinary focus.
Gain hands-on experience through clinical placements and interactive teamwork activities. Learn exceptional communication and interpersonal skills needed to work one on one with patients.
Learn moreThe Master of Applied Finance program at the University of Newcastle is focused on developing high-level analytical skills that are relevant across the finance sector, and can also be used to inform decision making across other areas of business. The Master of Applied Finance program will arm you with the technical knowledge and practical skills required to succeed in finance.
Learn moreAre you searching for a qualification that will allow you to become a human resource management practitioner?
A Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (HRM) from the University of Newcastle equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to commence a career as an effective and successful practitioner in human resource management.
Learn moreGain exceptional knowledge and training required to become a trusted expert in the use of medicines, advising the community and health professionals on a wide range of health issues. Pharmacy is an exciting and varied career. Learn to counsel people on the best use of medications and provide advice on the symptoms and treatment of common ailments. Develop hands-on skills in the fully functioning demonstration pharmacy, including preparing and dispensing medicines. Theoretical knowledge in biomedical, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacotherapeutics are taught in the program. As a pharmacist, you will contribute to a healthier society by educating and empowering members of the public to use medicines safely and effectively.
Learn moreFind your special interests or develop diverse skills across a broad range of subjects including accounting, finance, law, marketing, business decision making, business information systems and entrepreneurship.
Whether you want to work in business locally, globally or start a business of your own, the Diploma in Business will help you get there.
A diploma offers you the opportunity to upskill with a qualification. You will also receive guaranteed entry into over 40 degrees and up to 80 units of credit into related degrees.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Master of Professional Engineering (MPE) is an engaging, advanced engineering degree. This 2-year accelerated MPE will give you an advanced, accredited qualification, preparing you for practice in Australia and around the world.
Learn moreThe Diploma in Languages offers the opportunity to become proficient in a Language Other Than English (LOTE) or to acquire skills in a range of languages other than English, as well as Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN). The Diploma in Languages is available to Australian students, residents and International students as a standalone program or as concurrent enrolment alongside an undergraduate program or a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) Postgraduate program.
Students who have completed langauge courses as part of their degree may be able to count up to 40 units of credit into the Diploma in Languages. This means students may only need to complete an additional 40 units of language courses to receive a Diploma in Languages.
Learn moreDevelop skills to produce ground-breaking, thought-provoking, and engaging work in today’s complex communication landscape.
Course options prepare you to create content for many forms of media. These include social, radio, podcasting, broadcast, streaming, and news platforms. You can tailor your skills for specific areas of interest, including:
This program is a creative journey. Gain the skills and confidence to produce content, tell stories, and influence audiences. Connect with industry networks and thrive in a career in media and communication.
Learn moreData science is a high-growth field with a myriad of career opportunities. Jobs exist all over the world in almost every industry, from IT to business, manufacturing, defence and many more.
Data scientists have been identified as being in high demand in Australia according to the World Economic Forum’s The Future of Jobs Report 2020.
Learn morePeople exercise for a range of reasons, from maintaining or improving health and fitness, to improving performance in recreational or elite sports.
Exercise and Sport Science is an inspiring and rapidly evolving field that explores how best to prescribe and deliver exercise for health and performance benefits.
Engage with a comprehensive approach to learning about all aspects of physical health for the entire population. Our staff are highly trained and committed to giving you the knowledge and skills required of an exercise scientist.
Find yourself using the science of the human body, exercise and other lifestyle factors to make people more active, healthier or perform better.
Learn moreMake a difference. Study early childhood and primary education.
Teachers and education professionals have the power to change lives and shape young minds. Start a rewarding career working with children with the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary).
Graduates qualify to work across a wide age range:
This is a full year program involving the completion and reporting of a supervised research project. A wide variety of projects may be undertaken, the essential requirements being that the project is broadly related to the field of medicine and that an established and appropriate scientific methodology is to be employed. Evaluation of the suitability of projects will be conducted at the time of application by the Program Convenor for the Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) and Head of the School of Medicine and Public Health. Integral to this evaluation will be confirmation that the application has been supported by a suitably qualified researcher who is able to commit to supervision of the student over the study period.
Projects may be conducted within University laboratories with animals or on human samples; on established databases; within a clinical setting; or in the case of appropriate sociological, behavioural or public health research, in other settings. Projects do not necessarily have to be conducted within the University of Newcastle, nor do they need to be supervised primarily by a member of the University of Newcastle academic staff, however in cases where a student wishes to conduct research externally, a University of Newcastle academic staff member should be involved as a co-supervisor. A conjoint appointee may be appropriate as a supervisor, if he or she has adequate research expertise.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) is an 80 unit program over 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time to incorporate research thesis.
Learn moreThis program allows students to further develop research and presentation skills in a supervised setting, adding to the collection of evidence supporting the undergraduate programs available within Health Science.
Learn moreOne in two Australians will experience mental illness at some point in their life. The need for mental health nurses across all cultures and economies is escalating, and new models of care are being established to meet the specific needs of these people. The Master of Mental Health Nursing will help you develop the specialised skills and knowledge to advance your career in this challenging and rewarding area of healthcare.
Learn moreThe Executive MBA is a practice-oriented graduate business degree, designed for experienced employees wishing to learn alongside like-minded people to advance leadership, business and management skills. You will typically be a team leader or a mid to high-level manager seeking to broaden your knowledge base and skill sets and take your career to the next level.
Delivered in an intensive ‘block’ study mode, you will be able to work and study to complete your Executive MBA in one year. Entrepreneurial in theory and practice, the Executive MBA provides genuine global business insights that empower you to make a difference in your employer’s organisation and the wider world.
Learn moreMathematics is the language of science. It underpins most technological advances that we rely on every day. Studying a Bachelor of Mathematics will give you essential skills and knowledge. Study logic, mathematical modelling, experimental design and data analysis.
The Bachelor of Mathematics attracts the very best problem-solvers. Those who analyse things critically and are eager to make technological discoveries. The computing, maths and technology industries are at the forefront of new thinking, and are central to the way we work, learn, communicate, socialise and entertain ourselves. You will use your skills in technology, creativity and logic to push boundaries and make a difference in society.
Learn moreStudents who perform well during their bachelor of criminology or equivalent program, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, may apply to undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study to obtain a bachelor of criminology (honours) degree. This degree further prepares students for vocational careers in criminology, as well as those with an interest in policy, research, and higher degree research.
For the thesis component, students choose from one of the following:
The Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) is a one year full-time (or equivalent part-time) program that allows students to further develop their specific areas of interest. This degree prepares students for careers in biotechnology as well as providing a pathway into Research Higher Degree studies
Learn moreThe Master of Nurse Practitioner prepares registered nurses for the autonomous Nurse Practitioner role in an area of specialised nursing practice: Ageing and Palliative Care, Child and Family Health, Chronic and Complex Care, Emergency and Acute Care, Mental Health and Primary Health Care. You will develop advanced skills in nursing health assessment, diagnosis, implementation and evaluation of care by undertaking studies in pathophysiology, pharmacotheraputics, diagnostic reasoning, advanced nursing practice, and the quality use of medicines. Specialised graduates will have the capabilities to work independently and collaboratively, as expert members of the healthcare team, directly contributing to people’s positive health outcomes.
Learn moreA career in accounting provides challenging, rewarding and versatile opportunities in the current business environment. Increasingly, businesses are looking for people with superior analytical skills which accounting can provide. A Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced) with a specialisation in International Business, equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in accounting across the globe.
Learn moreStudy a Bachelor of Software Engineering and develop your capability to solve global challenges. Gain knowledge in computer systems, programming languages, data structures, algorithms, databases, operating systems, human-computer interaction, web engineering, enterprise architecture, computer networking, computer security, and project management.
Learn moreStudents who perform well, with a GPA of 5.0 or greater, during the Bachelor of Social Science program or equivalent program and/or relevant discipline major, may undertake a further year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) study to obtain an Honours degree. The Honours program allows students to further develop their specific areas of interest.
Learn moreWith diet and nutrition-related diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity becoming common worldwide, demand is growing for graduates with this specialized knowledge. You will have access to world-class researchers and educators, putting you on the cusp of new nutrition and diet discoveries. Learn how to use the latest evidence to manage patient health and discover the powerful science of human nutrition. A career in nutrition and dietetics can be rewarding. Through helping people understand how nutrition and health are connected. You play a key role in preventing and combating disease and improving health in your community around the world.
Learn moreGraduates of the Bachelor of Communication or equivalent program may undertake a further year of full-time (or part-time equivalent) study. The program aims to produce graduates who have a well-developed capacity to think critically and creatively about communication and media professions and their relationship with research into professional practice. This degree further prepares students for careers in communication as well as providing a pathway into Research Higher degree study.
Learn moreIf you are a mechanical engineer looking to fast-track your career, the Master of Professional Engineering (Mechanical)* will help you develop management expertise, specialise and deepen your technical skills and be equipped to lead projects and move into more senior roles.
Learn moreThe Master of Professional Engineering (Civil)* is a flexible degree that will allow you to fast-track your career in civil engineering.
You will develop the strategic and technical skills required to tackle ‘wicked problems’, applying design thinking and systems engineering principles to develop solutions that are both innovative and ethical.
* This program has been granted provisional accreditation through Engineers Australia.
Learn moreBiotechnology harnesses the natural biochemical and genetic processes of living organisms for our own use. Right now we are using it in genetic engineering, human health, pharmaceuticals, plant and animal agriculture, food production, fuels and waste management. The diversity of jobs available in biotechnology continues to increase and it is expected to become one of the growth areas of the 21st Century.
Learn moreStudents who achieve a superior level of performance in the Bachelor of Biomedical Science at this university or any other degree approved by the Faculty Board will be able to undertake the Honours program which is of one year's duration when undertaken full-time. The Honours degree program allows students to further develop their skills in Biomedical Science by undertaking a specific research project under the supervision of appropriate staff.
Learn moreThe demand for Accredited Exercise Physiologists in a variety of health environments is expanding rapidly. The Master of Exercise Physiology at the University of Newcastle is a unique, advanced and contemporary allied health program which aims to bring critical thinking and appraisal of evidence in exercise physiology and health practice to the forefront.
Learn moreThe Master of Environmental Law at the University of Newcastle is designed to equip legal and non-legal professionals with a deeper knowledge of Environmental Law, through a unique, professionally-focused and interdisciplinary program.
Learn moreThe Master of Business Psychology is designed for graduates from a variety of disciplines seeking to advance their leadership and management skills from a psychological perspective to enhance performance and wellbeing across workplace contexts, provide business leadership, build professional relationships, influence meaningful organisational change, and create humane workplaces.
Graduates will develop an advanced understanding of human behaviour and how this can be applied to manage workplace relationships, as well as specialised skills in applied psychology and organisational behaviour in the workplace, such as psychological assessment and interviewing.
Learn morePursuing a career in finance can be challenging, yet rewarding, as it can open up a range of career opportunities and enable you to become a leader in the global business environment.
A Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance at the University of Newcastle will equip you with a highly regarded qualification that provides superior fundamental finance knowledge, including high-level analytical skills that are transferable across the finance sector, and can be used to inform decision-making across other areas of business.
The University of Newcastle provides flexible study options. Courses are run in trimesters and students are provided with an opportunity to study at a pace which suits their personal and professional lives.
Learn moreInformed, evidence-based decision-making is a guiding feature of businesses in today’s data-driven world. Knowing how to understand, analyse and use data is crucial to the success of businesses across various industries.
If you’re interested in enhancing your career possibilities by gaining specialised data analytical skills, the Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics at the University of Newcastle will equip you with the professional knowledge to understand and engage with data from diverse industry and business settings.
Data analysts are highly sought after, working with senior management teams to discover ways to turn data insights into strategic goals, increase productivity and add value to businesses.
A Graduate Certificate in Data Analytics at the University of Newcastle will equip you with the essential professional skills and knowledge to understand and engage with data from diverse industry and business settings.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Health Science will provide students with skills and knowledge fundamental to most health related areas of work. The Graduate Certificate in Health Science has two core courses; Research Methodology and Design and Foundations of Health Promotion. Students are required to complete the core courses and 20 units from a directed courses list which will provide specialist knowledge for specific graduate careers.
Learn moreIf you are a practising teacher or educator with a passion for learning and teaching Mathematics then the Graduate Diploma in Education is the program for you. This program will enhance your existing skills as an mathematics educator, see you connect with the latest developments and research in the field.
Learn moreFind your passion and make an impact
If you want to explore your interest in science the Diploma in Science is a great place to start. Through fieldwork and lab work you’ll have plenty of opportunities to help make life-changing discoveries.
Choose to study across a range of disciplines including biodiversity and conservation, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, food science, geography, earth science and psychology.
Learn moreRedefine the way we work, learn and communicate
If you have an interest in developing technology, the Diploma in Information Technology is for you. You will learn to develop, build and maintain software technology systems to meet the challenges faced by business and society.
Learn to collect and analyse data for connected devices, systems and networks to bring meaning to complex patterns.
Learn moreCivil engineers are responsible for the physical infrastructure that enables modern societies to function. Buildings, highways and railways, tunnels, airports, power generation facilities and harbour facilities are all designed, built and managed by civil engineers.
At the University of Newcastle, we educate our engineers to meet the global challenges of the future. With a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), you could engineer energy efficient buildings, or help develop sustainable and resilient infrastructure in developing countries. You might even design Australia’s first high-speed train network to connect communities and reduce carbon emissions.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) is a one year full-time (or equivalent part-time) program that allows students to further develop their specific areas of interest and their research skills. Honours programs are available in Mathematics and Statistics and are considered pathways to enhanced career prospects in business and industry as well as a Research Higher Degree.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle’s Bachelor of Environmental Science and Management is the degree for those with a passion for the environment and an interest in saving our planet. With the alarming rate of environmental impacts from climate change, land clearing and deforestation, human induced impacts to the biosphere, the polluting of our oceans and our urgent biodiversity crisis; now is the time to upskill and play your role in protecting our natural world into the future. The degree explores the science behind human induced impacts to our environment and fosters management-based skills and knowledge to manage our environment in a sustainable way into the future.
Students will learn from world-leading scientists in the field. You will gain scientific skills in environmental science including essential laboratory and field-based skills in diverse environments from terrestrial forests to coastal and marine ecosystems. The degree’s management focus is unique in Australia, offering students essential knowledge and skills in managing environments including environment impact assessment, policy and legislation and environmental ethics. Further, students can specialise in one of four specialist areas to dovetail into a future career destination including sustainability, natural resources and hazards, ecosystems and biodiversity, or marine science and management. Finally, our program offers a comprehensive work-integrated learning experience, allowing students to gain valuable workplace experience to be job-ready by graduation. If your career goal is to make a difference globally in the ongoing protection of our fragile environment, this degree program is for you!
Learn moreAn Honours program is offered as an additional year to the undergraduate program. The Honours program consists of a fourth year of full-time study (1 year) or the equivalent part-time study (2 years). Courses are offered on a semester basis, i.e. two semesters per year. The Honours program consists of a research project on a topic determined in consultation with your research supervisor. The program also involves a skills development strand to assist you in the development of your research skills and the writing of your research thesis. Honours is highly regarded by potential employers and provides entry into a research career.
On successful completion of the program students will have:
The University of Newcastle's Master of Translation Studies has been designed to further develop your skills in translation between English and another language, with an understanding of both practice and theory which can be applied to almost any field in the fields of literary and technical translation. This degree is taught by translation researchers and practitioners.
The Master of Translation Studies provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in the practice of translation informed by current theory, while also including a unique focus on the application of machine translation and digital resources.
Throughout the degree, you will explore the foundations of language, how culturally situated concepts, values, traditions, and communicative practices are expressed in and through languages and linguistic structures, the theory and practice of translation, and the evaluation of machine translation.
As a part of this degree, you will also undertake a translation project under the supervision of a specialist staff member, giving you first-hand experience in translation within your degree.
Learn moreThe Master of Digital Media at the University of Newcastle has been designed to further develop your existing professional digital media skills and knowledge which can be applied to almost any field in the contemporary workforce.
Technology is continually advancing, permeating our environments and affecting how we interact with the world. As a result society increasingly relies on technology and the demand for technical experts is ever growing.
This program will enhance your existing technical knowledge and encourage and embrace your creativity through a range of progressive subjects.
You will graduate with the practical skills to translate ideas to reality, develop new and innovative digital media technology, critically analyse digital media design and apply the acquired knowledge across a range of work environments.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Business Psychology is designed for graduates from a variety of disciplines seeking to advance their leadership and management skills from a psychological perspective to enhance performance and wellbeing across workplace contexts, provide business leadership, build professional relationships, influence meaningful organisational change, and create humane workplaces.
Graduates will develop an understanding of human behaviour and how this can be applied to manage workplace relationships, as well as specialised skills in applied psychology and organisational behaviour in the workplace, such as psychological assessment and interviewing.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology provides health care professionals with an introduction to clinical epidemiology. You will learn basic research skills and obtain fundamental principles of clinical epidemiology, which can be applied to your current profession.
You will learn to apply the principles of epidemiology and biostatistics in a practical manner to improve your clinical decision making and develop your research skills to investigate clinical and population based health problems.
Learn moreEnjoy a vibrant career in hospitality, tourism and events.
This program provides you with a cutting edge learning experience that is both academically rigorous and industry relevant.
This degree is the flagship program of the virtual Newcastle International Hotel School in the Newcastle Business School. You can study the Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events as a stand-alone degree; or combine your university degree with an Advanced Diploma at TAFE NSW, to graduate with two qualifications in just three years.
Students selecting the latter option will study courses at both the University of Newcastle and TAFE NSW for the first 18 months, and then study full-time at the University of Newcastle for the final 18 months. This option allows students to finish their TAFE NSW Advanced Diploma in the first 18 months of the three-year program to fast-track employability in the visitor economy.
Learn moreThe work of surveyors knows no bounds and could see you play an important role within your local community, across countries and continents. Become capable in providing engineering certainty to the Australian community.
Be involved in projects like designing new land developments or new roads, supporting mine operations, or preparing topographical maps. Work on preparations for building of a new tunnel or mapping of flood areas for disaster preparedness.
Globally, your work as a surveyor could see you involved in the prediction of earthquakes, mapping of the ocean floor; or monitoring and mapping environmental changes via satellite data.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours) program at the University of Newcastle aims to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for a highly successful career in teaching. Graduates of this program will be able to seek employment as K-6 (Primary) teachers in and beyond the New South Wales Government, Catholic, and Independent school sectors.
The program aims to develop graduates who are inspirational teachers with the capability to act professionally, knowledgeably and effectively in their Primary school destinations; insightful scholars with the capability to engage in rational enquiry into curriculum, policy and practice; and innovative leaders with the capability to play a constructive role in public discourse on and beyond education.
The Bachelor of Education (Primary) (Honours) program places a special emphasis on preparing graduates who can critically evaluate education research, and have the capacity to design, implement and evaluate their own educational research project. For Honours graduates this degree is a pathway into higher degree research programs, such as the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.
The Honours degree provides specific opportunities for graduates to pursue careers in educational research, education publication writing or editing, education policy analysis, as well as the typical professions for Education graduates including a K-6 (Primary) school teacher, community educator, education consultant, curriculum developer, educational materials developer, curriculum evaluator, and educational administrator.
Learn moreNuclear medicine graduates from the University of Newcastle are sought after worldwide. In this rewarding and challenging degree, you’ll learn to diagnose, treat, and help prevent diseases using radioactive substances – giving patients the best chance of living a full and healthy life.
Learn how to conduct nuclear medicine scans of a person’s body using radiopharmaceuticals. You’ll be using specialised equipment to track radiopharmaceuticals as they move through the body. These techniques help identify disease or injury at a very early stage.
You’ll have access to the latest technologies through placement opportunities and on campus in our world-class, purpose-built, health sciences precinct. This includes a radiopharmacy laboratory, CT laboratory, and nuclear medicine image processing software.
You’ll graduate with the confidence and competence to undertake professional practice as a nuclear medicine technologist/scientist.
Learn moreGraduates of this program will be able to seek employment as 7-12 (Secondary) teachers in and beyond the New South Wales Government, Catholic, and Independent school sectors. The program aims to develop graduates who are inspirational teachers with the capability to act professionally, ethically and effectively in their Secondary school destinations; insightful scholars with the capability to engage in rational enquiry into curriculum, policy and practice; and innovative leaders with the capability to play a constructive role in public discourse on and beyond education.
This program places emphasis on preparing graduates who can critically evaluate education research, and have the capacity to design, implement and evaluate their own educational research project, and offers inherent flexibility of choice and pathways to specialties in more than one field, significantly improving employment prospects.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours) degree examines globalisation processes from a variety of approaches, with a focus on urban and regional impacts, sustainable development and cultural diversity.
It is a one year full-time (or equivalent part-time) program designed to allow students to develop their interests and expertise. The program consists of advanced theory, higher level learning and research and is considered to be a pathway into Research Higher degree study.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is currently available in Accounting, Finance or Economics. Potential Honours students should consult with the Newcastle Business School towards the end of the semester prior to that in which they intend to enrol.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is currently available in Accounting, Finance or Economics. Potential Honours students should consult with the Newcastle Business School towards the end of the semester prior to that in which they intend to enrol.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is currently available in Accounting, Finance or Economics. Potential Honours students should consult with the Newcastle Business School towards the end of the semester prior to that in which they intend to enrol.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Bachelor of Science (Advanced) is for those who are interested in understanding the world around us and how it works. This degree is for those that are inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things. You will learn from leading science researchers who will guide you through a tailored program, specifically designed to give you the skills that employers are seeking. You’ll be able to follow your passions, and customise your study with a wide range of disciplinary choices. Our guidance and mentoring give you the confidence to know you’re heading where you want to with your career in Science. You’ll begin the important process of establishing the professional networks that will be critical throughout your career. You’ll have authentic opportunities to work with industry and in research whilst you study. By the time you finish your studies, you will have the practical skills to make a difference in the world and contribute new solutions to the many challenges we face.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Bachelor of Science (Advanced) is for those who are interested in understanding the world around us and how it works. This degree is for those that are inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things. You will learn from leading science researchers who will guide you through a tailored program, specifically designed to give you the skills that employers are seeking. You’ll be able to follow your passions, and customise your study with a wide range of disciplinary choices. Our guidance and mentoring give you the confidence to know you’re heading where you want to with your career in Science. You’ll begin the important process of establishing the professional networks that will be critical throughout your career. You’ll have authentic opportunities to work with industry and in research whilst you study. By the time you finish your studies, you will have the practical skills to make a difference in the world and contribute new solutions to the many challenges we face.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Bachelor of Science (Advanced) is for those who are interested in understanding the world around us and how it works. This degree is for those that are inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things. You will learn from leading science researchers who will guide you through a tailored program, specifically designed to give you the skills that employers are seeking. You’ll be able to follow your passions, and customise your study with a wide range of disciplinary choices. Our guidance and mentoring give you the confidence to know you’re heading where you want to with your career in Science. You’ll begin the important process of establishing the professional networks that will be critical throughout your career. You’ll have authentic opportunities to work with industry and in research whilst you study. By the time you finish your studies, you will have the practical skills to make a difference in the world and contribute new solutions to the many challenges we face.
Learn moreThe University of Newcastle's Bachelor of Science (Advanced) is for those who are interested in understanding the world around us and how it works. This degree is for those that are inspired to build new knowledge and discover new things. You will learn from leading science researchers who will guide you through a tailored program, specifically designed to give you the skills that employers are seeking. You’ll be able to follow your passions, and customise your study with a wide range of disciplinary choices. Our guidance and mentoring give you the confidence to know you’re heading where you want to with your career in Science. You’ll begin the important process of establishing the professional networks that will be critical throughout your career. You’ll have authentic opportunities to work with industry and in research whilst you study. By the time you finish your studies, you will have the practical skills to make a difference in the world and contribute new solutions to the many challenges we face.
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