Crime Scene Investigator Courses
Crime Scene Investigators (CSIs) are forensic scientists who attend crime scenes to collect evidence and investigate the crime. They preserve the scene, take sketches and photographs, identify possible witnesses, and investigate all aspects of the environment (eg, footprints, fingerprints, blood and bodily fluids, weapons, animals, vehicles, furniture, equipment, materials, foreign objects and anomalies).
As a Crime Scene Investigator you could be roping off an area of bushland for digging, sketching the scene of a murder that occurred in a public park, logging and bagging bullet casings, photographing the location of an alleged murder weapon, dusting the scene of a robbery for fingerprints, examining broken furniture and household objects in a domestic residence, writing a report on your findings, entering evidence data into a database, or appearing in court as an expert witness.
To succeed in this occupation you will need to be a strong critical thinker and problem solver with an unwavering commitment to data accuracy and integrity.
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