
A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specialises in treating patients’ mental health issues. You might assess and examine patients and order further tests when required. Psychiatrists may prescribe medication, therapy or other appropriate treatments. You might liaise with other medical or health care staff to monitor patient progress.

Psychiatrists should have strong interpersonal skills and be able to communicate well with patients with varying needs. It’s important you can follow correct procedures and work as part of a health care team. Psychiatrists require strong attention to detail and must be able to deal with several patients at one time.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $304,980
Skill level Unknown

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Further reading

What is the Difference Between a Psychologist and Psychiatrist?

25th October 2022

What can you do with a Diploma of Mental Health?

13th January 2021

How to start a career in Mental Health

5th August 2021