Higher Education
All Murdoch University Courses
Have you ever been scrolling your Facebook or Instagram feed, only to see a bunch of ads pop up for something you were looking at that morning? Or perhaps you've noticed your recommended songs on Spotify are very similar to the songs you listen to regularly? Marketing teams across the world are using data and new digital marketing strategies to give us just what we're looking for, often before we even know we're looking for it.
In this course, you'll learn about the many different kinds of marketing including: social media, content, digital, influencer and more. See marketing theory brought to life through case studies, industry placements and through your work with real clients to develop real marketing plans. You'll graduate with a solid portfolio of work, with access to future employers and the kind of experience you need to launch an exciting career.
Learn moreEmbark on a journey of personal and professional growth where you’ll be supported to pursue your career goals. A Master if Business Administration (MBA) from Murdoch combined theoretical knowledge and practical application, with an emphasis on real-world relevant and immersive industry projects.
With a focus on career advancement, we will help you take the step in your business journey. Whether you aspire to climb the corporate ladder, transition into a new industry, or pursue entrepreneurial endeavours, an MBA will provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and networks to support your aspirations.
Learn moreThis course is designed to help those working in the industry or interested in expanding their knowledge to learn how to manage projects successfully, the best ways to complete project management activities, and the tools to perform these tasks efficiently.
You will develop practical and applicable project management skills and capabilities required to deliver projects successfully. Some of the topics you will cover in this course include project creation and planning, scheduling, resource management, control of projects, and leadership in the context of project management.
Learn moreAccounting is essential to every industry – from your favourite products and platforms to your favourite sports teams and causes. This degree will give you the professional and creative skills you need to shape business interactions in a creative, well-informed and ethical way.
You’ll learn to identify business opportunities, analyse problems and solve them. You’ll explore how to make decisions about investments, lending or borrowing money, and providing goods for cash or on credit.
You’ll also learn to interpret accounting standards and Australian taxation acts, as you gain new skills in financial statement analysis, forecasting and budgeting, negotiation, ethical decision-making and problem-solving.
Learn moreFrom mining to music, accounting is vital to every organisation in every industry. It’s an essential part of an organisation’s decision-making, planning, and even performance evaluation. Learn how to solve problems, negotiate and become a trusted and respected decision-maker in any industry. After completing this course, you can apply to become a member of professional accounting bodies, including CPA Australia, and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, if your goal is to work in professional accounting. In your research projects you’ll work with academics, other students and our industry partners, which include government agencies, mining companies, accounting firms, IT service firms and real estate companies.
Learn moreSpecialise in international business and learn how to build a successful business career anywhere in the world. Develop your skills through international placements, and analysing international markets and business systems. In Australia and across the world, organisations are looking for ways to expand and operate across international borders. This course is the only one of its kind in WA, giving you the skills and experience you need to succeed in the world of international business.
As you develop your strategic decision-making abilities, put your cross-cultural skills into practice and explore new ways of thinking, you’ll build a skillset that would be essential to practically any business operation. You’ll explore management, marketing and finance, which will provide you with a global perspective and allow you to get results doing business across international borders.
Learn moreYou might want to discover and share information, inspire action and investment, introduce new innovations, or even become a voice for those who need our help.
Develop the specialised communication skills you need for online communication, social media, creative production, news media and other contexts in a field you’re passionate about.
You can also combine this course with another discipline – for example by combining it with a Bachelor of Creative Media. This means you’ll graduate with two qualifications and even more skills, experience and approaches to boost your career prospects.
Learn moreHistory is central to any meaningful understanding of the present political, social and moral world - therefore it’s vital to a democratic and open society. If we are to understand the political structures, other institutions, concepts, myths and practices on which modern societies are based, we need to know how they have developed. In this major, you will develop a mental map, stretching back across time and enabling you to situate yourself in the world in which you live.
A History major will also build on your techniques of source analysis and skills of writing and comprehension to a degree, providing you with valuable assets you can utilise for a broad range of careers.
Learn moreExplore different perspectives of crime as you investigate why people commit offences, how to reduce or prevent crime, and how to help both victims and offenders involved in the criminal justice system.
Take a broad approach with a Bachelor of Criminology or choose to specialise in one of four majors.
- Crime Science (BCrim)
- Criminal Behaviour (BCrim)
- Legal Studies (BCrim)
- White Collar and Corporate Crime (BCrim)
You can combine these majors or add a major from another area of study such as Forensic Biology and Toxicology or Psychology. This will expand your understanding of criminology and help you to prepare you for a variety of career paths. Hear how these practical skills have fuelled Abbey's passion for criminology and unlocked her free thinking in the classroom.
Learn moreWould you like to build a career out of making a difference to people’s lives? Nurses do just that by providing healthcare in times of need – from acute health issues in emergency departments to home visits that assist the elderly to remain in their homes for longer.
Combine the professional person-centred approach of nursing with psychosocial and biological sciences as you learn the skills needed to become a Registered Nurse. You’ll also be equipped with lifetime access to a web-based ePortfolio, to showcase your knowledge and experience to prospective employees when you graduate.
Learn moreDo you believe that all people should have the right to access education, health, justice and opportunities to succeed? This is a concept known as social justice; it is based on a framework of human rights – and it’s what inspires many of our Law students to get the skills and knowledge they need to go out and stand up for the rights of others.
In this degree, you’ll have the opportunity to take a hands-on approach to the law and develop strong real-life legal skills through our clinical program with partners such as SCALES Community Legal Centre. In this program, you will work on real cases with real clients and get new insight into the legal system. You can also further develop your reasoning skills in our internationally recognised mooting program. Mooting is a simulated court proceeding where you will be presented with a legal problem and argue it before a 'judge' in our purpose-built courtroom.
Learn moreDo you remember your favourite teacher from primary school? Perhaps it was someone you learned a lot from, they taught you new ways of thinking or inspired you in some way. You could be that special teacher for future generations.
The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a 1.75-year full-time (or 2.75 years part-time) initial teaching qualification. The teaching periods are within school terms dates; starting on the first day of the school year (please note that the final year must be completed with full-time enrolment).
This course will enable you to develop the specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to be an effective educator. You will acquire the expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills necessary to practice independently in the classroom. Building on your prior study coupled with extensive professional practice you will be equipped with an advanced skills set to deliver high quality teaching.
Learn moreManagement used to be about organising, directing and controlling – but the world has changed. Today’s managers are facing new challenges, often with teams working across a range of locations and a constantly changing set of challenges to handle.
You’ll learn how to identify opportunities, assess challenges and find the best solutions to real-world management issues. You’ll work with organisations on real projects to develop the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful manager.
Learn moreA degree in finance can take your love of numbers to the next level as you dive into corporate finance, treasury management, investment analysis and international finance. This degree could lead you to a big role with a big salary package – but that’s not the only option. Depending on your life goals, you could find your rewards in not-for-profit organisations, government agencies or start-ups.
You’ll learn to explore business opportunities, analyse problems and find solutions. Learn how to make informed decisions and shape business interactions in a creative, confident and ethical way. You’ll learn to understand capital investment, cost of capital, sources of funds, dividend policy, working capital management, efficient capital markets, portfolio management, the use of options, futures, forward exchange contracts and more.
Learn moreTechnology, resources, and data are important – but ultimately, it’s people who are essential to the success of any organisation.
Studying Human Resources Management or ‘HR’ as it is more commonly referred to, will help you attract and develop teams of people in any organisation in any industry.
You’ll learn recruitment techniques which will help you with interviewing – or being interviewed. You’ll examine rewards, pay, performance management, and the future direction of human resources as you explore strategic human resource management, employment policies, and legal regulations.
Learn moreThis three-year degree offers you the opportunity to study the politics, history, societies, economies, media and religions of the Asian region. It's possible to combine an Asian Studies major with a second major (or minor) in Indonesian or Japanese language. Asian Studies helps you resolve complex issues in Australian and Asian contexts. Working with world-leading scholars of the Asia region, you’ll develop important cross-cultural skills, knowledge and analytical proficiency that are valued by government and other employers.
Learn moreIndonesia is our nearest Asian neighbour and on track to become the world’s 10th biggest economy by the end of this decade. In this course, you’ll develop advanced skills in contemporary Indonesian language, and gain a greater understanding of the political, environmental, and social issues affecting Indonesia and the Asia region.
When you graduate, you’ll find your Indonesian language skills are in high demand in a range of areas, particularly roles involving foreign affairs, security, defence, media, international development and education. You could also become accredited as an interpreter and translator through separate application and testing by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).
Learn moreThe Japanese language is a key to understanding dramatic social and cultural change in modern Japan. This major in Japanese, which is open to beginners and those with some knowledge of the language, consists of three years of interactive Japanese language study on the Perth campus, with a choice of including (upon successful application) one or more semesters at a Japanese partner institution. This course provides students with rigorous linguistic and socio-cultural training to become Japan specialists in their chosen careers.
Develop the ability to engage in professional activities working with the people and culture of Japan. You can study a Japanese major and two minors in Asian Studies, Global Politics, Modern History or Anthropology, or alternatively study two majors in 3 years and graduate with several specialisations, further enhancing your career prospects. You can immerse yourself in Japanese culture and language through study for one or more semesters at one of our 10 partner universities across Hokkaido, Tokyo, Kyoto and Hyogo.
Learn morePhilosophy is the foundation of all other disciplines. It focuses on the very scope and limits of human understanding and deals with the most fundamental knowledge of the world and ourselves.
All systematic enquiry is ultimately grounded in philosophy. It’s the art of clear thinking, the ability to address the most fundamental questions in life and an understanding of how to revise our conceptual frameworks in order to elicit change in the world, which sets up you as a philosophy student to become a competent thinker, leader, and innovator who makes a real impact. The Philosophy course at Murdoch introduces students to the major strands of philosophical thought as well as offering three special focus areas: ethics and political philosophy, 20th century European philosophy, and history of metaphysics.
Learn moreOrganisations, businesses, and entire nations are run by a combination of systems, decisions and activities known as governance. In this course, you’ll examine political power, public policy, political institutions, ideas and processes, and their transformations at national and global levels. You’ll learn how organisations, including government bodies, can benefit from high-performing leaders and strong internal systems. Explore a unique combination of global politics and economics to build knowledge and skills which will be in demand from a range of employers.
Build your network of contacts through our industry connections and strong links with the Asian region through our Asia Research Centre. Have the opportunity to get work experience through working closely with politicians and senior administrators from the WA Public Sector and parliament. You’ll take on a project and work together on different issues. You’ll also get to spend time in and around the government offices giving you real exposure to the inner workings of government and the public sector.
Learn moreSociology provides you with knowledge that is academically sound, socially useful and vocationally relevant. Central to how we practice Sociology at Murdoch is our interest in developing pioneering ways of understanding the dynamic relationship between individuals and the global societies they are part of. Sociology helps us to grasp the connections between the personal and the social in a global context. It helps us understand how changes in the structure of society, the material world (eg. technology), the economy, cultural systems of beliefs and values, and access to power, influence us as members of society. Sociology is particularly interested in class, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Sociological knowledge and skills are increasingly important in a wide range of professions and occupations, and provide a broader perspective for understanding the world.
Learn moreThe Physical Sciences provide a foundation for innovation in industry and the tools to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. Within the Bachelor of Science (Physical Sciences) there are two majors: Physics and Chemistry. These majors can be taken together or combined with others from across the university (e.g. Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Information Technology, Environmental and Conservation Sciences, Engineering.
This course has been designed to develop from day one practical high demand skills in analytical and computational methods, hands-on techniques in imaging, materials synthesis and characterisation and advanced analysis and of the students’ critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. All this will be achieved in the context of cutting-edge science with immediate real-world applications.
Learn moreWhat makes people think, feel and behave the way they do? Explore the major fields of psychology including neuroscience, human development, and emotion to gain an understanding of how both nature and nurture shape us as people. Learn about all the major fields in psychology to gain an understanding of how individual psychological differences develop. You’ll explore perception, emotion, learning, cognition, language, neuroscience and human development through the lifespan, as well as looking at the biological, social, and cultural influences on the individual person.
In doing so you’ll learn how personality and individual differences develop, and the interplay between these things and psychological health and wellbeing. You’ll also gain an understanding of psychological disorders and treatments. You’ll have the chance to study psychology along with other subjects in science when you choose a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Build special expertise in the areas of psychology that most interest you. With a focus on the latest research in these fields, you’ll integrate your learning of subject matter with the research methods used to discover new knowledge in these fields.
Learn moreBusiness Law will teach you how to approach legal issues and disputes to run your own business or make a real difference in not-for-profit organisations, government agencies or any sized business in Australia. Every business and industry is affected by the law - and this course could open up a world of opportunities for you.
Develop the management, business skills and legal knowledge needed to conduct day-to-day business. Identify when you need to seek legal advice and examine the important areas of finance, advertising and employment law. You'll graduate knowing your rights as an employer and employee and will have the knowledge to set up and register your own business.
You'll explore the laws around consumer and employee protection, product disclosure, business reporting, compliance and many other areas of business. You'll also study principles of order and justice, and the different ways business disputes can be resolved.
Learn moreEntrepreneurship and Innovation will help you transform ideas into action, whether you want to start your own business or work for a business. Use your creativity, innovation and problem solving skills to work for yourself or others to push through ideas that challenge the status quo. Explore collaborative problem-solving methodologies, ideation tools and project management skills needed to build social capital and networks as you develop business solutions. Combining this major with your business degree will allow you to develop soft skills that complement the technical and functional skills of business.
Learn moreGet the business administration knowledge and skills you need to change your career path or launch your business career in Australia and around the world.
You’ll focus on opportunities to get valuable industry experience through professional placements and applied research projects. This MBA Global could also be a step towards doctoral studies after you complete the course.
3 reasons to study a MBA Global at Murdoch
- Put theory into practice with professional placements through our Work Integrated Learning program. Past MBA Global students have interned with local businesses and government departments.
- Take advantage of free workshops and seminars to help you with writing, statistics and data analysis, ethics, how to run surveys and research as a postgraduate student.
- Follow in the footsteps of other Murdoch free thinkers and become a part of a global community of leaders. Our alumni now include the CEO of an international airline, the CEO of a major Asian bank, the Managing Director of an advertising agency in Australia and more.
This course is a 1.75 year full-time initial teaching qualification for graduates who hold a Bachelor’s degree in a non-Education field relevant to teaching. This could mean you pivot from undergraduate studies in areas such as English or communications to teaching, like Chelsea did to follow her true passion - hear her story on this transition.
This will set you up with the specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities to teach students from Years 7-12 in a teaching area you’re passionate about. When choosing to major in Science or humanities, and social sciences (HaSS), you will be expected to teach all components of the curriculum for Years 7-10 and then your specialised area for Years 11 and 12.
You will also choose a second teaching area (known as a minor) from these options, except for Health and Physical Education, which is only offered as a major/minor combination. Taking on a minor study area means you’ll become qualified to teach students from Years 7-10 in this area. Minors in Science and HaSS require you to teach all components of the curriculum. By having qualifications in two teaching areas, you’ll be highly employable when you graduate.
You’ll explore the role of education in society, learn how to manage a secondary level classroom and get valuable experience working in school placements across the secondary years.
Learn moreOrganisations of all kinds depend on the design, implementation and management of their business information systems to take advantage of opportunities, develop creative solutions and find competitive advantages. They rely on effective information systems to provide the right information, at the right time, in order to improve decision-making and productivity.
In this degree, you’ll learn how information is generated, communicated, stored and applied to a range of business activities. You’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to apply technical solutions to business problems, in addition to an understanding of information systems design, management and development. You’ll also develop project management, research, oral and written communication skills, ensuring you’re ready to enter the job market.
In the final year of your degree, you’ll take part in a professional practice project unit. This will include working in a team with other students and consulting with real clients to recommend, develop and implement new technologies to solve business problems.
Learn moreOrganisations in every industry rely on computers. As a computer scientist, it will be up to you to help develop effective solutions, positively benefiting the world around us.
In this degree, you’ll learn how to think critically and problem solve, while exploring the theory, methods and systems used by the computing industry. By developing the skills and knowledge you need to design and develop revolutionary ideas, you’ll create concepts and technologies that can change the world.
You'll learn about algorithms, software design and implementation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and computer systems and development, and will develop the unique ability to create and apply computer and software systems to solve real-world problems.
Learn moreAll teachers have a responsibility to understand diversity and teach in ways that are inclusive of all students. Through this course, you’ll gain specialist knowledge in order to assist in negotiating the complexity of supporting students with a diverse range of abilities and backgrounds.
You’ll be able to identify and understand diverse learning needs, as well as develop and implement strategies to enhance learning outcomes for these students. The focus will be on inclusion and diversity – learning in the classroom for all students.
Learn moreTravel, live and work almost anywhere in the world with a qualification in international education. In this major, you’ll learn the history and development of International Education as a field of study, including a range of international curriculum models and practices.
You’ll be introduced to the essential elements of the International Baccalaureate suite of programmes, including primary years, middle years and diploma programmes.
Upon completion you’ll also have gained a solid understanding of teaching, learning and working in culturally diverse environments – from school to university, including international, transnational education, study of languages, vocational and professional workplace learning.
Throughout the course, you’ll also develop a teaching portfolio and have opportunities to observe and converse with international school teachers and leaders. The major is designed for teaching professionals and is authorised and aligned to the IB Teaching and Learning Certificate.
Learn moreIf you are looking to increase your knowledge in business management, trial part of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, connect with like-minded professionals, and develop business management skills to further your career, this course is for you.
You’ll study core units in accounting and finance, plus choose specialist units to create a personalised qualification that suits your goals and career aspirations.
Learn moreTake your IT qualification even further by learning the kind of management skills and techniques that are in demand across the world. You’ll study knowledge management, data resources management and business analysis and get hands-on experience in our IT Innovation Hub.
This course has been designed in consultation with our industry partners, so you’ll learn to identify and resolve real-world IT challenges.
If you’re eligible, you could complete this course through part-time study, so you can juggle your studies with your career and lifestyle commitments.
Learn moreThis course is designed to significantly extend your existing qualification and experience in the field of information technology.
This masters degree may be completed in one of two ways, by coursework, where you complete 48 credit points or by coursework and dissertation where you complete 36 credit points in coursework and a 12-credit point dissertation.
You’ll be able to tailor your degree to meet your career goals by choosing specialisations in IT Management, Data Science or Internetworking and Security. Hear how Bruno maximised his specialisation in Data Science to gain a competitive advantage in a data-driven world.
Learn moreCounsellors help people through difficult times of their lives, often when they are most vulnerable. Prepare for a career in counselling by building your personal and professional skills. With a focus on building counselling relationships with your clients that are essential to effective practice, you’ll gain the skills you need to succeed in a rewarding career.
Apply the theoretical foundations of counselling by first appraising selected counselling literature and research, before undertaking extensive practical training. In your second year, you will have the option to complete a substantial research project addressing counselling theory or practice, or choose to complete the course through coursework and case studies.
You’ll complete two supervised placements, which will provide you the opportunity to develop skills in assessment, individual and group treatment, working with children and adult clients, working with other professionals and within the supervisory relationship.
Learn moreAre you a primary or high school teacher or an educator looking to upskill in a field of interest? Choose from nine majors and grow your knowledge and confidence of Australia’s contemporary school curriculum and broader educational contexts and practices.
If you’re interested in taking your teaching knowledge to the next level, this course offers you the chance to study a specialist area of your interest and develop higher level capabilities.
Our flexible program addresses contemporary educational issues currently facing the teaching workforce. You’ll learn directly from leading academics in their field, who’ll teach you new pedagogies, content and perspectives. You’ll graduate with high-quality knowledge across your chosen discipline, a different outlook on contemporary teaching challenges and a support network.
Learn moreThis course is designed for graduates from an IT-related discipline. You’ll learn new applied skills that increase your knowledge of IT and you’ll benefit from an emphasis on professional practice, effective communication, and project management using technical and non-technical means.
You can also select a unit on knowledge management, wireless data communication or data science, depending on your area of focus or interest.
Upon successful completion of this course, you may continue for a further semester and complete the Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management.
Learn moreIf you’re passionate about a profession that focuses on keeping people moving and helping to improve quality of life, this postgraduate course will give you the qualification you need to work as an accredited Exercise Physiologist. Develop, implement and manage physical activity and behavioural programs for healthy clients and clients living with a range of chronic conditions, as you explore how exercise can improve health and wellbeing. Learn about the delivery of exercise, lifestyle and behavioural modification programs to help prevent and manage chronic diseases and injury. You’ll learn how to provide physical activity and behavioural programs for clients with conditions as diverse as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, cancer, arthritis, respiratory disease and many others.
Learn moreThis course will provide you with the skills to understand the fundamental matters of criminology. Whether you have graduated with a degree in criminology or from another discipline area, you will gain in-depth knowledge and skills to analyse contemporary issues challenging today’s criminal justice system. This course also has the option of completing a thesis, giving you the opportunity to specialise in an area of criminology you're passionate about whilst demonstrating your readiness for PhD studies.
As a criminology professional, you will need multidisciplinary and applied skills to investigate complex and evolving issues. You will gain an understanding of criminal behaviour and investigate complex crimes such as cybercrimes and terrorism. You will understand developing criminal justice issues, including how criminal law and evidence responds to new crimes, particularly in the business environment.
If you have industry experience, a graduate certificate or graduate diploma, you can use this to obtain an advanced standing into the Master of Criminology, so you can gain your qualification quicker.
Learn moreInformed by global research and best practice in a range of topics including social media, cultural and media studies, global communication and strategic communication - this degree will extend your personal development and professional expertise, allowing you to apply it to a range of industries and disciplines.
Create strategic communication and research plans for real life clients through in-class and work integrated learning experiences. You’ll analyse and implement the latest practices in communication in both international and Australian contexts through the analysis of case studies and real-life scenarios led by academics and industry guest speakers.
Examine the purposes and means by which leaders, organisations and interest groups create, coordinate and direct communication through strategy, planning, and engagement with society, the media and government.
Learn moreAre you a believer in the saying “use it or lose it”? Put that to work as you learn how to prescribe exercise to improve the movement of both athletes and the general population. With your interest in sport, exercise and health, this major gives you the opportunity to obtain the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career in those fields. With an increasing focus on the importance of healthy, active lifestyles, exercise science continues to be a growing discipline within Australia and around the world. You will become experienced in prescribing exercise, as well as assessing and improving the movement of both athletes the general population.
Learn moreIf you’re working towards becoming a registered psychologist and have already completed an accredited three-year undergraduate psychology degree or equivalent, this course provides you with an alternative option to an honours year to satisfy the educational requirements needed to register and work as a provisional psychologist or further your studies with an application into a relevant master’s course.
If you're in your last semester of your undergraduate psychology degree, you can apply for an early conditional offer based on your results to date. You will need a GPA of at least 2.0 in all psychology units.
Students in the Graduate Diploma in Psychology must complete coursework at an advanced level as well as a group-based research project written up as an individual thesis.
Learn moreEffective management of human interactions with the environment requires thorough understanding of the inter-relationships between land, water, air, biota and people. As an environmental professional, you’ll need a clear understanding of the procedures and skills involved in investigating complex environmental issues in different settings such as urban, mining, agriculture, marine and freshwater.
Improve your awareness of environmental issues from different perspectives so you are best equipped to find solutions that consider the technical, social and political needs in any scenario. You’ll gain specific knowledge in areas of particular interest to your current role, or the field you are aspiring to move into.
Become a leader in environmental professional practice by gaining the interdisciplinary scientific and policy skills required to deal with today’s complex environmental problems, and be able to contribute to continuing improvement in environmental management practices.
Learn moreIf you already have a bachelor’s degree or relevant qualification in IT, this course allows you to take your information technology skills and experience one step further.
You’ll learn specialised techniques in our IT Innovation Hub, a cutting-edge learning teaching and research facility fitted with the latest mixed and augmented reality equipment, operational data centre and high-performance computing capabilities.
As part of the course, you’ll complete an individual study project in an area of interest for you. This will let you put what you learn into practice and further your research and applied knowledge skills.
Learn moreCounsellors help people through difficult times in their lives, often when they are most vulnerable. Prepare for a career in counselling by building your personal and professional skills. With a focus on building counselling relationships with your clients that are essential to effective practice, you’ll gain the skills you need to succeed in a rewarding career.
You’ll have the opportunity to develop professional skills for a career in counselling by critically appraising the counselling literature, learning foundation skills of applied counselling practice, and developing a sound understanding of the core principles of counselling and case conceptualisation. Hear how these real-world learning principles have cemented Counselling student Jay's love for the practice.
After graduating from this course, you can apply to study the Master of Counselling and gain exemption from those units that are common to both degrees.
Learn moreCounsellors help people through difficult times of their lives, often when they are most vulnerable. If you are looking to begin your journey to become a professional counsellor, or need to develop counselling skills for your current role as a teacher, nurse or human services professional, this course will develop your professional competence and personal readiness for a career in counselling.
You’ll learn through experiential education, enabling you to focus on the quality of counselling relationships as a key feature of effective counselling practice.
Learn moreFrom mining to music, accounting is vital to every organisation in every industry. It’s an essential part of an organisation’s decision-making, planning, and even performance evaluation. In this two-year advanced Master program, you’ll learn about accounting processes and business finance. You’ll work on project teams with your peers to put accounting theory into practice with our industry partners, gaining real-world experience.
Learn moreThis course prepares you for dynamic careers in agriculture and animal health. You will develop core skills in science, analysis and farming systems while pursuing a major of your choice in Animal Science, Animal Health or Crop and Pasture Science.
Throughout their degree, students gain a solid theoretical understanding while also getting their hands dirty with practical learning. We focus on real-life experiences, whether it's in the lab, on a farm, or in the workplace. We want students to learn by doing and to have fun along the way!
Our flexible degree structure allows students to gain specialised knowledge in one, or two majors including Animal Science, Animal Health or Crop and Pasture Science. You can also choose a minor in either Equine Science or Applied Animal Production to complement your studies.
Students will learn from academics who are involved in cutting-edge agricultural research, and who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with students. Not only that, students will have access to the latest technologies and tools needed to succeed in today’s agricultural industry.
Learn moreExtend your knowledge of engineering by specialising in one of three emerging areas of engineering that will prepare you for a career across a range of industries.
Develop your professional skills with over 300 hours of practical experience through an integrated professional practice unit while developing your professional portfolio.
You will learn from industry practitioners and can tailor your degree to graduate in a compressed timeframe. Develop your studies even further with the option of Engineering Design or Engineering Research minors that can progress into a research career.
Learn moreEffectively managing human interactions with the environment requires a thorough understanding of the inter-relationships between land, water, air, biota and people.
As an environmental professional, you’ll need a clear understanding of the procedures and skills involved in investigating complex environmental issues in different settings such as urban, mining, agriculture and aquatic.
Upgrade your qualification in Environmental Science, or get the skills and knowledge you need to move into the field if you already work in geology, forestry, agriculture, zoology, botany or planning. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the science, policies, procedures and techniques of environmental planning and management.
When you graduate, you’ll have a multidisciplinary understanding of Environmental Science, and be proficient in a range of techniques employed in environmental management.
Learn moreDetermined to pursue a career in international development and make a difference? This course will prepare you for a range of experiences and roles in the sector, in Australia and internationally.
You’ll examine the connections between politics, governance and development, social and environmental sustainability, food and health security, gender and empowerment, and state building and conflict, as well as evaluating different approaches to policy and practice.
You can choose from professional-based electives, including financial administration, leading and managing not-for-profit organisations, effective leadership, strategic health care management and project management.
You can also choose policy-based electives to specialise in global public health, public sector economics, security and conflict, environmental policy and more, or add up to two language units in either Indonesian or Japanese.
Learn moreBy adding a science degree to your law degree, you’ll develop the kind of observation, analysis and reasoning skills that will give you a competitive edge in your career.
You can combine a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) with a range of science degrees and choose to major in Forensic Biology and Toxicology, Environmental Science, Environmental Management and Sustainability or Information Technology.
As an example, if you combined the Bachelor of Laws with the Bachelor of Science in Forensic Biology and Toxicology, you would learn the most up-to-date techniques to gather, analyse and present scientific evidence, such as DNA profiling and drug metabolism, in a court of law.
If you’re more interested in environmental science and sustainability, you could combine the Bachelor of Laws with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science or Environmental Management and Sustainability. You would explore how to create a better environment for people while sustaining biodiversity and world resources and examine the relationships between air, land, water, plants, animals and people to address the challenges arising from our interactions with our environment.
If you want a future at the cutting edge of Law, combining your Bachelor of Laws with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology will allow you to remain at the forefront of the industry and ahead of demands. You will gain an understanding for people and the impacts that technology has made to our lives and our culture, allowing you to future-proof your career.
Learn moreGain practical engineering experience, engage with industry and learn from experts to build a deep understanding of engineering technology with a focus on emerging trends in engineering, sustainability, and industrial needs
Understanding engineering principles will give you the ability to design, manufacture, install, commission, operate and maintain plants and equipment.
This degree gives you the flexibility to pursue a specialist area of engineering study, including electrical and renewable energy, environmental engineering, or industrial control and automation, depending on your interests and career goals.
Learn morePolicy-making aims to address social, environmental and economic issues that impact society. The Master of Public Policy and Management enables you to make a contribution to many complex policy problems in the contemporary world. Students who complete this course are highly sought after in government, the public sector, the not-for-profit sector and the business world.
We’ve worked closely with government, the public sector and industry contacts to design this course to help you make a difference in your public policy career. You’ll get the knowledge and skills you need to analyse, design and implement policy in complex institutional and regulatory environments.
The course offers professional-based electives including project management, ethics in government, and leading and managing non-government organisations.
You can also choose policy-based electives to specialise in areas such as energy policy, environmental impact and management, health policy and law, or add a language unit.
Learn moreReal change can happen when tomorrow’s sustainable development leaders come together to share their experiences, ideas and insights – and for over a decade our sustainability Masters have been doing just that. In taking the course, you’ll become part of a much-valued group of sustainability professionals who are making a difference within Australia and around the world.
You’ll examine global sustainability challenges and explore inspiring solutions at international, regional and local levels. You’ll learn about urban and regional sustainability, climate change adaptation, sustainability education and ethics, and take a closer look at sustainability and international development within Asia.
Learn moreSecurity surveillance, terrorism, policing, cybercrime and transnational crime are just a few of the areas you’ll explore to help you understand the inner workings of criminal behaviour.
You’ll learn how to evaluate, think critically and apply theories and methods to real-world environments through work placements. Some of our students have previously undertaken internships within federal or state government agencies, including community safety departments or commercial providers including in domestic violence to inmate reintegration.
Learn moreThis course is designed for graduates from an IT-related discipline. You’ll learn new applied skills in the areas of knowledge management, data communications and business analysis. You’ll increase your knowledge of IT and benefit from an emphasis on professional practice, effective communication and project management using technical and non-technical means.
You’ll also have the flexibility to specialise your degree, with a choice of electives such as Information Security Management, Data Resources Management, Information Technology Strategy and Business Analytics. You’ll complete an individual study project in an area of interest for you to further your research and applied knowledge skills.
Learn moreThis course could suit you if you’re interested in transitioning to education from another discipline or already working in an adult learning context and wanting to expand your skills. For example, you might be working or aspiring to work as a lecturer, adult educator, facilitator, professional development facilitator, instructor or professional trainer.
You’ll explore the concepts, theories and practice of adult education and build on your own areas of interest through your choice of electives, such as Cultural Diversity in the Workplace and the Community, Curriculum Development for Practitioners and Practical Methods of Instruction.
Learn moreCurious as to why people commit crimes and how to prevent it? Learn the foundations of crime and criminal justice, including criminology theory, policy and prevention.
Begin to explore criminal behaviour, crime policy and prevention as you upskill or reskill in the field of criminology. Examine the way society currently look at justice and use theory and methods to examine areas of ongoing and emerging criminological concern.
You’ll gain a clear understanding of the justice systems, and engage in topics of interest to local, national and global communities.
Upon successful completion of this course, you can gain direct entry into the Master of Criminology or the Graduate Diploma in Criminology.
Learn moreAs an environmental or an allied-area professional (e.g. biologist, geologist, engineer), you’ll need a clear understanding of the underlying principles involved in environmental assessment and management to promote sustainable development.
Using practical examples relevant to environmental professionals, you’ll be provided with multidisciplinary training of the key principles and techniques underpinning environmental management and assessment processes, including impact assessment procedures, environmental policy formation and implementation, decision making processes and public engagement techniques.
Learn moreLaboratory Medicine is a four-year course in which you can pursue a specific area of interest by selecting one of three streams – Biomedical Science, Genetics and Molecular Biology or Forensic Biology and Toxicology. In the fourth year, you will also take part in Murdoch's Work Integrated Learning, which allows you to apply your knowledge in a workplace environment.
Clinical terminology like haematology (the study and treatment of blood), immunology (the study of the immune system and how our bodies protect us from pathogens), histopathology (the study of how disease causes changes in tissues) and molecular pathology (the examination of molecules within organs, tissues and fluids) will become part of your professional vocabulary as you develop skills in the handling of patient material and laboratory testing to guide medical decision making.
Learn moreAre you passionate about the role of food in health and wellbeing, human performance and illness prevention? Build your skills with a Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition at Murdoch.
This course prepares you for a career in many fields relating to the promotion of health at individual and community levels through the improvement of the food supply.
You’ll study subjects such as the chemistry of food, human physiology, food analysis, food safety, food preparation, food product development, the impact of nutrition on human health, disease and sports performance, and the social and public health aspects of nutrition.
Gain the ability to translate your passion for nutrition and its effects on the body into a career that can transform the lives of others.
Learn moreData is everywhere. It drives businesses, the economy and everyday life. In a growing market, having the knowledge and skills to analyse and understand data will make you a valuable member of any team in a range of industries.
A Bachelor of Data Analytics not only prepares you for the real-world, but you’ll be equipped with the technical and analytical skills needed to succeed in the workforce.
In this course, you’ll explore core technical, analytical, organisational, interpersonal and communication skills needed in a variety of organisational, scientific and business contexts.
Along with the opportunity to undertake industry internships or projects, which provide highly regarded industry experience, you will also specialise in an area of focus that interests you, including data science or business intelligence.
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