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Legal Advocate Courses

Legal Advocates help their clients understand their rights and choices as they navigate the justice system in Australia. They don’t usually represent their clients in court but they do prepare legal documents, research relevant case-law, and provide legal advice on a range of social justice issues.

As a legal advocate you could be supporting a victim of crime, advising a disabled client who is experiencing unlawful discrimination, or lobbying government for changes to the law and improved Human Rights. It’s an exciting career for people really want to make the world a better place.

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Popular Legal Advocate Courses

There is one course available for people who want to become a Legal Advocate.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Legal Advocate?

Legal Advocates need a thorough understanding of Australian laws and the justice system, you will also need outstanding interpersonal skills, and the ability to prepare high-level business and legal documents.

You can get started in this career without a degree by undertaking the Certificate IV or Diploma of Justice Studies. You will also benefit from supporting qualifications in the area where you wish to specialise: community services, disability, mental health, environment, migration, youth work, domestic violence, criminal justice, indigenous support. Alternately, you could complete a full Bachelor of Laws.

How much do Legal Advocates earn?

In Australia, a full time Legal Advocate generally earns around $1,635 per week ($85,020 annual salary) before tax. Increase your earning capacity by undertaking a full bachelor’s degree in laws or your specialist field.

Please note: These are median figures for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only.

What are the job opportunities for Legal Advocates?

There are no clear figures for Legal Advocates working in Australia at this time. They are employed by law firms, government departments, prisons and detention centres, community service organisations, and non-profits who specialise in social justice.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within legal services. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.