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Forensic Specialist Courses

Forensic Specialists are qualified forensic scientists who have specialist skills in key areas such as drug testing (toxicology), cause of death and injuries (pathology), and dental identification (odontology). They work at crime scenes and in laboratories, collecting and testing evidence.

As a Forensic Specialist you could be directing personnel at a crime scene to ensure that evidence is gathered correctly and not damaged, taking detailed notes on collected evidence and recording the information in a secure database, writing a forensics report with findings and recommendations, or attending court to give evidence as an expert witness.

To succeed in this job role you’ll need a keen eye for detail, a commitment to evidence and data integrity, and the ability to write clear and succinct reports.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Forensic Specialists earn?

Salaries for Forensic Specialists working in Australia right now start at $105,000 per annum. Increase your earning capacity by obtaining specialist qualifications in toxicology, pathology, odontology, and psychology, entomology.

What are the job opportunities for Forensic Specialists?

There are no clear employment figures for Forensic Specialists working in Australia right now. They are mainly employed by government agencies, though some Forensic Specialists may work as independent consultants or academic lecturers.

How do I become a Forensic Specialist?

Forensic Specialists have university qualifications in applied science, criminology, medical sciences, and/or forensics. Many qualified doctors and dentists become Forensic Specialists by taking a Master of Forensics.

Suitable course combinations for new candidates include: Bachelor of Forensic Science + Master of Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Applied Science + Master of Forensic Science, and Bachelor of Criminology + Master of Forensic Science.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within forensic science. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.