Higher Education
All The University of Western Australia Courses
The Master of Professional Accounting provides training in the technical aspects of the preparation of accounting data; develops your skills in the application of accounting information to solve problems and make decisions; and develops the important professional skills such as communication and critical thinking. You'll be able to complete the professional study requirements of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) qualification as part of this degree.
Learn moreAccounting is essential for monitoring and guiding business operations to enable managers to gain an accurate and up-to-date picture of the financial health of their organisations.
Our Accounting major focuses on the preparation, interpretation and communication of accounting information that is essential for effective decision making within an organisation. You can choose to undertake focused study in financial or management accounting, or complete a more generalised program of study covering a range of accounting subjects in greater depth.
Learn moreIf you wish to play a role in developing new computing technologies or specialise in enterprise-level programming, systems, software engineering or research, then Computer Science is the major for you. Learn the theoretical, algorithmic, implementation and systems principles that underpin computer languages and networks and discover how to develop new technologies and advanced programming techniques.
Computing software and systems are becoming more prevalent, revolutionising the way we live, work and communicate. If you'd like to develop new computing technologies or specialise in enterprise-level programming, systems, artificial intelligence, cyber security, software engineering or research careers, consider Computer Science. This major can also set you apart and complement your engineering studies, as knowledge of developing computer programs is highly sought after by employers.
Learn moreHistorians use evidence from the past to ask fundamental questions about humanity. Through learning about the past, we illuminate the present. Studying history will immerse you in discovery, debate, discussion, understanding, surprise and awe, and it will require of you rigour, reason, questioning, imagination and passion. You will be part of the process by which humanity’s memory itself comes to be made.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Psychology will help you develop a scientific understanding of human thoughts and behaviours, the psychological processes underlying these and the relationship of these processes to brain function.
Additionally, students gain group experience conducting research, the application of psychology in business settings, as well as gain some understanding of Indigenous heritage, experience, and knowledge.
It is a three-year undergraduate sequence in psychology, awarded accreditation by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC).
Learn moreBy studying the Juris Doctor at UWA, you'll benefit from our Law School’s longstanding and deep links with the legal profession. These ties contribute to consistently high rates of employment for our graduates. You'll also have the opportunity to learn from the very best of the legal profession as well as academic staff recognised nationally for excellence in teaching and research. You can participate in practical skill-building programs including mooting (legal advocacy) competitions and internships, and build lifelong friendships with a talented, diverse and vibrant cohort of future leaders.
After completing the Juris Doctor you'll enter the competitive graduate market with an edge, armed with both an undergraduate degree and the JD, which is a prestigious qualification offered by institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Columbia universities. You'll join the ranks of nationally and internationally renowned UWA Law School graduates including Rhodes Scholars, the members of the Judiciary and legal profession, as well as leaders at the highest level of business and government.
Learn moreAudiology is the clinical science involving the prevention, assessment and rehabilitation of hearing loss and associated communication disorders.
The course provides students with extensive supervised clinical placements in a variety of workplace settings. Employment prospects for Audiologists who graduate from UWA are excellent both within Australia and overseas. Graduates are eligible for full membership of Audiology Australia.
Learn moreThe UWA Doctor of Medicine (MD) aims to produce graduates committed to the wellbeing of the patient, community and society as responsible, accountable, scholarly, capable and caring doctors. This course prepares graduates with the clinical and professional attributes required for successful internships and future training. The course is accredited by the Australian Medical Council and graduates are able to be registered for professional practice as a doctor.
In the first year of the MD program, you’ll gain necessary background knowledge in biomedical sciences. In years two and three, students have clinical attachments in the wards and clinics of the hospitals of Perth, general practices and other community settings.
The final year commences with an opportunity to experience an overseas elective, and continues with clinical attachments and a Selective option. During this time, students complete their Scholarly Activity stream, e-Portfolio and Procedural Skills Logbook. Year 4 concludes with a Preparation for Internship block which includes an Extension option in a clinical area of their choice, and an intern-shadowing block to ensure graduates are ready for work as interns.
Learn moreThis course will qualify you as a primary school teacher (Foundation/Pre-primary to Year 6) with a comprehensive understanding of childhood development and learning.
You’ll focus on the interface between play-based learning and intentional teaching, with a special emphasis on the skills children need in developing literacy and numeracy, and be introduced to the breadth of learning required of children including science, the humanities and social science, the arts, and health and physical education.
There will be opportunities to practise your teaching skills in authentic settings throughout the course and in professional practice placements.
Learn moreUWA's internationally accredited Business School celebrates strong links with the business community, allowing you insight into leading industry practice.
Whether you're hearing from an industry guest lecturer, attending a career event, receiving an industry-sponsored scholarship or attending an exclusive lunch with corporate executives, you can confidently apply your skills in real-world situations. And, with a multitude of Business School student societies, you can attend professional development, networking and social events, all while taking part in a student-managed investment fund, leading a social entrepreneurship project or launching your own start-up enterprise.
As a Commerce graduate, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to tackle some of the greatest challenges facing the world. You could find yourself working at a global advertising agency, starting your own social enterprise or entering the world of corporate finance, among many other career destinations.
Learn moreMarine biology is the study of marine organisms, their behaviours and interactions with the environment. If you’re fascinated by our amazing marine life and the coastal environments in which they live, then this major is for you. Western Australia's marine environment is a biodiversity hotspot with up to 80 per cent of fish, invertebrates and other organisms found nowhere else in the world, making WA an ideal living laboratory for your studies. With complex issues such as climate change, growing populations, food production, and depleting natural resources, the need for marine science professionals continues to grow. This major will cover marine biology and ecology, marine and coastal management, and oceanography.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Biomedical Science is an exciting comprehensive undergraduate degree designed to meet growing global demand for graduates with expertise in a range of health science disciplines. Specialise in one or two of the 14 majors available, or combine a Biomedical Science major with another from Arts, Commerce or Science, to match your interests and tailor your studies with your career goals.
The degree offers options to study a wide range of health science disciplines, spanning studies of human cells, organs and systems, to the design of new drugs, the epidemiology of infectious diseases and the applications of exercise to health. This degree could lead to a exciting careers across a variety of industries and organisations, including academia, the pharmaceutical industry, bioinnovation sector, the medical professions, health service providers and practitioners.
Our Bachelor of Biomedical Science encompasses the biological basis of human structure and function, and the application of this knowledge to disease, wellbeing and society. It’s an exciting degree designed to meet growing global demand for health graduates. Some of your classes are held in cutting-edge labs at the UWA Health Campus, located on the QEIIMC site in Nedlands. As the largest medical centre in the southern hemisphere, it’s surrounded by major public hospitals, pathology services providers, and internationally renowned medical research organisations, including the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research and the Telethon Kids Institute.
Learn moreThis major gives you access to the frontiers of modern physics via a focus on mathematical skills. These skills are required to access modern physics including the key pillars of relativity and quantum physics, with applications to atomic, nuclear and particle physics, condensed matter physics, photonics and astrophysics.
Physics examines the world around us at the most fundamental level, from the origin and fate of the universe, to the behaviour of matter on sub-atomic length scales, and everything in between. The overarching objective of the Physics major is to provide you with access to the frontiers of modern physics via an emphasis on essential mathematical skills. The knowledge generated through the study of physics is the driving force behind most new technologies, from radars to lasers, transistors to quantum computers and electron microscopes to advanced medical imaging scanners. To complement your lectures, you'll have the chance to discuss, apply and expand on the theory of your unit in weekly practical laboratory classes and structured tutorials.
Learn moreThe Master of Data Science gives you the knowledge and skills to understand and apply appropriate analytical methodologies to transform the way an organisation achieves its objectives, to deal effectively with large data-management tasks, to master the statistical and machine-learning foundations on which data analytics is built, and to evaluate and communicate the effectiveness of new technologies.
As the rise of data science is a global phenomenon, the course prepares you for an international career. You will gain a detailed knowledge of contemporary data management and analysis technologies, including those for data collection and storage, visualisation, internet-based applications, and software project management.
Learn moreStatistics provides you with a comprehensive understanding of statistical theory, methods, and applications. You’ll develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, gaining expertise in data analysis, experimental design, probability, and inferential statistics.
Statistics offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide you with a solid foundation in statistical theory and practice. You’ll develop expertise in areas such as data analysis, experimental design, probability, and statistical modelling. The major emphasises hands-on learning, with practical assignments and projects that involve real-world data sets. You’ll also gain proficiency in statistical software used in the industry.
Statistics prepares you for the evolving demands of the industry. Graduates possess a unique skill set, combining statistical expertise with the ability to leverage advanced computational techniques and algorithms for data-driven insights.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Environmental Science teaches understanding, rational analysis, and improvement of human impacts on the natural world. These outcomes are achieved through critical review of current knowledge, systematic observation, experimentation, modelling, and rigorous data analysis.
Graduates in Environmental Science have strong theoretical knowledge, combined with practical and creative skills, equipping them with wide-ranging expertise, allowing them to solve diverse and emerging environmental problems and to communicate unbiased information to the wider community. The advanced skills and knowledge developed and demonstrated by graduates are highly valued by a range of local and international employers.
Graduating students will be both competitive in the employment market and well-prepared for further study in environmental science disciplines.
Learn moreThe Financial Economics Extended Major is unique to WA and sits within our Bachelor of Economics degree. You’ll learn core microeconomic and macroeconomic principles, as well as develop an understanding of the important role that money and banking play in an economy. This major covers economics, banking in theory and practice, international finance, and how money, banking and financial markets operate.
Throughout the major, you'll gain quantitative data analytic skills using our world-class Trading Room. Through developing skills using software and technology found in large modern financial institutions, you'll be highly valued by employers upon graduation. You'll also have the opportunity to undertake an internship with a private or public organisation, or through an industry-based project unit.
Learn moreThis course provides an education in the conceptualisation, design, construction and representation of buildings and other structures of a range of types and scales. Students develop an ability to integrate information drawn from a range of subject areas, and acquire advanced knowledge and skills that prepare them for successful careers in the creative and diverse world of architectural practice. The course provides core content in areas of technology, structures and professional practice. Application of material from these subjects occurs in design studio units that form the primary mode of learning in the course.
Students have opportunities to engage in Work Integrated Learning and placements through practicum units. In addition to the core theoretical and practical subjects, students have the opportunity of completing option units, or a research project, or a specialisation in a related area of expertise.
Learn moreAnthropology is the comparative study of human diversity, past and present. It examines behaviour, relationships and meaning within and between different societies and cultures. This major incorporates the study of key anthropological theories, and the history of the discipline, and introduces students to anthropological perspectives on religion and ritual, politics, kinship and land rights, and ecology and environment. It does so in a way that explores local experiences yet addresses the ‘big questions' for the future of human societies, not least that of climate change.
The major provides students with a comprehensive overview of one of the social sciences' core research methods - ethnography. Throughout, an emphasis is placed upon active learning and assessment, which enable students to develop job-ready skills, for working in fields such as: heritage, community and social development, or policy and analysis – in Australia, or anywhere in the world.
Learn moreArchaeology is the only discipline to study more than three million years of human history in all its facets. The UWA Archaeology major brings together specialist units of study such as, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, dating methods, DNA analysis, fieldwork, heritage, human origins and symbolism, Indigenous archaeology, and rock art. You will develop practical skills through laboratory classes and fieldwork units, with three field schools held each year.
UWA archaeologists are actively engaged in fieldwork around the world, from Australia to Africa, America and Asia – even Europe! We are also part of the Indian Ocean research area. In your second and third years, you'll have the opportunity to take part in a rock art and/or archaeological field school.
Learn moreAsia is home to two-thirds of the world's population and some of the most dynamic and fascinating societies on the planet. It’s also an economic powerhouse that is vital to Australia's future prosperity and security.
Asian Studies provides knowledge and a solid basis for critically understanding the great diversity of cultures, societies and political systems of Asia. Our popular in-country study options give you a golden opportunity to directly experience life in China, Japan, Korea or Indonesia and boost your resume.
Combining Asian Studies with an Asian language major of your choice equips you with the cultural literacy that is increasingly sought after by employers both in government and the private sector.
Learn moreMore than one billion people speak Chinese (Mandarin), making it the world’s most spoken language. Study Chinese and open doors to an exciting international career. This major caters to language levels from beginner to near-native speaker, and develops language skills, cultural literacy and knowledge of modern China. Classes focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening.
You'll learn to demonstrate a good written and spoken linguistic competence in the Chinese language, understand how culturally specific social structures affect interpersonal communication, and determine how to apply this knowledge to your own interactions in a culturally sensitive manner, identify key ethical, philosophical and social characteristics of Chinese culture, society and history, engage effectively in a professional manner in the key debates on Chinese history, society and culture, and produce coherent and well-argued written work, and demonstrate transferable skills, such as digital literacy, information management, group working, research skills and critical thinking.
Learn moreGreek and Roman cultures lie at the very foundation of the modern world and we are surrounded by their legacies – from political theory to sport, from religion to architecture, we are in many ways heirs to the classical tradition. This major combines the history, languages, literature, religions, and material culture of the ancient Greek and Roman civilisations to give you a holistic picture of this vibrant and eternally relevant era. The Greeks and the Romans struggled with many of the same crucial issues as we do: the rise and fall of great powers, the consequences of imperialism, religious tensions, and changing gender roles and expectations. UWA is the only university in Western Australia where you can study this major.
Learn moreCommunication and Media Studies provides you with practical training in communication and digital media skills alongside essential theoretical knowledge, to teach you how to be an effective and powerful communicator. Contemporary mediation and communication tools and practices are transforming the way we think about our identities, relationships and communities, from language to screen, and from emoji to social networks. This major facilitates your practical communication and digital media skills alongside theoretical knowledge, providing you with an essential platform for engaging with and developing a critical understanding of complex media environments.
Learn moreCriminology is an interdisciplinary subject area that has emerged from the attention distinct disciplines have paid to offenders and offending. Relative to the bachelor’s degree, our Criminology major provides a more concentrated coverage of knowledge and perspectives relating to crime, focusing on criminology, psychology and history. Core criminology content will allow you to learn about contemporary explanations for crime and criminality and the current structure of the criminal justice system, best-practice approaches to working with offenders, and national and international factors impacting on criminal justice policy making.
You'll be given the option to study other aspects of criminology, such as transnational and international crime and approaches to prevent contemporary crime and justice problems in Australia, along with a psychology unit on understanding criminal behaviour and history units dedicated to understanding crime and punishment in the United States and Europe.
Learn moreThe structure and program of offerings in the Fine Arts major make it the only one of its kind in Australia. Following a foundational first year of study in which you develop fundamental practical skills in tandem with a body of conceptual and theoretical knowledge, you then select from three specialist pathways. These focused areas of creative practice are film, art and biotechnologies, and art and environment. Over the course of your second and third year of studio-based practice you incrementally develop expertise in one of these focus areas with complementary studies in the History of Art and elective studies in areas that align with your individual interests and support your creative work.
Learn moreThe major caters for students from beginners to native speakers. Study past and present French and francophone literature, films, contemporary society, and popular culture, and gain a holistic and stimulating cultural and educational experience. You also have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program at leading universities and elite schools throughout France and Canada. Achieve high levels of competency in listening, speaking, writing and reading the French language. Gain a skill that will add value to any career as well as open up exciting new travel opportunities
Learn moreThe major is grounded in interdisciplinary methodologies and equips students with the analytical, communication, and advocacy skills to foster equity, diversity and inclusion in any context. It also emphasises skills in collaboration, leadership, group dynamics, and literacy in screen, print and digital cultures.
The Gender Studies major draws on knowledge and perspectives from a range of disciplines including anatomy and human biology; anthropology; art history; biomedical science; classics and ancient history; English; history; Indigenous knowledge, history and heritage; law; music; political science and international relations; and work and employment relations.
Learn moreThis major caters for students at all levels, from absolute beginners to native speakers. It offers a wide perspective as you will explore not only centuries of German history and culture, but also contemporary film and media, as well as Germany’s profound impact on the sciences, music and philosophy, both in Europe and around the world. Social history and culture are studied from the many centuries of the German literary tradition – prose, poetry and drama, music, film and advertising.
Learn moreThis major enables you to achieve a high level of fluency in the language of Australia’s closest neighbour and the world’s fourth largest country. As well as learning how to speak, read and write Indonesian, you’ll study Indonesia’s vibrant culture, ethnically diverse society and never-dull politics, graduating with skills and attributes in demand by employers in both the public and private sectors.
Demonstrate a good written and spoken competence in the Indonesian language, understand how culturally specific social structures affect interpersonal communication, and, determine how to apply this knowledge to your own interactions in a culturally sensitive manner and, engage effectively in the key debates on Indonesian history, society and culture in a professional manner, and produce coherent and well-argued written work
Learn moreThis major will allow you to communicate effectively in Italian, in speaking, writing, listening and reading. It also offers a wide perspective on Italian culture, in Italy itself and in Italian-speaking communities around the world, including Australia. You may start Italian as a beginner, or commence a major following school study or as a near-native speaker. Italian Studies involves the study of the Italian language as well as its culture. As a language, Italian is rewarding to study – opening up the riches of Italy's cultural past and the fascination of its dynamic present.
Gain a richer understanding of the arts, music, design, architecture, opera and food by learning a language considered by many to be the most beautiful in the world. The Italian Studies major teaches levels of competence in speaking, writing, listening and reading. It also offers a wide perspective on Italian culture, not only of Italy itself but Italian speaking communities around the world, including Australia. This major caters for students to challenge and engage at all levels, from beginners to native speakers. Enhance your educational experience with exchange programs in Italy at approved universities such as Siena, Milan or Perugia.
Learn moreThis major offers you an insight into one of Asia’s foremost economic and cultural powerhouses. You’ll learn and develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, while exploring contemporary Japanese society and culture. Studying Japanese language, culture and society means taking a significant step towards being Asialiterate – an important attribute for future global citizens, particularly in Australia.
Show competence in the Japanese language in the four skills of language acquisition – reading, writing, listening and speaking, operate effectively in daily conversations or complex discussions in social and academic work situations and, understand and engage with Japanese-language texts and Japan-relevant English-language material – written, audio or visual – of an intellectual nature in particular areas of interest and expertise
Learn moreKorean Studies is an interdisciplinary area of research and critical analysis of the culture, society, philosophical thought and language of the Korean peninsula and its diaspora. The course structure includes a strong element of Korean language studies, as well as social sciences study units which give students opportunities to pursue topics they find personally interesting, from literature and popular culture to politics and history. You will also have the choice of undertaking part of your major at a partner institution in Korea.
Learn moreThis major aims to give you the broadest possible grounding in contemporary linguistics and enables you to specialise in your areas of interest. This major includes both fascinating theoretical research and practical field-orientated projects. You'll have the opportunity to work on a variety of linguistic topics including grammatical descriptions and dictionaries of Australian Aboriginal languages, analysis of Australian English and Romance languages, the study of meaning in language and the relation between language and society. You do not need to know a second language or 'be good at languages' to excel in Linguistics. Many excellent linguists speak only one language; all you need is a healthy curiosity.
Learn moreThe Music Studies major attracts students from across the University who are keen to develop their passion and skills in music. Through Music Studies you have the opportunity to innovate, create, and expand your knowledge through performance, composition or musicology. Develop your artistic and creative skills while gaining a broad grounding in music. You will have the opportunity to choose a specialist area of music study in addition to studying common core units.
Many students combine this major with another area of study. As a result you will experience studying with students from diverse backgrounds, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Students wishing to specialise in performance, composition or musicology should consider enrolling in the Bachelor of Music.
Learn moreThe study of philosophy involves thinking about some of the big questions we ask during our lifetime. You will explore a vast range of influential ideas, from the ancient philosophers, whose works are preserved in manuscripts from India, China and Greece, right down to cutting-edge contemporary work on pressing ethical issues, the nature of mind and artificial intelligence. Learn to distinguish between good and bad arguments, and make informed recommendations on contentious issues.
Studying Philosophy allows you to explore a vast range of influential ideas, from the ancient philosophers (whose works are preserved in manuscripts from India, China and Greece) right down to cutting-edge contemporary work on pressing ethical issues, the nature of mind and artificial intelligence. Because Philosophy teaches you the critical thinking skills fundamental to success in every field, the Philosophy major makes an excellent combination with more vocational programs of study including Law, Medicine, Computer Science, Business and Psychology.
Learn moreSpanish is the second most-spoken native language in the world, and UWA is the only university in WA to offer Spanish Studies. Achieve competency in listening, speaking, writing and reading the language. Experience the culture and learn about the lifestyle and achievements of Spaniards both in Spain and in the 20 Spanish-speaking countries around the world. Studying Spanish is not simply about learning a language – it's an experience that will open your mind to different cultures. Spanish Studies helps you achieve a functional level of competency in listening, speaking, reading and writing the Spanish language, but it is also about studying Spanish literature, films and popular cultures.
Learn moreThe rapidly growing population, changing climate and limited land and fresh water resources are impacting on the ability of agriculture to meet demand. Science-based solutions are required to achieve these worldwide goals and for industry and community development. A major in Agricultural Science provides you with the tools for diverse career options in the booming agriculture industry. Our staff are leading research scientists and student-focused lecturers who are passionate about agriculture and have strong links with industry representatives.
Australia's agricultural industry is a key part of the world's food supply system. The challenges of a rapidly growing population, climate change, and the limitations of land and fresh water all impact on the ability of agriculture to meet the demand for food, fibre and fuel. As part of the Agricultural Science major you will investigate how to address this demand by developing an understanding of the complex factors that shape agricultural systems. Agricultural Science provides the research, technology and information for the sustainable and ethical development of the agricultural industry. Your studies will include soil science, genetics, cropping systems, soil-plant interaction, livestock production, agricultural economics and grain marketing. It is envisaged that there will be up to two overnight field trips (costing up to $200 per student to cover the cost of food and accommodation on overnight field trips, across a maximum of four nights).
Learn moreThe Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major investigates how the natural world works. You'll gain an insight into the mechanisms of evolution, growth, development, reproduction and disease, plus tools to improve our quality of life. As well as careers in academic, medical and agricultural research, graduates with a major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are equipped for careers in patent law, scientific equipment sales, management of clinical trials, forensic science and many others.
Biochemists and molecular biologists are interested in the molecular functions of all living organisms, from the smallest bacterium to the largest whale. In this major, you'll study the way molecules are organised and how they interact to achieve the functions of the living cell and that of the organism. Your investigations consider the information stored in DNA, molecular interactions, and how organisms gain and use energy. The major provides insights into the mechanisms of evolution, growth, development, reproduction and disease, plus the tools to improve our quality of life.
This may be through the development of a drug or drought-resistant crop plant or understanding what controls an individual's health. At the end of the major you'll understand the theoretical basis of biochemistry and molecular biology and demonstrate critical analysis and the application of scientific method to biochemical problems. You will have solid technical competency in basic laboratory skills including solution preparation, qualitative and quantitative analytical methods, and operation of general laboratory equipment. As well as careers in academic, medical and agricultural research, graduates with a major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are equipped for careers in patent law, scientific equipment sales, management of clinical trials, forensic science and many others.
Learn moreBotanists study how plants evolve and adapt to changing climates and environments and have a proactive role in mitigating the loss of biodiversity. Botany is an ideal major if you are enthusiastic about Western Australia's unique native flora or agricultural crops, and are interested in addressing current and future threats to plant conservation and sustainability.
Botany is the scientific study of plants – from their structure and function to their indispensable roles in ecosystems and the intricacies of their cell function. Botanists study how plants evolve and adapt to changing climates and environments and have a proactive role in mitigating the loss of biodiversity. Botany is an ideal major if you are enthusiastic about Western Australia's unique native flora or agricultural crops, and are interested in addressing current and future threats to plant conservation and sustainability. In this major there will be up to three overnight field trips, the cost of which is to be paid for by the student (up to $500 to cover food and accommodation for around 10 nights).
Learn moreChemistry provides a foundation and detailed understanding of fields such as biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, green chemistry, chemical engineering, food science, cosmetic and fragrance industries, materials science, nanotechnology, pharmacology and molecular biology. Chemistry is often called the central science because so many scientists study chemistry at some level and it is important to virtually all areas of modern science. Chemistry is the science of the molecular scale and involves study of molecules and materials, the exploration of their properties and the means to use them.
Studying Chemistry provides a foundation and detailed understanding of fields such as biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, green chemistry, chemical engineering, food science, cosmetic and fragrance industries, materials science, nanotechnology, pharmacology and molecular biology. In the Chemistry major students will also develop an understanding of complex reactions, the mechanisms of reactions and the physical and chemical manipulations that can be used to make reactions occur. This major, importantly, complements majors in other disciplines such as Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Agriculture, Business and Engineering Science.
Learn moreConservation biologists work to prevent the extinction of the world's plant and animal species. According to Conservation International, the South West of Australia is one of the world's 36 'biodiversity hot spots' making WA an ideal living laboratory for your studies. You'll focus on how to protect and restore biodiversity, particularly understanding and minimising human impacts on the natural world.
Human activity and population growth are increasing the pressure on natural ecosystems and many biologists believe we are currently experiencing the sixth global mass extinction. This major has been developed in consultation with local conservation industry to provide you with the relevant skills and knowledge to manage and research threatened species and ecological communities. Field trips are a core part of the unit and there will be a cost of up to $1,000 to cover the cost of food and accommodation for around 17 nights, to be paid by the student.
Learn moreWith a major in Cybersecurity from UWA, you’ll be ready for a range of specialist cybersecurity roles. With industryintegrated learning, you’ll gain the knowledge, techniques, tools and practical skills to lead creation, implementation and management of secure computer systems, protecting people and their data from cyber attacks.
With industry-integrated learning, this major will provide you with the knowledge, techniques, tools and practical skills to lead creation, implementation and management of secure computer systems to protect people and their data from cyber-attacks. A rapidly expanding field of IT, cybersecurity skills and expertise are increasingly in demand. Cybersecurity experts design, build, configure, and maintain secure computer systems They assess risks to determine how best to reduce the potential impact of breached systems and calculate the cost and benefit trade-offs in implementing secure systems. Employment opportunities exist across a wide range of industry sectors and job roles include user support technician, system administrator, program or application developer, project manager, and web specialist.
Learn moreThis major focuses on data and scientific computation. In our data-driven world, information is now being collected at an unprecedented speed and scale. According to IBM, more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated a day. From predicting trends to protecting personal information, companies around the world need data scientists to process, explore and harness meaning from their data.
Content in this major is delivered in lectures given by world-renowned experts in the field, as well as tutorials with your peers and practical laboratory classes where you will put your theoretical knowledge into practice using the latest technologies. You'll develop an understanding of how to use technology for efficient and effective data collection, conversion, analysis, visualisation and interpretation. You'll learn how to integrate new technologies to create science, engineering and business systems, and how to design useful and usable software. The practical computing and information technology skills acquired will greatly complement knowledge and skills acquired in science, arts, business and engineering majors.
Learn moreGrowing populations in less developed countries and rising incomes in developed countries are placing increasing demands on the Earth’s environment and natural resources.
As an Environmental Management student you will learn how to apply scientific, economic, policy and social analysis to help society make better decisions to protect the environment.
If you have a strong interest in science, a commitment to the environment, and want to play a role in the future of our environment, you will be well-suited to study this major.
Learn moreThe Environmental Science major encompasses both the biological and the earth sciences. Environmental issues are many and varied so the use of an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving is essential. You'll develop techniques in scientific modelling to achieve practical solutions to these problems. Environmental scientists deal with issues such as climate change, carbon trading, greenhouse gas emissions, water resource management, salinity, land degradation and rehabilitation, flora and fauna, habitat destruction, deforestation, energy and mineral depletion, air and water pollution, soil erosion, and groundwater contamination.
Learn moreYour studies in genetics involve the analysis of DNA and the many ways in which it is expressed. This major delivers a broad overview of the universal principles, potentials and problems associated with DNA-based life, and provides you with the essential skills of a geneticist. The knowledge acquired by studying genetics opens up many career opportunities because it is important for all biological sciences, allowing you to work in a wide range of disciplines including agriculture, biochemistry, botany, conservation biology, ecology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology and zoology.
Learn moreGeographical Sciences is the science of place and space providing an understanding of humans, environments, and the dynamic relationships between them. Geographers study the Earth's climate and landscapes, as well as people and the communities in which they live. Geographical Scientists are in-demand as graduates for their ability to draw answers from complex spatial data using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Technologies. This major incorporates a wide range of opportunities to develop career relevant skills including GIS, field-based data collection and analysis, as well as professional communication approaches such as policy briefs, consultancy reports and oral presentation.
Learn moreKnowing how our planet works through study of ancient and modern processes is increasingly important for discovery and management of natural resource and predicting future changes in the Earth system. You'll learn to interpret geological processes and Earth history, and discover the formation of important resources and how climate and environments change through time. Teaching consists of lectures from leading experts and industry professionals, computer and laboratory classes, and tutorials. This course includes extensive fieldwork, with several field trips. UWA is well equipped for teaching and research in geology, with access to some of the world's most advanced analytical equipment and super-computing facilities.
Learn moreMathematics is the language of science, technology, engineering and finance. This major provides a comprehensive study of the principles, theories, and applications of mathematics. You'll develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, enhance your reasoning abilities, and build a solid foundation in various branches of mathematics.
Mathematics provides a comprehensive and in-depth study of the principles, theories, and applications of mathematics. You'll develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, enhance your reasoning abilities, and build a solid foundation in various branches of mathematics. Essential areas covered include calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, probability and statistics, differential equations, mathematical modelling, and more.
The single major in Mathematics allows you to undertake a second major in another discipline, for example statistics, physics, computer science, data science, business, or engineering. This interdisciplinary approach enables you to broaden your knowledge and skills, complementing your mathematical expertise with insights from another field. Tailor your studies further by choosing elective units that align with your interests and career goals.
Learn moreMicrobiology explores the hidden world of microorganisms and how they shape our health and ecosystems. Immunology is the study of our immune system and how this interacts with the environment to create healthy or disease syndromes. Your studies can be applied in areas as diverse as medicine, food spoilage, control of environmental pollution and space science. You'll receive a thorough grounding in the scientific basis of the discipline and its applications in the real world.
Information in this major covers basic immunology including allergic diseases and microbiology including microbial ecology, physiology and genetics of microbes. This knowledge can be applied in many diverse careers including but not limited to medicine, public health and industrial activities such as environmental testing, food production and patent law.
The Microbiology and Immunology major is distinguished by the embedding of the discipline's research strengths in virology, bacteriology and immunology. You'll be taught by the people conducting this cutting-edge research and you will discuss, apply and expand on the theoretical content of your unit in weekly practical laboratory classes and structured tutorials. You will develop skills in fundamental techniques such as culturing techniques for the isolation and characterisation of bacteria, the use of microscopy for the identification of microbes, and data recording. A strong emphasis is placed on applications in biomedicine and biotechnology.
Learn moreNeuroscientists investigate areas of the nervous system. How do nervous systems grow, develop and learn? How do we process the sensory stimuli we receive? You'll be taught by academics with established international reputations in research.
Discover the nervous system at all levels, from molecules that make up individual nerve cells and the transfer of information from one nerve cell to another, to the complexities of how behaviour, thought and emotions are produced. Neuroscientists are interested in how nervous system function can be restored after disease and injury to the brain. Studying a major in Neuroscience means you'll be taught by academics with established international reputations in neuroscience research at all levels.
Learn moreHow does your body cope with stresses such as intense exercise, blood loss and dehydration? How does your nervous system respond to the world around you? What happens to your body in stressful environments? This major provides answers to these questions and teaches you how the human body works.
The Physiology major teaches you how the human body works, from the molecular and cellular levels, to tissues and organs, and explains how these interact together with the environment to produce beneficial results for the organism. You'll also examine diseases and the changes that occur at the molecular and cellular levels and how these impact on whole body function. Through these investigations you'll understand how physiologists contribute to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to combat the mechanisms of disease.
Learn moreThe Zoology major will provide you with the opportunity to study animals and their habitats including Western Australia’s unique fauna. These habitats are diverse and range from deserts through to temporary wetlands and rainforests. Zoologists discover the solutions to the problems presented by these habitats.
This major will provide you with a sound knowledge and understanding of animal structure and function and the evolutionary processes that have engendered animal diversity. Zoologists also study physiology, reproduction, behaviour, community ecology and molecular genetics. Zoology underpins society’s interest in conservation and marine science including major contributions to current research in fisheries and ecosystem management. It is envisaged that there will be up to two overnight field trips (cost of food and accommodation of up to $200 for around four nights to be paid by the student).
Learn moreThis major covers the foundations of business and organisational management. It will give you a grounding in essential business knowledge, taking in technical and theoretical disciplines such as business reporting, economics, marketing and management principles, as well as key practical communications and data literacy skills. You’ll also be able to put your knowledge into practice through a range of internships, industry projects or work-integrated learning to further enhance your career options.
Learn moreGlobal Business is for students interested in developing key business skills within a broad international context. Students will engage with a range of issues across a number of different disciplines, including the principles of international management; the future of work; and the social, cultural and economic implications for businesses of globalisation in the 21st century.
Learn moreA teacher preparation program for university graduates who seek to begin a rewarding career in education. This course ensures you have an in-depth knowledge of the theory and the practical skills required for secondary teaching. Your subject area expertise, coupled with this sought-after teaching qualification, will see you thrive in the global knowledge society.
Candidates must have a degree with sufficient units related to a subject in the school curriculum. As there is a shortage of secondary English, Mathematics and Physics teachers in Australian schools, we particularly encourage students with qualifications in those areas to consider a career in teaching.
Learn moreYou will gain a strong foundation in the core fields of epidemiology, biostatistics, qualitative research methods, health economics and health promotion, plus the broader social context in which health programs are planned, delivered and evaluated.
This course is available by: coursework; coursework and 24-point dissertation; or coursework and 24-point practicum.
Students may choose a research project that includes conducting a review of a body of scientific literature, writing a literature review and a detailed project proposal, development of instruments, an ethics committee application and preparing an analysis plan.
Learn moreThis course is designed for professionals in education who wish to expand their expertise and career possibilities. It will introduce you to theory as well as national and international educational practices. You will have the opportunity to connect these considerations with your own experiences. Through disciplined dialogue and the sharing of ideas and information, you will broaden your knowledge, improve your skills, and develop your professional agency. The course also presents an opportunity to select an area of specialization. In addition, a research component (comprising at least 25 per cent of your studies) provides an opportunity to develop research skills as a basis for further professional inquiry. The course delivery arrangements are flexible and particularly suited to the requirements of people in full-time careers.
Educational Leadership units
Take all units (24 points):
- Human Resource Development in Education [EDUC5610]
- Leadership for Learning [EDUC5612]
- Assessment and Measurement [EDUC5636]
- Globalising Education Policy [EDUC5658]
This unit develops the themes of theoretical perspectives in human resource development— the 'big picture' of educational change; the 'little picture' of self-management; motivation; emotional intelligence; leadership; team building; societal and organisational culture; conflict management; performance management and staff appraisal; and professional development.
Educational leadership is examined in the current global context of change and reform. Leadership approaches are linked with theoretical perspectives about organisations, and students are asked to apply insights gained from reading and discussion to their specific work context.
In this unit, we will work collaboratively as a collegial group of educators to broaden our knowledge and expertise for planning, designing, and implementing quality assessment. Assessment is integral to the credibility and culpability of an educational institution and is the core of an institution's and teachers' responsibilities.
This unit equips students with the knowledge and skills to understand and critically engage with current and emerging education policy trends in Australia and globally. Students will learn to be critical consumers of education policy and research, identifying and analyzing the impacts of current and emerging policy trends in key areas of schooling policy, including curriculum, school funding, assessment, teaching standards, equity, and school governance.
A major in Exercise and Health Science ensures you will graduate with a broad knowledge and understanding in the area of exercise and health. When taken with the Sport Science major where Sport Science is the degree-specific major, this combination leads to accreditation as an exercise scientist. Your knowledge and skills also complement other science areas, potentially leading to postgraduate professional training.
Are you passionate about exercise and health? Do you want to spread the word and educate others about keeping fit and being healthy? This major develops your knowledge and skills in the exercise and health domain, with relevant training for careers in the health education, exercise rehabilitation, health service delivery, and fitness industries. Your knowledge and skills also complement other science areas, potentially leading to postgraduate professional training.
You’ll study a mix of core units to give a solid foundation in the area and are able to choose from option units to ensure you graduate with a broad knowledge and understanding in the area of exercise and health. The Bachelor of Science with a degree-specific major in Sport Science and a second major in Exercise and Health is a National University Course Accreditation Program (NUCAP) accredited course. Upon graduation, you may apply to Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) within two years of completing the course for credentialing as an Accredited Exercise Scientist (AES).
Learn moreMicrobiology explores the hidden world of microorganisms and how they shape our health and ecosystems. Immunology is the study of our immune system and how this interacts with the environment to create healthy or disease syndromes. Your studies can be applied in areas as diverse as medicine, food spoilage, control of environmental pollution and space science. You'll receive a thorough grounding in the scientific basis of the discipline and its applications in the real world.
Information in this major covers basic immunology including allergic diseases and microbiology including microbial ecology, physiology and genetics of microbes. This knowledge can be applied in many diverse careers including but not limited to medicine, public health and industrial activities such as environmental testing, food production and patent law.
The Microbiology and Immunology major is distinguished by the embedding of the discipline's research strengths in virology, bacteriology and immunology. You'll be taught by the people conducting this cutting-edge research and you will discuss, apply and expand on the theoretical content of your unit in weekly practical laboratory classes and structured tutorials.
Learn moreNeuroscientists investigate areas of the nervous system. How do nervous systems grow, develop and learn? How do we process the sensory stimuli we receive? You'll be taught by academics with established international reputations in research.
Discover the nervous system at all levels, from molecules that make up individual nerve cells and the transfer of information from one nerve cell to another, to the complexities of how behaviour, thought and emotions are produced. Neuroscientists are interested in how nervous system function can be restored after disease and injury to the brain. Studying a major in Neuroscience means you'll be taught by academics with established international reputations in neuroscience research at all levels.
Learn morePharmacology is the branch of science that seeks to provide a deep understanding of the effects of drugs on the human body. Some topics explored include how medicines produce their effects on specific body systems such as the cardiovascular or central nervous systems, and how drugs act at the cellular and molecular level. How can we avoid their toxic effects? How does the body protect itself against drugs and other foreign chemicals? Why do many drugs work better in some patients than in others?
As a student majoring in Pharmacology, you'll learn how common drugs target specific receptors in body tissues, exerting effects as either agonists or antagonists. You will also explore the major biochemical pathways that are activated when drugs interact with their respective receptors. Other key topics include pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, drug dependence, toxicology, pharmacogenomics and drug discovery.
This major provides an appreciation of how drugs produce changes in such key bodily functions as blood pressure, lung performance or pain perception. Since pharmacology is a very practical area of science, theoretical concepts from lectures are reinforced and expanded upon during regular laboratory classes. You'll be taught by leading lecturers who are actively engaged in modern biomedical research.
Learn moreThis major will develop your fundamental statistical and programming skills in data analytics, which you will apply to a range of commercial and economic contexts. You will also gain the written and oral communication skills necessary to present this analysis to a range of business stakeholders.
Learn moreBusiness Law is an ideal major for anyone planning a career in the business or government sectors. This major also lays the foundations for a successful postgraduate studies in law.
This major focuses on the fundamental relationship between law and business and is ideal for those planning careers in a range of business areas including professional accounting, business management, international trade and industrial relations. It will equip you with important skills in teamwork and in written and oral communication, as well as high-level analytical, problem-solving and research skills.
Gain a solid understanding of the Australian legal system and how it impacts on business and commercial transactions. You'll learn about the law relating to contract, torts, corporations, agency, partnership, fiduciary obligations, taxation, banking, secured transactions, e-commerce, intellectual property, consumer protection and international commercial law. You'll learn how to recognise and analyse potential legal problems that can arise from common business transactions. You'll acquire knowledge and skills that empower you to intelligently request, understand and act on legal services and advice. A strong grounding in business law is increasingly being seen as an attractive attribute for potential employers, as the personal liability of professionals, business managers and public servants continues to grow.
Learn moreEconomics is at the forefront of controversial public policy issues such as economic growth and the stability of the entire economy, regulating financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policies, dealing with the Australian economy, resource taxation, financing education, immigration, health insurance markets and retirement income planning.
This major includes core subjects in microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics provides the framework for analysing issues in taxation, trade and the competitive structure of markets, while macroeconomics focuses on the forces that influence long-term economic growth, inflation, unemployment and the balance of payments. By exploring both microeconomics and macroeconomics, you’ll develop the capacity to understand the fundamental workings of the economy and markets, and implications of economic policy.
Learn moreA major in Finance teaches you the practical aspects of finance, including corporate finance issues such as the appropriate mix of equity and debt to finance projects, identifying the optimal dividend policy, and the resourceful selection of business projects. You'll also learn aspects of investment and appropriate risk management techniques.
In addition to the fundamental theories that have shaped the current thinking on financial issues, you'll consider the major issues of the day, such as the recent global financial crisis and significant corporate and economy-wide events. Critical analysis, leadership skills, effective communication, ethical thinking and the development of strong research skills are the hallmarks of UWA's major in Finance. If you choose to pursue a career as a financial economist, you have the option to combine your Finance major with a major in Economics. This major is taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and other in-class activities.
Learn moreThis major brings together studies in management and psychology as you learn to develop a strategic approach to recruiting, training and developing an organisation's most important asset – its people. The Human Resource Management major explores how the proper management of employees contributes towards organisational effectiveness.
Learn moreGain sight into how effective leaders operate in leading organisations. Taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and other in-class activities the major in Management will develop your conceptual and practical skills in areas that include organisational behaviour, leadership, operations and project management, information systems management, small business management and entrepreneurship.
You can choose to gain an overall understanding of the field or select units from specialist focus areas in managing organisations, managing operations and business processes, or managing international business.
Learn moreEqually practical and theoretical, our marketing teachers are researchers who help you to understand the role of marketing, through curiosity, creativity, analysis, evidence, and innovation. We cover branding, content marketing, marketing analytics, social media marketing, and search engine marketing, to name just a few topics.
You’ll explore areas such as consumer behaviour, promotion, advertising, market research, project and channel management and strategic marketing. Practical projects may include developing marketing plans, implementing advertising campaigns, or conducting marketing research and developing marketing strategies. This major involves comprehensive study with some of the best marketing academics and professionals in the country. It is taught through a combination of lectures, tutorials, workshops and other in-class activities. Combined with the Business School’s high-level industry partnerships, it balances theory, practice and future prospects for students looking for a career in marketing.
Learn moreThis course is designed to equip practicing lawyers and law graduates with an advanced understanding of the law to meet the challenges of the dynamic workplace. You’ll learn from world-class teaching staff, current or former lawyers or former judges. You can study with the next generation of leaders in legal practice, government, business and the not-for-profit sector. The degree contains exciting elective units, such as Media Law and Space Law, Satellites and Drones.
Learn moreThis course has a strong emphasis on the application of contemporary and emerging technologies, including cloud and high-performance computing, agile web development and software project design and management.
You'll develop computer programs in a number of contemporary scripting and programming languages and apply logical and critical thinking skills to harness existing technologies to manage and analyse large data sets.
You'll also be introduced to other fundamental pillars of information technology (IT), including network and web-based systems and their security, and human-computer interaction.
The course is presented by members of UWA's big data and optimisation research groups, and includes guest lectures from industry. You'll participate in a group design project providing you with an opportunity to apply your knowledge to a real-world design challenge.
Learn moreToday’s businesses have an increasing need to make sense of the large quantities of structured and unstructured data that are generated. Understanding how to integrate large and complex data sets, and transform data into meaningful insights and actions, is vital for business success.
Business leaders equipped with the analytical skills needed to extract meaning from complex data sets, and translate this meaning into actionable insights, are highly sought after in the global workplace. To inform strategic decisions, and remain competitive, businesses must leverage the insights contained in the large volumes of data produced both within the business and in the broader business environment. One of the benefits of business analytics is the ability to collate and fuse multiple streams of secondary data, many passively collected, in order to better understand business processes, customer demands, and relationships between multiple agents.
Learn moreIn this major, you’ll discover the core theories, methods and practices to work at the forefront of this exciting, multi-disciplinary field in industries including biotechnology, biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, medical device and equipment industries, healthcare research and innovation. Learning to work on advances in biomedical technologies such as new surgical imaging, visualisation and simulation techniques, developing medical instruments and devices, you’ll be making a real impact on people’s lives.
Learn moreA Chemical Engineering major equips you with the skills and knowledge to design sustainable chemical processes, equipment and products to improve the society and the environment. A world of opportunities opens for you when you become a chemical engineer. You could be working with major local employers in energy and mining, or apply your knowledge and skills to the fine chemical industry, food industry, finance and consulting, renewable and alternative energy sector or government research agencies such as the CSIRO.
Learn moreOur Civil Engineering major will equip you with the skills to plan, design, construct and maintain projects such as commercial and residential buildings, roads, railways and train stations, airports, bridges, canals, harbours, dams, irrigation, drainage and flood mitigation systems and offshore structures.
You'll develop the essential personal and professional skills and knowledge needed for sustainable professional practice of civil engineering projects and to produce safe, economical and environmentally-sound structures.
You’ll cover geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, hydrology and hydraulic engineering, surveying, coastal and offshore engineering, construction and transportation engineering. And you'll get opportunities to apply engineering theory to real-world challenges, including industry projects.
Learn moreElectrical and electronic engineering spans from the nanometres-thick scale of advanced electronic devices to the kilometres-long scale of power transmission, and everything in between.
Our Electrical and Electronic Engineering major prepares you for a career in such innovative fields as developing sustainable energy solutions, designing technologies to improve our health, creating systems that support industry or communities, or designing electronics that transform lives.
You’ll develop the expertise to identify and solve challenges in the generation and transmission of information and electric power, and the design and testing of electrical and electronic devices, circuits and systems. You'll also consider the context of the broader system application, including economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints.
Learn moreMake a positive impact to our world as an environmental engineer, applying your understanding of natural systems and technical engineering skills to find creative solutions to pressures facing our environment and sustainable development. In the Environmental Engineering major, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of the environmental challenges facing our world and how we can apply engineering practice to assess and manage the effects of human and other activity on the natural and built environment.
The growing need for environmental protection has created high demand for professional environmental engineers. You’ll gain detailed knowledge on environmental management and design, environmental risk assessment, ecological engineering and design, environmental modelling, oceanography, contaminant fate and transport, hydrology, environmental fluid mechanics and more. A strong emphasis is placed on developing strong analytical and research skills, in particular advanced numerical techniques.
Be guided by world leading academics specialising in oceanography, water engineering, waste management, sustainable engineering and site decontamination.
Learn moreMechanical Engineering is all about the development, installation, operation and maintenance of machinery, solving practical engineering problems and improving efficiency – putting mechanical engineering graduates in high demand in many industries.
Ideal for anyone with an interest in how things work and being hands-on finding solutions and innovations. You'll explore the theory and practise used in mechanisms, machines, vibration, manufacturing, control, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials, robotics, and computer simulation. You'll gain the knowledge and skills to work in industry to design new devices, and to carry out research into mechanical systems including the system operation and control.
As well as covering the core theories, methods and practices used in modern mechanical engineering, you'll get opportunities to specialise in areas of personal interest. The course has a strong focus on research and design and emphasises the necessary skills and ways of thinking to lead future change in this exciting field.
Learn moreOur Mining Engineering major involves you being taught by internationally recognised experts who are across the very latest ideas and new technologies. Through class activities and mine site visits, you’ll get exposure to industry practises and form networks for your future career.
You’ll get the opportunity to work on practical projects, either individually or in a team. You’ll build the technical skills, mining science knowledge, industry connections and hands-on experience to excel in the global resources sector, and to lead the technological transformation and development of the industry.
You’ll gain detailed knowledge of surface mining, underground mining, rock mechanics and mine design with exposure to geology, data science, Python coding, finance, and management.
Learn moreStudying Software Engineering at UWA will provide you with the technical expertise and skills to design and implement a wide range of software engineering solutions. Along with advanced programming skills, you'll develop a diverse set of skills including teamwork, communication, problem-solving and project management to allow you to get ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.
With a solid foundation in software requirements, design, implementation, testing and professional engineering standards, you'll be equipped to adapt to new areas of specialisation and changes in technology.
With hands-on practical project experience, you'll be ready for a career that shapes the future of software engineering. In this major, you'll get the chance to work in teams to develop software solutions for real-world problems interacting with real-world clients. You'll also work with world-class academics on research projects, applying various software engineering skills gained, as well as learning about advanced topics in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and other emerging technologies of the future.
Learn moreThe Master of International Relations is a professionally oriented postgraduate course studied over three or four semesters (full-time equivalent). It offers you the opportunity to gain deep expertise in international relations, with a particular focus on our dynamic Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean regions.
The course provides you with knowledge, skills and networks to prepare you for a rewarding career in foreign affairs and diplomacy, government, international and non-governmental organisations, the media and education. The program is structured by a core component, where you will gain knowledge of the major sub-fields including International Relations Theory and Practice, International Security, International Political Economy, the Evolution of International Society, and Governance in the International System.
Elective units include a focus on important cross-cutting themes such as human rights, democracy, religion and non-governmental organisations, as well as on key global regions and powers. Our capstone unit options put you in the shoes of policymakers and diplomats responding to international crises and enable you to ‘practice international relations while studying International Relations’ through collaborative study with students, academics and diplomats from our Indian Ocean regional partners.
Learn moreMarketing plays a central role in understanding the needs of different groups of people in different places across the globe. Equally practical and theoretical, our marketing teachers are researchers who help you understand the role of marketing, through curiosity, creativity, analysis, evidence and innovation. Our Master's covers the cutting edge topics you need to work as a marketing manager, from digital to analytics. The Master of Marketing is suitable for both professionals working in the marketing field and related areas, as well as those wishing to move into the field.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Social Work develops your skills and knowledge to bring about positive change and socially just outcomes in the wellbeing of individuals, organisations and communities. Equipping you with the skills to advocate for and improve the lives of individuals, families and communities. Built in collaboration with industry, UWA's Bachelor of Social Work will equip you with the skills for a successful career.
Social workers are concerned with psychosocial problems; their causes, their solutions and their human impacts. Social workers work with individuals, families, groups, organisations and communities, and are committed to social justice and human rights.
Learn moreThe PhD comprises an independent, supervised research project mutually agreed upon by a student, supervisor, head of school and the Board of the Graduate Research School. It may be undertaken in any school in the University. The PhD requires the development and implementation of a rigorous research plan, based on a comprehensive understanding of the relevant literature and the need for answers to questions posed in that literature or as the result of a new theory. The thesis demonstrates a student's ability to document and interpret results, formulate theories and discuss the results in light of the current literature to a high level of competence. Each student's PhD experience is different because each student undertakes a unique course tailored to their interests and needs. All students undertake research that is assessed in the form of a thesis. Students may also undertake taught courses, industry placements and other developmental activities. Many students choose to spend part of their candidature undertaking research interstate or overseas.
Learn moreStudy music at UWA and join one of the world's highest-ranked performing arts programs. This extended major degree allows you to work with world-class musicians to develop your skills as an emerging artist. You will have the opportunity to pursue postgraduate training in many areas, including national and international centres of music excellence, and be ready for a career in the creative arts industry.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics enables students to develop analytical and technical skills and apply these skills to business contexts. This course enables graduates to draw insights from data to make better business decisions. Graduates of the course apply their knowledge in analysing, modelling and evaluating business and organisational data; and evaluating appropriate software and techniques to apply to a range of business data problems.
Enhance your analytical skills in one of the fastest growing fields around the globe. Business analytics is the future: be a part of it through a graduate certificate. This one-year part-time graduate certificate will enable you to draw insights from data to make better business decisions.
Learn moreUWA scientists are excited and passionate about their research. We invite Honours (or equivalent) graduates to consider undertaking the one-year Master of Science by Thesis and Coursework to work with, and learn from, our internationally recognised teaching and research staff in Science.
We are engaged in a wide range of scientific research across biological, molecular, human, psychological, agricultural, environmental and earth sciences.
In this course, you'll gain advanced understanding and skills in your chosen area of study, through undertaking a supervised research project and coursework units that include a literature review/proposal unit and an advanced coursework unit. You will present your thesis as a scientific paper to demonstrate high level research skills including project design and management, data gathering, analysis and synthesis, and development of summaries and conclusions as appropriate for the scientific discipline in which the research is undertaken.
Learn moreOur world-class academics and leading industry partners will ensure you’re exposed to the latest theory and practice.
Alongside this, you’ll have the opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities, from career fairs and networking events to joining student groups and attending professional development workshops and guest lectures from senior executives.
Learn moreCompleting postgraduate studies in Marketing will place you at the interface between an organisation and its customers, and the Graduate Certificate in Marketing will equip you with core knowledge in the field. The course can serve as a standalone qualification, or as an entry pathway into the Master of Marketing.
Marketing focuses on making and keeping customers by finding, communicating and sustaining the competitive advantage that makes a company truly successful. Topics covered in Marketing include advertising, company strategy, competitive analysis, and value creation.
Marketing students at UWA have the opportunity to undertake projects for organisations, and have previously worked with companies including Coles, Google, Microsoft, Rio Tinto, Tourism WA, Transperth, and Westpac.
Learn moreThe course is led by highly qualified, experienced, research-active and accessible experts in the field, with strong ties to the profession and community services and you will benefit from our research-led teaching, based on up-to-date data allowing you to apply the most relevant theory to your social work practice. The Master of Social Work is the most established Masters course in WA, with Social Work being first taught at UWA in 1965 and is accredited by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).
Learn moreCovering a wide range of applied finance topics, this specialised master’s course leads to careers in corporate banking and finance, stock-market trading, insurance, investment management and other areas of applied finance.
The Master of Applied Finance is a practical course designed for graduates already working in the finance sector, as well as those with a non-finance background who wish to move into the finance area.
Learn moreIn the past 20 years, under the guidance of a professional body – Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA), accredited Exercise Physiologists (EPs) have gained national recognition as the allied health professional with the knowledge and experience to prescribe exercise for people with chronic and complex medical conditions. EPs now have provider status with the Health Insurance Commission (Medicare), as well as many private and government health and compensable insurance schemes.
Learn moreThis course is a professionally accredited engineering degree for students who have completed undergraduate studies in engineering. You'll specialise in a program of engineering and undertake advanced engineering technical units, professional units, design and research projects, and undertake a 12-week professional practicum.
Learn moreThe Master of Economics is designed for students who plan to pursue careers as economic researchers and decision makers in the public or private sectors. The course attracts people employed by the public service and private enterprise, as well as teachers already holding a Bachelor of Economics who seek to improve their professional qualifications through postgraduate studies. Topics covered include microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, financial economics, resource economics, public economics, quantitative economics, economic history and economic development.
This course is ideal for students who wish to undertake post-graduate studies in economics and is designed for students who have completed an economics major in their undergraduate studies.
Learn moreAre you passionate about how sport and exercise play a vital part in general health and performance? Become an accredited Exercise Scientist with Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) and improve the health and performance of individuals, employees, athletes and the community. The Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Sciences takes a multidisciplinary approach to examine humans’ relationship with sport, exercise and physical activity. Theory is combined with hands-on laboratory and practical work so you have the opportunity to develop technical and communication skills.
Learn moreUsing world-leading research staff, business experts and mentors in biotechnology companies, you're provided with the fundamental academic and business skills needed to make a significant contribution to the biotechnology sector. You can specialise in either AQUAtech, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology, Genetics and Genomics, and Synthetic Biology.
Learn moreAre you looking for a career in corporate banking and finance, stock-market trading, insurance, investment management and other areas of applied finance? UWA’s postgraduate courses in finance are designed to provide you with a practical grounding in financial affairs.
This course will equip you to apply technical knowledge and skills to a variety of finance problems, such as capital investment decisions, investment analysis, and the management of option portfolios. This short course can serve as an entry point into the Master of Applied Finance or Master of Commerce (subject to students achieving a weighted average mark of at least 65 per cent).
Learn moreThis professionally oriented course offers you the opportunity to gain expertise in international relations. It prepares you for a rewarding career in foreign affairs and diplomacy, government, international and non-governmental organisations, the media and education. The course offers credited internship options and engagement in our professional networks.
Learn moreDoctor of Education (EdD) students engage in systematic critique and scholarly inquiry of complex concepts to advance knowledge and/or professional practice in education.Through the design, selection and application of appropriate research methodologies, students extend and redefine existing knowledge and practices, generating novel solutions to educational issues that contribute to professional practice and educational quality.
Learn moreThe Master of Landscape Architecture provides an education in the design, management and resilience of natural and built landscapes to improve the quality and our experience of the environment. Gain the knowledge and skills to respond to complex issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, urban ecology and water sensitive design by applying systems thinking and creative practice to develop long-term, multi-scale solutions.
Students have opportunities to engage in Work Integrated Learning and placements through Practicum units. Building on undergraduate studies in Landscape Architecture (or relevant conversion units), students acquire strong theoretical and practical knowledge and the high-level technical, analytical, design and communication skills necessary to formulate solutions to challenges and produce creative landscape architecture outcomes. The course provides emphasis on ecological, cultural and social design considerations at global, regional and local levels.
Learn moreThe course seeks to create sought after professionals who have the knowledge and practical skills to manage and solve environmental challenges, from local to global, now and into the future. Tap into UWA's long history of multidisciplinary research into environmental systems, and benefit from our unique experience in identifying innovative technology and policy based solutions.
Learn moreLearn about the role Criminology plays in understanding crime and how we deal with it, as well as effective criminal justice interventions.
Our specialised bachelor's degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice will teach you to draw upon knowledge and perspectives from disciplines including criminology, law, psychology, history, anthropology, geography, and forensic science. Through this, you’ll be exposed to the breadth of contemporary criminology and criminal justice issues.
Core criminology content will require you to learn about contemporary explanations for crime and criminality, the current structure of the criminal justice system, transnational and international crime, best-practice approaches to working with offenders, national and international factors impacting on criminal justice policy making and approaches to prevent contemporary crime and justice problems in Australia.
Learn moreThe Master of Urban Design allows students to engage with the challenges of this ‘urban century’ and prepares them to participate in all levels of the urban design profession.
You'll gain an in-depth understanding of urban design theories and issues; techniques of urban analysis; and skills for the design and development of cities and urban places.
The course also includes an option for second year specialisations in either Landscape Design or Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Learn moreThe DClinDent is a degree by coursework and includes a supervised research project and report. Coursework covers topics in biostatistics, research methodology, oral and maxillofacial radiography and radiology, practical aspects of specialist dentistry and discipline-oriented research. The program involves didactic teaching, weekly seminars, journal clubs and clinics combined with a supervised research project. Interdisciplinary teaching and research opportunities are available. The research methodology and the research project are worth 25 per cent of the degree. The research work must be presented as a formal research report/dissertation, and in some disciplines there may be an extra requirement that the research report must be submitted to suitable professional journals for consideration for publication. Additional training is provided in the practical aspects of extended patient care and patient-oriented research in the specialised field of dentistry, including the ethics of clinical research and effective communication of clinical research results.
Learn moreAre you interested in how governments can work to create a better future? A successful government must design and implement policies that will further the economic, social and legal interests of its citizens.
You will be equipped with a multidisciplinary understanding of the role of government in economic activity, public administration and governance, and legal decision-making.
Those who study public policy are driven to serve the public interest, and graduates of this course will work in all levels of government, in the not-for-profit sector, in consulting firms and in international organisations. They can be social entrepreneurs, policy analysts, consultants to government or hold public office.
Learn moreThe Master of Philosophy (MPhil) can be taken in any discipline for which appropriate supervision supervision and resourcing are available.
Learn moreThis master's degree course provides advanced study in the areas of pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, pharmacotherapy and health systems, and includes practical training in community and hospital pharmacy.
This program provides a direct pathway to a professional postgraduate qualification in Pharmacy for registration as a pharmacist in this country. The Australian government predicts strong employment growth for pharmacists over the coming years, partly due to the expanding role of pharmacists in healthcare delivery.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Marine Science offers the full breadth of the marine science discipline, combining knowledge of marine life with a solid understanding of the physical environment across all levels of biological organisation. You will learn about the complex interactions that occur in marine ecosystems and how to manage these systems in a changing world through lectures, laboratory exercises and field excursions. This degree at UWA is the ultimate multi- and inter-disciplinary learning experience that will provide you with the skills highly valued and sought after by employers around the world and leads you to clear choices in a master’s degree.
Learn moreAdvance your knowledge in international law and open up career opportunities in government, non-government organisations, inter-governmental organisations, and private institutions where international law is relevant. Taught by a diverse team of international law experts with extensive backgrounds in practice and research in international law, our award-winning teaching staff bring a practical, real-world perspective to international law. This course is suited to both the current law practitioner and those pursuing a career in Australia or overseas relevant to international law in government, non-governmental organisations, inter-governmental organisations and private institutions where international law is relevant. >
Learn moreRecent world events — including the pandemic, war in Ukraine, supply chain disruptions, and climate-related emergencies — underscore the need for people trained to dynamically respond to crises of a global scale.
UWA’s Bachelor of International Relations is a professional and practice-oriented program that provides the crucial conceptual knowledge and real-world experience required to tackle our most pressing global challenges. Students develop a rigorous understanding of International Relations from a range of perspectives — political, legal, historical and sociological.
In line with UWA’s expertise and Perth’s geography, students receive unique training focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. This comprehensive program includes the option of completing a language major as well as multiple opportunities to develop industry networks, including through in-country fieldwork.
Learn moreStrategic communication has never been more relevant – with the growing importance of digital media, all small, large, public and private organisations need a communication expert.
The Master of Strategic Communication opens up opportunities that lead into rewarding careers and it is also an excellent option for professionals who would like to progress their skills in this area.
The program is tailored to advance your capacity to succeed in a range of media and communications roles and provide effective strategy and leadership for industry, government and community.
Develop expertise and gain a set of highly sought-after skills in designing and managing communication strategies, projects and campaigns across a range of media platforms and professional contexts.
Learn moreDesigned to meet the requirements of international students. In this course you’ll develop the knowledge and skills to combine physics principles with engineering methods and techniques in the clinical environment and in research, for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Agricultural Science prepares you for agricultural systems of the future, as it integrates the rapidly developing field of AgTech with key agricultural science subjects. You will develop skills in digital agriculture, agricultural economics, soil science, and crop and livestock production. You will learn to integrate agricultural systems with new digital technologies, for improved farm efficiency and productivity.
Learn moreThis specialist degree is designed for professionals or graduates to pursue composition or performance at postgraduate level, as well as investigate the theoretical/historical aspects of performance and composition.
Learn moreThe Master of International Development engages you with the contemporary challenges of addressing poverty and inequality globally through an emphasis on empirical evidence, real-world case studies, and debates. You will develop the knowledge and skills to approach practical and policy challenges in a wide range of contexts by drawing on expertise from development geographers, political scientists, resource economists and development practitioners.
Learn moreThis course provides extensive training in the application of psychological theories and principles to workplace settings with a view to improving organisational performance and enhancing employee wellbeing.
The course offers training in the following areas: undertaking effective research in organisations; psychological assessment for enhanced personnel selection outcomes; employee training and skill development; implementing organisational change initiatives effectively; improving work design to enhance employee effectiveness, wellbeing, health and safety; applying the principles of human factors to optimise human-system interactions; team development and team work; and effective leadership behaviour.
The course also provides an opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills, under supervision, in organisational consultancy group project.
Learn moreThe Master of Forensic Anthropology enables you to undertake advanced studies in forensic anthropology, while developing an in-depth knowledge of the human skeleton. You'll gain a practical understanding of the scientist’s role within the Australian legal system, and have the opportunity to explore various anthropological techniques using traditional and digital modalities.
There is considerable diversity of research related to forensic anthropology, ranging from morphometrics through to computer-graphic facial reconstruction, and interdisciplinary research is encouraged.
You are provided with a grounding in ethics and research methods in forensic science, relevant theory and method applicable to forensic anthropology and the related disciplines of odontology and archaeology, as well as the analytical and practical skills needed to provide expert testimony in court.
After successful completion of eight coursework units you'll be able to specialise in a particular area of interest, gaining practical experience in an independent scientific study through the completion of a dissertation and data-based research projects of direct relevance to forensic anthropology.
Learn moreWorld populations and economies are increasing their demands for food and fibre. Agricultural systems are placed under pressure to meet environmental, social and economic goals. To maintain or increase production levels, an understanding of the complex factors that shape agricultural systems is required. This course prepares you with the knowledge and skills you need for a future in the rapidly evolving field of agricultural science.
Learn moreBiomedical science has direct relevance to everyone; it has a defining influence on our quality of life, the pursuit of healthy living and our capacity to diagnose and treat disease.
Biomedical Science encompasses a range of biological, medical and health-related disciplines, which address global biomedical challenges such as obesity, cancer, neurological diseases and cardiovascular disease. It draws on the disciplines of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and neuroscience to understand normal human biology (including our evolutionary history). It also uses the paraclinical disciplines of microbiology, pathology and pharmacology to understand and treat human disease.
You’ll have the opportunity to pursue advanced study in your biomedical science specialisation. Emphasis is placed on cutting-edge research and its translation to healthy living and to clinical settings of diagnosis and treatment of disease. While research training within a specific discipline is available as part of the course (e.g. advanced laboratory skills and their application within an independent research project), this is not obligatory. Therefore, you’ll be able to focus on building discipline-specific knowledge and an understanding of how this knowledge is applied.
Regardless of the amount of research training undertaken, the course places strong emphasis on developing research literacy, with thorough interrogation of the scientific literature and its communication.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Commerce comprises four units in accounting, economics, management and marketing. This is a standalone qualification, and can also serve as an entry point into the Master of Commerce. The course is ideal for graduates who do not hold an undergraduate degree in business.
A postgraduate qualification in Commerce from the internationally accredited UWA Business School can boost your employment opportunities around the world.
Our world-class academics and leading industry partners will ensure you are exposed to the latest theory and practice. Alongside this, you will have the opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities, from career fairs and networking events, to joining student groups and attending professional development workshops and guest lectures from senior executives.
Take your career to the next level with a postgraduate qualification in Commerce.
Learn moreThe rise and fall of economies, future employment prospects, incomes and living standards are all at the heart of economics. Economics is at the forefront of controversial public policy issues such as economic growth and the stability of the entire economy, regulating financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policies, dealing with the Australian economy, resource taxation, financing education, immigration, health insurance markets and retirement income planning.
Undertake a graduate certificate to be at the forefront of economic research and decision-making in the government or private sectors.
Learn moreThis course advances your capacity to effectively participate in the contemporary global communications environment across industry, government agencies and community organisations.
The course focuses upon development of your creative, analytic and organisational capacity in the area and provides you with a core set of practical and applicable skills that are vital for succeeding in a range of media and communication roles. You will develop skills in designing effective communication strategy and managing of communication projects across digital and traditional media formats.
Our program enables you to progress your capacity to communicate strategically to reach audiences, manage an organisation's image and messages and design effective communication projects and campaigns.
A Graduate Certificate in Strategic Communication provides you with both critical understanding and valuable hands-on experience that prepares you for a dynamic career, including project-based work used to develop a portfolio applicable in a range of industry contexts.
Learn moreThis course is aimed at practitioners from a range of disciplines who work in settings in which a strong mental health knowledge base is essential. This one-year course is for practitioners, managers and service planners working in the field of mental health, across government and non-government agencies, who wish to focus in-depth on the specialist knowledge and skills required for this complex and demanding area of practice.
Learn moreStudents who study public policy will work in all levels of government, in the not-for-profit sector, in consulting firms and in international organisations. They can be social entrepreneurs, policy analysts, consultants to government or hold public office.
Learn moreThe Graduate Diploma in Urban Design provides a focused year of urban design history, theory, implementation strategy and studio based learning. The Graduate Diploma builds on the Graduate Certificate and offers students experience as individual designers and as participants in interdisciplinary groups assigned to working on the complex nature of urban design issues. The Graduate Diploma also offers students preliminary experience in conducting independent research. Students graduating with a Diploma will have a working knowledge of urban design. Their degree of experience would qualify them to participate in interdisciplinary professional teams involved in the production of urban design in a professional context.
Entry into this course requires an undergraduate degree with a weighted average of at least 50%. Students from all fields are accepted. Australian and International students are welcome to apply, and the course is delivered both on-campus and online.
Learn moreAdvance your knowledge in international law and open up career opportunities in government, non-government organisations, inter-governmental organisations, and private institutions where international law is relevant.
Taught by a diverse team of international law experts with extensive backgrounds in practice and research in international law, our award-winning teaching staff bring a practical, real-world perspective to international law. This course is suited to both the current law practitioner and those pursuing a career in Australia or overseas relevant to international law in government, non-governmental organisations, inter-governmental organisations and private institutions where international law is relevant.
The course is available to both law and non-law graduates, and is particularly complementary to other disciplines such as international relations, economics and history. Study begins with core units in the foundations of international law, theory, method and contemporary issues, as well as foundations of public international law. You can then specialise by electing units from areas such as international criminal, human rights, environmental, oil and gas, and World Trade Organization law. You can also undertake a research paper to further deepen your knowledge and critique of a specific field of international law. You will apply the law to real-world situations and learn the skills needed to implement international law knowledge into the workplace, including research skills, oration and critical analysis.
Learn moreThe course consists of a total of 20 units within modularised streams covering comprehensive clinical care, Developmental & Behavioural Sciences, Diagnostic & Surgical Sciences and Restorative & Rehabilitative Sciences. DMD core modules cover fundamental dental and medical sciences. DMD clinical practice modules cover clinical dental sciences, including patient care, preventive and conservative dentistry, restorative dentistry and child and adolescent dental health.
You'll have early clinical exposure with dental immersion activities on introductory concepts in clinical dentistry, pre clinical exercises including dental simulation from first year. In your third year you'll actively engage in a research project. In your final year, you'll undertake quasi-independent but supervised practice, which takes place inside and outside of the School with compulsory rural and private practice rotations.
The school is equipped with a state-of-the-art digital radiology suite. The centralised production lab is fully equipped with Computer Aided Design (CAD)/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) facilities and dedicated high spec computers in a Virtual Learning Centre (VLC) for students to undertake CA/CAM design. The VLC has full functional digital radiology and virtual microscopy facilitates.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Agribusiness is designed to prepare you for employment in a variety of fields related to agriculture, including finance, marketing, international trade, policy formation, business management, and rural development.
You will learn to understand the unique nature of businesses related to agriculture, and develop the business and economics skills needed to assume managerial and leadership roles in agriculture and related industries. The knowledge and skills taught in the degree can be directly applied to address challenges agribusinesses face today.
The Bachelor of Agribusiness prepares you for a challenging and rewarding career in food production, food wholesaling and retailing, financial services, agricultural supply logistics, procurement, and input suppliers.
Graduates may take on positions such as policy analyst, commodity trade analyst, financial analyst, production supervisor, and marketing coordinator. Graduates can also further their studies by taking a master’s degree in agribusiness economics, agricultural economics or economics.
Learn moreGain world-class specialised translation training at the largest language hub in Western Australia and complete professionally endorsed (NAATI) translation training between English and one of ten languages.
Designed for graduates pursuing bilingual and multilingual careers, this course is taught by practitioners and translation researchers to help you develop a competitive edge in an increasingly globalised job market.
Learn moreThe Master of Research is a highly flexible course that mirrors the structure and breadth of the Master of Philosophy.
The Master of Research is a program of independent, supervised research that can be taken in any discipline for which appropriate supervision is available and is assessed solely on the basis of a thesis.
Learn moreThe course provides you with the opportunity to select a unique combination of postgraduate units to achieve your academic, professional and/or personal goals. Many of the world's major problems and areas of cutting-edge research are multidisciplinary and this course enables you to draw on a broad range of postgraduate units offered by different schools and faculties across the University.
Learn moreScience Communication provides you with experience in new media, written, oral and visual presentations, science performance and working with industry experts.
It teaches you to communicate effectively with audiences ranging from children to scientists.
Learn the principles of effective science communication, develop practical skills necessary for effective science communication, and design strategies that address communication needs of groups such as government organisations, informal museums, science centres and research centres.
You will gain an understanding of the theory underlying the discipline and be able to apply their knowledge to a research project.
Learn moreThis specialist degree provides a high-quality academic qualification in the theory and practice of the fine arts that carries credibility both nationally and internationally and empowers artists in their pursuit of national and international recognition.
The Master of Fine Arts consists of a combination of thesis and creative work. This course assumes a high level of both theoretical and practical expertise in fine arts.
Learn moreKnowledge of past and present earth processes is fundamental for predicting future changes in environments and climate as well as contributing to the management of vital resources.
This course develops your abilities to gather and interpret geological information for a wide range of applications.
With the majority of Australia’s mineral and petroleum resources found in Western Australia, UWA is in a prime location for you to strengthen your geoscientific knowledge and skills in gathering and interpreting geological information for a wide range of applications.
The structure and content of this degree lets you choose coursework units across a range of geoscience subdisciplines depending on your career aspirations, including fieldwork in Australia and overseas, as well as the possibility of undertaking a research project working with internationally recognised Earth Science staff.
Learn moreThis degree provides professional and research skills for graduates and professionals working in social work or social administration. This is a course of supervised independent research assessed on the basis of a thesis.
Learn moreBioinformatics is the application and development of methods from computer science to solve challenges within molecular biology and medicine. With rapid data and technology advances in the fields of biology and medicine, people with the skills required to manage and interpret large biological datasets are increasingly in demand.
The recent explosion of data and technology is rapidly changing the study and application of biology and medicine. This applies to advances in genetics and genomics as well as the huge diversity of phenotypic data being generated, related to everything from crop performance, the environment through to drug design and understanding and finding cures for human disease.
There is a huge demand for individuals who have the skills to manage and interpret this flood of information. The field of bioinformatics has grown and evolved to meet this demand.
Bioinformatics is a broad field, working across technologies with applied biological outcomes. Here the course provides the foundation in these broad areas of biology, with options to focus on the specific interests of the student, whether this be biomedical, environmental or agricultural.
Learn moreThe Graduate Diploma in Strategic Communication enables you to develop the set of skills, knowledge and capabilities required to participate in the contemporary communications environment in industry, government agencies and community organisations.
The course is tailored to advance your creative and organisational capacity and progress both your critical understanding and hands-on experience that prepares you for a dynamic career in a range of media and communication roles.
You will develop expertise in designing effective communication strategy and managing of communication projects across digital and traditional media formats. The course will also advance your ability to communicate strategically to reach audiences, manage an organisation's image and messages, and design communication projects and campaigns.
Our program supports development of your hands-on experience including project-based work used to develop a portfolio applicable in a range of industry contexts. Work placements provide additional access to industry experience. The course has a number of options for completion depending on individual requirements and aspirations.
Learn moreIf you’re looking to upskill in clinical psychology and you’ve completed a master’s degree or equivalent in clinical neuropsychology and are qualified with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) this bridging course allows you to do that. You’ll be eligible for endorsement as a clinical psychologist with the PsyBA and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Board (AHPRA).
The usual part-time nature of this diploma will suit you if you’re working as a practicing psychologist. However, depending on the units you’ve have already taken, it may be possible to complete within one year.
Learn moreDeveloped for teachers with three years' experience in the workforce, the diploma will add depth and breadth to your previous qualification.
There are six semester length units and a major paper, the latter representing 25 percent of the course requirements.Most classes are scheduled after school hours. Each unit consists of 25 hours per semester. A variety of assessment methods are used. The most common pattern includes seminar presentation and/or assignments to a total of 5000-6000 words per unit.
Learn moreThis professionally oriented course offers you the opportunity to gain expertise in international relations. It prepares you for a rewarding career in foreign affairs and diplomacy, government, international and non-governmental organisations, the media and education. The course offers credited internship options and engagement in our professional networks.
Learn moreThis course is designed to equip practising lawyers and law graduates with an advanced understanding of the law to meet the challenges of the dynamic workplace. You'll learn from world-class teaching staff and study with the next generation of leaders in legal practice, government, business and the not-for-profit sector.
The Graduate Diploma in Law consists of four postgraduate option units (24 points) and may be articulated into a Master of Laws or Master of Commercial and Resources Law. Units are often taught intensively, in non-standard teaching periods, to accommodate practitioners and overseas students. However, we also offer a range of options throughout the academic semesters.
Learn moreGraduates of this course are skilled in dealing independently with all routine forensic odontological casework; the efficient referral of cases of special difficulty outside or beyond their expertise; functioning under supervision as a member of a Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team; the independent preparation of evidence for presentation to courts of law; and being aware of their own need for further education in forensic odontology.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Urban Design provides students with a preliminary overview of the discipline of urban design and an introduction to its core principles, theories and practices. Students graduating with the Certificate would be familiar with the basic characteristics of urban design but would not be understood by the market as ‘urban designers’. The Certificate course aims to provide a ‘top-up’ qualification to professional practitioners and graduates of related fields or an introduction to Urban Design for graduates from unrelated fields.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Educational Research is a coursework program for educators who wish to deepen their understanding of educational research or progress to a higher degree by research. The graduate certificate may provide a pathway for educators who possess a four-year Bachelor of Education or a Master of Teaching but insufficient research background to demonstrate adequate research preparation for entry to a higher degree by research.
This part-time course is comprised of units on qualitative and quantitative research design and analysis and the successful completion of a dissertation. Across all units, students will be supported to demonstrate a high level of written and oral communication particularly in the dissertation unit. Students will develop critical literacy skills as they review and evaluate significant literature in their chosen field of interest.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate in Business Psychology will develop your understanding and skills to apply psychological knowledge to create better workplaces. Learn to optimise team member motivation and performance in regard to productivity, reliability, safety and well being.
The course is taught by a team of experts in various aspects of workplace psychology, who have many years of experience in industry and research, and a passion for sharing their knowledge.
Graduates of this course will have specialised knowledge of the application of psychological principles and theory to workplace settings, where workplace settings include organisations of all forms, industries, and sizes.
This course is delivered online and includes both self-paced learning and participation in several live online interactive workshops spread across the semester, for all units.
Learn moreThe Doctor of Optometry is a three-year program that combines on-campus teaching and clinical placements.
You will be trained in the early detection, diagnosis, treatment and management of eye diseases and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system.
The course content and teaching is based on the competency standards for optometrists in Australia and New Zealand, which are: professional responsibilities; communication; patient examination; diagnosis and management; and health information management.
UWA has partnered with Lions Eye Institute, Lions Outback Vision, SpecSavers, Luxottica and other optometry industry leaders to deliver the course and offer clinical placements across Western Australia.
Learn moreAll important social issues—climate change, health care, inequality, political participation, criminal justice and much more besides—have philosophical, political and economic dimensions.
UWA's Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics is a challenging and rigorous course of study which equips students to engage with these issues from a uniquely interdisciplinary perspective.
Learn moreHuman rights have become the dominant language in which contentious social and political questions are debated, worldwide. Activists appeal to human rights in defence of the oppressed.
A complex set of global institutions has evolved, centred around human rights and a flourishing field of academic inquiry is now devoted to debating human rights issues.
UWA’s Bachelor of Human Rights is a unique, interdisciplinary program of study that equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage with real-world issues in human rights, and related areas such as social justice.
You will examine these ideas from a variety of perspectives; legal, historical, political, practical, and philosophical. You will also gain invaluable analytical skills essential for success in the workplace.
Learn moreFrom mobile data and cloud computing to artificial intelligence and advanced software development, UWA’s Advanced Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) gives you the tools and techniques to embrace technological challenges and devise innovative solutions to transform the way we live.
Whether you choose to specialise in Artificial Intelligence, International Cybersecurity Computing and Data Science or Quantum Computing, you’ll gain the relevant, practical skills, knowledge and connections to forge an exciting career developing new technologies and advanced programming to overcome challenges in business, science and society.
Learn more