Prosthodontists are qualified dentists who specialise in the design and installation of prosthetic devices for your teeth and mouth. They help patients who have missing teeth, have suffered injuries to the mouth and jaw, or have congenital (or disease-related) deformities to the cleft lip and palate.
As a Prosthodontist you could be meeting with your assistant to review the day’s patient list, conducting an oral exam on a new patient who has a congenital deformity of the cleft lip and palate, examining dental x-rays of a patient who was injured in the face while playing sport, performing restoration surgery for a patient who has a deformity of the face due to cancer, discussing a change to the treatment plan with a long-term patient, writing up correspondence for the laboratory technicians, calling a patient to discuss the results of a diagnostic test, or just having a few moments of self-care between appointments.
To succeed in this occupation you must be committed to academic and technical excellence in dentistry and have outstanding interpersonal and communication skills.
Average yearly income