Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
The Australian National University (ANU) is unlike any other university in Australia. Founded in 1946, in a spirit of post-war optimism, our role was to help realise Australia's potential as the world recovered from a global crisis.
That vision, to support the development of national unity and identity, improve our understanding of ourselves and our neighbours, and provide our nation with research capacity amongst the best in the world, and education in areas vital for our future, has been our mission ever since.
It can be difficult work, but it's work we proudly do-because connecting talented people with diverse perspectives, equipping and encouraging them to address the most complex of tomorrow's problems, and ensuring Australia's future is not just our approach-it's also our national role and international responsibility as Australia's national university, and it's a responsibility from which we'll never waver.
Building upon management experience and prior learning, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program provides middle managers with essential business and management knowledge and skills to move into senior management roles.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate of Management (GCM) will equip students with a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and application in the management disciplines within an evidence-based management (EBM) framework. The GCM is both a standalone program and a pathway to our Masters programs for those who do not meet the traditional entry requirements for an ANU Masters program.
Learn moreThe Master of Professional Accounting allows graduates to develop skills in accounting and the ability to analyse accounting-related issues. The program allows students with prior studies in cognate disciplines to specialise in accounting and meet the education entry requirements for the Australian accounting professional bodies.
The program is taught by research active academic staff. Students are exposed to professional and scholarly accounting development and research. With continuing high global demand for qualified accountants, graduates of the program have a wide range of career opportunities in accounting firms, government departments, banking and finance organisations, corporations and other related accounting fields.
Learn moreThe major in Accounting is concerned with measurement, analysis, reporting and evaluation of information, including computerised information, which assists in the management of resources in business entities and government organisations.
Learn moreComputer Science is the study of information and computation of algorithms, data and computing systems which accept, store, transform and present data in ways that contribute to knowledge and the well-being of society.
In the Computer Science major you will learn the underlying principles and theory used in developing computational solutions to problems including a study of data structures, algorithms, and programming languages and their use in translating solutions into software systems. Within the Computer Science major, you can choose to specialise in modern fields of computer science and software development, including artificial intelligence, computational theory, computer systems, human-centric computing, and information-intensive computing.
By completing the major, you will develop a deep understanding of software development, software systems or computer science theory, with many applications to fields in Science or further studies in Computer Science. There are also excellent career opportunities for graduates with these backgrounds in business, industry and government as programmers, systems analysts, computer systems and network managers, user support officers and software engineers.
Learn moreThe ANU is a national leader in History and offers a wide range of courses covering Australia, America, Asia and Europe. Courses trace themes such as empire, terrorism, revolution, war, gender, race, technology and the environment. Some focus on philosophies that underlie historical analysis or techniques of historical research.
History is a core discipline in the humanities and social sciences. It gives students knowledge and skills that are valued in any professional context. Our students successfully pursue careers in journalism, management, politics, policy, museums, diplomacy, teaching, academia and many other fields.
Learn moreTackle some of the greatest health challenges of our time with the Bachelor of Health Science.
The Bachelor of Health Science draws upon the world-leading strengths of ANU in medical education, biomedical science, population health, psychology, social science and public policy to prepare you for a future in medical, allied health and health-related professions.
It will equip you with a broad understanding of the themes explored in advanced studies of medicine and offers a potential pathway to the Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at ANU.
Learn moreDo you want to delve into an enthralling field that deals with the complexities of crime and responses to crime? Look no further.
Our program addresses the causes, politics and management of crime and criminal justice from a range of disciplinary perspectives.
You will develop an understanding of a range of issues in contemporary criminology including definitions and representations of crime, the complex social, political, and individual factors that underpin criminal activity, the operation of the criminal justice system. We offer courses on policing, the courts, prisons and punishment, organised crime, transnational crime, drugs and crime, young people and crime and more. The Bachelor of Criminology also has a strong focus on empirical methods and debates. This provides our graduates with valuable skills that translate across many career paths.
The ANU Bachelor of Criminology draws attention to the social dimensions of crime and deviancy and assesses the effectiveness and implications of crime control measures.
Learn moreA student admitted to a program for a coursework award must enrol in the courses, sequences of courses, or combinations of courses, that the University determines may be included in the program for the year in which the student is admitted to the program.
The ANU JD is a distinctive program for graduates of non-law disciplines (or non-Australian law degrees). The program consists of compulsory and elective courses. Graduates complete all the academic courses required by Australian Legal Practitioners Admission Boards for admission to legal practice following completion of additional practical training. Students have access to dedicated JD courses and other courses offered as part of the LLM program. A small number of LLB electives can also be included in the program of study. The program can be studied either full or part-time with entry points in Semester 1 and Second semester.
Learn moreFollow in the footsteps of Nobel Prize winner Howard Florey and kick-start your career in medical research with the Bachelor of Medical Science. You’ll delve into genetics, immunology, nutrition, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry and anatomy to understand how the human body works. Learn directly from biomedical scientists and health professionals, who are working to develop new cancer vaccines or ground-breaking treatments for autoimmune diseases.
Learn moreDo you dream of living and thriving in the leading financial cities of the world - New York, London, Shanghai, Sydney or Hong Kong? Stop dreaming and get going. An ANU Bachelor of Finance will equip you to excel in the global financial marketplace.
As a student you will be challenged to solve a variety of financial problems while developing a keen analytical mind. Having these skills will prove invaluable in the fast changing world of finance.
As a Bachelor of Finance graduate from the Australian National University you will be highly sought-after, so aim high and think about which cityscape view you want from your office.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Commerce offers significant flexibility and diversity for students. The degree allows you to study one or more business areas of your interests, including financial and management accounting, commercial law, economics, finance, business information systems, management, marketing, international business and corporate sustainability.
You will acquire the skills and knowledge to meet the challenges of a changing business environment, develop the ability to critically analyse emerging business issues, and be exposed to scholarly research in the national and global business arena. Achieving these academic and professional qualities will lead you to a wide range of business related professions and careers, or progress to more advanced studies.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Accounting is designed to develop your knowledge and skills in reporting, analysing and managing financial resources in business and government entities. In addition to meeting the education requirements for membership of the Australian accounting professional bodies, the degree offers flexibility for you to study in related disciplines of your interest, including finance, business information systems, management, marketing, international business and corporate sustainability.
You will be equipped with the ability to critically analyse emerging accounting issues, and be inspired by the professional and scholarly accounting research that provides you with insights into issues underlying the accounting numbers, thus fostering your academic and professional competence. Gaining these academic and professional attributes will enhance your accounting career opportunities, or pursuance of advanced accounting studies.
Learn moreThe Physics major introduces physics with the opportunity for in-depth study of selected areas. It aims to provide a balance of knowledge and skills. Central areas of knowledge include: mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and thermal and statistical physics. Mathematical, computational and experimental skills include: problem solving, data gathering, data analysis, and experiment design.
The major will prepare students for a variety of careers in areas in which the physical sciences are important, including: research, teaching, and industry.
Learn moreStatistics is concerned with the process of planning how to collect data, collection of the data and extracting information from data in the presence of uncertainty and variation. The process is guided by the underlying purpose of the investigation and the formulation of hypotheses and models. The major covers the core components of statistical theory and a range of key applications, such as survival analysis and graphical statistical modelling, and provides a solid foundation for a career as statistician.
Employment prospects for statisticians are very bright and varied. Professional accreditation for suitably qualified students of statistics is provided by the Statistical Society of Australia.
Learn moreWhy is something as superfluous as diamonds so costly, but something as essential as water so cheap? How can the cost of the coffee beans make up only a few cents of the price of a cup of coffee? With the world’s highest minimum wage rate, can Australia ever compete with low wage countries?
The ANU Bachelor of Economics provides a framework and a way of thinking to help answer questions like these. Your coursework will span economics (both theory and applied), economic history, and econometrics while developing your analytical problem-solving and quantitative skills.
Whether working as an economist or in some other role, your Bachelor of Economics degree and training will be sought after.
Learn moreWhat does it take to start a successful new business, to lead an organisation, to plan and manage a complex project? How do leaders negotiate, resolve conflict, and manage across cultures in the global workplace?
The BBA will answer these questions and, more importantly, help you develop skills to go out and do these things in the real world.
The BBA is flexible so you can build on your strengths. For example, you have a wide choice about how much mathematical content to include in your degree.
Learn moreAre you a maths whiz who wants stimulating work, limitless potential and an ever growing salary? This is the esteemed degree that will make you a thought leader in a wide variety of areas.
With an ANU Bachelor of Actuarial Studies you can excel in your career literally anywhere in the world.
Risk is all around us - in investment markets, on the roads, from our health and the climate. This degree will teach you how to apply your mathematical talent in understanding, measuring and managing these risks.
Graduates will apply mathematical, statistical, financial, economic and other skills to untangle the most complex and difficult problems facing the commercial world.
Learn moreThe study of Ancient Greek is a rewarding one. An Ancient Greek major assumes no prior knowledge of the language. It introduces the principles of the language (grammar, vocabulary, syntax) and develops reading skills that will enable you to engage closely with Ancient Greek texts. The courses we offer give you a unique opportunity to read in the original language the literature, history, and philosophy of Ancient Greece. From your engagement with the past through its language and literature you will gain a richer understanding not only of that world but also of contemporary society. Proficiency in Ancient Greek is highly recommended also for those wishing to specialize in Ancient Greek or Roman history and civilization.
Learn moreThe Ancient History major focuses on two of the great civilisations of the ancient Mediterranean, Greece and Rome. These civilisations have been enormously influential down to modern times: the Greeks invented democracy, history, philosophy and the scientific method, while Rome’s legacy continues to resonate in modern oratory, law, urbanization and international relations. Much of Western culture claims descent from Greece and Rome, yet these ancient societies were also exotically different from our own. The First Year courses in Ancient History introduce students to the politics, culture, and mythology of Ancient Greece and Rome while also training students in how to use and read ancient sources (in translation). Later Year courses will cover a range of periods and aspects of Greek and Roman history, including politics, war and imperialism, society and economy, and mythology, art and architecture.
Learn moreAnthropology is the study of cultural differences and similarities in a globalised world. As a field of study anthropology is uniquely placed to interpret the widest range of contemporary social phenomena - from migration to religious fundamentalism, online communities and new social movements, contemporary indigenous cultural expression and identity politics, consumption and commodification, and many changing forms of social relationships.
The School of Archaeology and Anthropology offers a diverse range of undergraduate courses which cover these themes and more.The discipline's distinctive methodology—long-term ethnographic fieldwork—provides anthropologists with finely grained and in-depth understandings of complex social phenomena. With a commitment to a comparative and holistic framework, anthropologists' treatment of cultural diversity provides insights into the different ways people comprehend their place in the world and relationships to each other, as well as new ways for us to think about our own relationships and society. It is an ideal foundation for a contemporary liberal-arts degree. Students of non-English languages can find anthropology especially useful.
Learn moreArabic is the mother language of over 250 million people in the Middle East (West Asia and North Africa), and one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Arabic is also the language of the Qur'an with special importance to all Muslims. Arabic is the language of an ancient civilization, which contributed greatly to human knowledge. Its influence is strongly felt on such languages as Persian, Turkish, Urdu, Indonesian and Malay, among others.
Arabic is also the living medium of a contemporary dynamic literature and culture. Its rich and magnificent poetry, classical and modern, is especially captivating. The major is designed to develop the four skills of listening, speaking reading and writing in an integrated way. Courses use Modern Standard Arabic as the language of teaching.
Learn moreThe major in archaeology provides students with the opportunity to learn archaeological techniques and comprehend the evidence of past human societies in different locations, for both prehistoric and historical periods. Courses cover a wide range of regional cultural sequences and archaeological methodologies.
You will identify patterns and regional variation in the human past as revealed by the archaeological evidence, explain the nature of ancient and historic life and cultural transformations, critically evaluate archaeological evidence for the reconstruction of cultural systems and cultural change in specific regions, describe the long-term cultural changes in different parts of the world, and explain the basics of human physical and cultural evolution.
Learn moreAustralia is increasingly looking to Asia - strategically, economically, politically, and culturally - and all eyes are on the graduates of tomorrow to take us there. Proudly interdisciplinary and inter-regional, in this major we train our students to adapt to changes in Australian society and develop links with the cultures and societies of the Asian region through the study of the historical, cultural, social and political structures that have shaped the region.
With a major in Asian Studies you will acquire an in-depth contextual knowledge of the region and the ability to apply interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the issues confronting the region, and graduate with the kind of Asian literacy that gets you noticed by employers.
Learn moreChinese civilisation provided the foundations for what has become Modern East Asia. With China on the verge of becoming a world power again, Australia seeks to redefine its relationship with China and its role in the region. Chinese Studies at ANU allows students to engage both broadly and deeply with China’s past and present.
The Chinese Studies Major offer courses in history, culture, linguistics, literature (traditional and modern), politics, archaeology, calligraphy, and on Taiwan. The Major provides students with a solid foundation upon which to develop both general and specialist interests in Chinese culture, history, society and thought.
The Chinese Studies Major is designed to complement the Chinese language major and the Literary Chinese minor, though knowledge of the Chinese language is not required for courses in the Chinese studies major.
Learn moreCourses in this major focus on crime, deviancy, policing and punishment. Completing this major will equip students with an understanding of the key issues relating to the criminological study of criminality, disorder, deviancy and social control. Particular attention is paid to the socio-cultural and political-economic processes influencing which individuals and social groups acquire a deviant label and how such an identity impacts upon the subject. Drawing on theoretical perspectives from sociology and criminology, courses will explore the interconnections between power, organisational and cultural representations of crime, social inequalities, and exposure to criminal justice interventions. They will also consider the emerging social and political implications associated with these relations.
Learn moreDigital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study located at the intersection of humanities scholarship and computational technologies. Its key purpose is to investigate how digital methodologies can be used to enhance and transform research in the Arts and Social Sciences. It also employs traditional humanistic skills to analyse modern digital artefacts and to scrutinise contemporary digital culture.
This major will help students develop a broad understanding of the historical, cultural, and social aspects of current digital humanities research. It thus addresses the growing demand for graduates well-versed in a combination of humanistic and digital skills and able to work in a variety of professional environments, from cultural and memory institutions, to the emerging job markets of information management and online content delivery.
Learn moreThe English major at the ANU offers a wide range of courses reflecting the diversity of the discipline of literary studies in English. There are courses in all the main fields of post-medieval British literary studies from the late sixteenth century to the present day, including the Early Modern, Restoration and Eighteenth-Century, Romantic and Victorian, Modern and Contemporary periods.
There are courses in Australian, US, postcolonial and transnational literatures in English; in literary and cultural theory; in drama, film, new media, and creative writing. English 1000 level-courses introduce students to major genres and modes of writing and to literary-critical practice. English 2000/3000 level courses enable students to broaden and develop their knowledge and enjoyment of literature in a variety of important specialist fields.
Learn moreThe major in Environmental Social Science exposes students to the complex and dynamic relationships between social and environmental systems, processes and change. Students undertaking the major will be taught about environmental matters from a diverse range of disciplines and perspectives, such as sociology, biological anthropology, history, development studies, indigenous studies, policy studies, geography, human ecology, and sustainability science.
Students will be provided with the inter-disciplinary knowledge and research skills necessary to engage with the wicked environmental issues confronting societies of today and of the future, and with the opportunity to translate these attributes into various outputs and interventions.
Learn moreStudents undertaking the major in geography are provided with a rich learning environment characterised by an exciting mix of theoretical and practical training in an applied setting. The course options in the major expose students to a diverse range of skills that are much in demand, including experiential and field-based learning, GIS and spatial technology, the principles of modeling, integrated research training, and small-group learning that draws upon the diversity of student and staff professional and cultural backgrounds. The major in geography will equip students with a thorough yet broad-based grounding in the discipline, the background to pursuing a professional career related to geography.
Learn moreThis major introduces students to the theoretical frameworks, policy instruments, and cutting-edge debates in the field of international human rights. It helps students understand the evolution of human rights in its philosophical, historical, and political contexts, various policy tools and actors for the promotion and protection of human rights, the interplay between human rights theory and practice, and important country cases around the globe. This major is designed to provide students with a robust understanding of key issues relating to the study of human rights in the contemporary world.
Learn moreThe major provides a well-integrated training, keeping a good balance in the scope of study between the past history and present challenges, as well as in terms of analytical approaches drawn from the humanities and the social sciences. Training in this major will significantly enhance qualifications and opportunities for employment in a wide range of fields, such as NGOs and development, media, education, government offices, or business and commerce. Successful completion of the major will also provide students a solid foundation for further research work in a higher degree programs.
The major provides a depth of understanding of the diverse and vibrant, yet vast and complex Indonesian society, politics and culture. The Indonesian studies major is designed to complement the Indonesian language major, though knowledge of the Indonesian language is not required for courses in the Indonesian studies major.
Learn moreThe study of International Relations has traditionally focused upon the (often hostile) engagements between nation-states and/or their diplomatic elites seeking to advance the national interest by war or other means. These are still important themes in the contemporary IR agenda. However, at the beginning of the 21st century analysts and policymakers require a more comprehensive body of knowledge and deeper understanding of the world and how it operates. This major is designed to provide students with such knowledge and understanding in regard to both traditional and more recent agendas.
You will identify the core concepts and theories that dominate global politics in the 21st century, have a thorough understanding of the historical development of the global system, examine the contemporary challenges facing the global system and evaluate the policies implemented to address them, identify the role that people, states, ideas, and institutions play in shaping the international political economy, understand Australia's role in global politics, and reflect critically on the knowledge and skills developed in their study of International Relations.
Learn moreA Japanese studies major has many benefits in today’s globalised world and the Asian Century. As one of Australia’s key trading partners, private and public sector employers actively recruit ANU graduates with detailed knowledge of and experience in Japan.
This major provides students with a nuanced understanding of the historical, political and cultural forces that have shaped the development and current state of modern Japan. Armed with this understanding students will be able to engage meaningfully with the culture, society and people while helping to bridge the divides separating Japan and Australia. Though designed to complement the Japanese language major, knowledge of the Japanese language is not required for the Japanese studies major.
Learn moreKorea has a long history with a rich cultural heritage and dynamic political and socioeconomic changes. Situated at the crossroads of East Asia, Korea has played a significant role in shaping pre-modern and modern transformations within the region and beyond. The division of the Korean peninsula into North and South Korea since 1945 has made Korea as a strategically important player in the politics of the Cold War whose impact still remains significant in driving geopolitical and security issues.
The Korean Studies major provides students with a solid foundation for developing a sophisticated understanding of the dynamics that have shaped Korea and its relationship to the world. The major consists of a wide range of courses on history, politics, society and culture, offering an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective. Students will gain nuanced understanding of the past and the present of the peninsula and great insights into current affairs related to North and South Korea. The Korean Studies major is designed to complement Korean language major, though knowledge of Korean is not required for courses in the Korea Studies major.
Learn moreThe study of Latin is a rewarding one. A Latin major introduces the principles of the language (grammar, vocabulary, syntax) and develops reading skills so that you engage closely with the Latin texts. The courses we offer give you a unique opportunity to read in the original language the literature, history, and philosophy of the Roman world. From your engagement with the past through its language and literature you will gain a richer understanding not only of that world but also of contemporary society. Proficiency in Latin is highly recommended also for those wishing to specialize in Ancient Greek or Roman history and civilization.
Learn moreLinguistics is the study of human language: how we use languages to communicate, how languages vary and change over time, how meanings are expressed, how children and adults acquire language, and how communication differs across communities. In this major, you will learn about branches of linguistics, including sound systems (phonetics and phonology), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax), conversation and text structure (discourse), meaning (semantics), language use in society (sociolinguistics), language in education, health care and the law. You will carry out detailed analysis of linguistic data from a variety of languages, with a particular emphasis on the Indigenous languages of Australia and the Pacific region.
The study of human language blends both scientific and humanistic approaches to building knowledge, and you will experience a wide range of analytic methods and theories. As language assumes ever greater importance in an interconnected, multilingual world, while remaining one of the last enigmatic frontiers for fields like natural language processing, the study of linguistics is relevant to an ever-wider range of career options.
Learn moreMathematics is the study of universal patterns and structures; it is the quantitative language of the world; it underpins information technology, computer science, engineering, and the physical sciences; and it plays an increasingly important role in the biological and medical sciences, economics, finance, environmental science, sociology and psychology.
The Mathematics major is designed to provide a foundation in Calculus, Linear Algebra and basic modelling techniques using differential equations. In parallel, critical thinking will be developed through the analysis of quantitative problems. With this background students will be ready to pursue their interests in a broad range of mathematical areas, by choosing appropriate later year courses in pure or applied mathematics areas, or a combination of these. These later year courses reinforce and extend the students' quantitative skills as well as providing a greater awareness of the many branches of mathematics and of the interconnections among them.
Learn moreThe Music major gives students the opportunity to pursue high-level studies in music. The key objective of the major is to develop students' deep and sophisticated understanding of one or more of the cultural, historical, theoretical, and analytical situation of music across a variety of cultures and historical periods. Students may also choose a focus on music education or music technology. The Music major allows sufficient specialisation for students to focus on a particular area – for instance musicology, ethnomusicology, theory and analysis – and gain a robust preparation for Honours and further research in that area.
Learn moreThe primary objective of this major is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the causes, prevention and containment of conflict, and of theoretical and practical approaches to conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Particular emphasis is given to the relevance of these issues to Australia, Asia and the Pacific, and the major emphasises both the historical and contemporary contexts in which conflicts occur.
Students will learn about the conflicts that have shaped our world, region and country, and efforts to prevent and resolve such conflicts. The major is comprehensive in approach, drawing insights from a range of disciplines including anthropology, diplomacy, gender studies, geography, history, international relations, law, peace and conflict studies, political science, security studies, sociology and strategic studies. Students that have completed the major will be well equipped to pursue advanced research in the fields of international relations, peace and conflict studies, and security studies or to develop a career in a wide range of relevant professions, including in non-governmental organisations, international organisations, government and policy bodies.
Learn morePhilosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of reality and the human experience. It is the bedrock you reach when, in any other discipline, you keep asking: why? At the ANU, philosophy is also a method: approaching a question by breaking it down into its component parts, building up reasoned, logical arguments—and following them wherever they lead, however surprising.
Closely analyse and critique arguments in a wide variety of fields and contexts, which may include using formal logic; develop cogent arguments and presentations, including engaging with detailed criticism of their ideas; apply complex abstract ideas to real-world phenomena in a wide variety of fields and contexts;recognise implicit assumptions in social, political, scientific, moral, and cultural arguments, and relate them to contested ideas and real-world scenarios; and describe various philosophical traditions and their history.
Learn morePolitical Science is the study of human relationships that involve power, rule, or authority. It is about how societies govern themselves and how societies ought to be governed. It is about the political behaviour of individuals and groups that occurs in all societies. It is about those who have political power in society and those who do not.
Political Science is a broadly-based discipline offering courses that span a number of sub-fields. The major in Political Science introduces students to core concepts and methods and exposes them to four key areas of the discipline: Political thought and political theory or ideas, Australian government and public policy, Comparative politics and comparative public policy including the study of particular countries or regions, and International politics/international relations.
Learn morePsychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. It is a broad-ranging discipline that spans topics including perceiving and thinking, the biological basis of behaviour, human development, perception and cognition, social psychology, personality psychology, and research methodology. Students taking the psychology major will gain an understanding of how to apply the scientific perspective to psychological phenomena in the laboratory and in the real world. Within the major there is flexibility to select courses to meet individual career objectives. The intention of the Psychology major is to ensure the acquisition of contemporary knowledge in psychological theory and evidence across core themes in psychological science.
Learn moreSociology analyses the processes that structure and transform social relations. It explores how identities and societies are formed by virtue of activity occurring in different social contexts. Sociologists examine a wide spectrum of behaviours and they evaluate how and why different social problems and inequalities emerge, how they are experienced, and how they are responded to. The discipline draws on a diverse range of theoretical perspectives and methodological techniques to study the social underpinnings of key concerns, including climate change, surveillance, local and global conflicts, and health and education inequalities.
Students develop a ‘sociological imagination’, a way of thinking that enables them to (a) problematise taken-for-granted assumptions; (b) ask critically informed questions; (c) engage in systematic research; and (d) formulate in-depth analytical understandings of social behaviour and relations. A sociology degree provides students with a cognitive and transferable skill set and it empowers them to participate in wider intellectual and policy debates about key social issues. It is therefore a recognised and valued qualification in a range of careers.
Learn moreThe Spanish major provides students with the skills needed to develop an ability to understand, speak, read and write Spanish. Students are exposed to Spanish as used across the Spanish-speaking world, and a wide variety of sources are drawn on. In this way, different cultural expressions of the Spanish-speaking world are incorporated into the classes to enhance the language-learning experience.
Students also have the opportunity to deepen their understanding and strengthen their language skills through specialist courses in Hispanic linguistics and Hispanic literatures. Students with existing knowledge of Spanish can begin at a more advanced level, and the exact sequence of courses depends on the level at which the student begins the major.
Learn moreThe Astronomy and Astrophysics major provides a broad overview of the application of physics to understanding the physical universe. It aims to provide a balance of knowledge and skills. Central areas of knowledge include: the physics of radiation; celestial mechanics and fluid dynamics; structure and evolution of planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, and the universe; design of and analysis of data from telescopes and similar instruments. Mathematical, computational and experimental skills include: problem solving, data gathering, data analysis, and instrument design. The major will prepare students for a variety of careers in areas in which the physical sciences are important, including: research, teaching, and industry.
Learn moreBiochemistry is a scientific discipline that combines biological and chemical concepts and methods. It is focused on the understanding of molecules that are relevant to biological processes. These can be small molecules that form part of metabolic pathways, chemical compounds that bind to biological molecules and macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins. Biochemistry as a discipline investigates the structure and function of these molecules either in isolation or in a cellular context. Biochemists generate and modify molecules to understand their function and design molecules with novel properties.
Learn moreThis major covers the study of life processes at the molecular and cellular levels, including the storage, transfer and regulation of genetic information, the structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and interactions between molecules and cells. The emphasis is on basic principles that underpin the processes unique to living organisms at the molecular and cellular levels.
The concepts and techniques of molecular and cell biology form the foundation for studies of all aspects of modern biology and will be applied to different areas such as biomedical science, plant science, developmental biology and microbiology. This major provides a solid grounding for further study in any area of the molecular life sciences as well as medicine, bioengineering and biotechnology.
Learn moreA basic understanding of chemistry is critically important for anyone planning a career in science, medicine or engineering. Chemistry impacts on all of our lives from the safe handling of common household chemicals to understanding the chemical effects of compounds on our health from dietary intake including foodstuffs and medicines, the air we breathe, the fuels we burn, the chemicals we manufacture and use, and their environmental consequences.
The major in Chemistry will provide students with a depth and breadth of understanding of chemical knowledge that is essential for anyone contemplating further study in chemistry or a career in the chemical or pharmaceutical industries. In combination with a major in Biology it forms an ideal background for further study in biological or medicinal research. The highly transferable lab-based skills in the manipulation of glassware, the safe handling and use of chemicals, the application of techniques and instrumentation, and experimental process will stand students in excellent stead in a variety of disciplinary contexts.
The major in Chemistry will provide students with the chemical basis for understanding biological structures and processes; the effects of drugs and other chemicals in the body; the electrical, magnetic and photochemical properties of materials; geological and atmospheric processes; and environmental issues.
Learn moreUnderstanding how our planet works has been a human ambition for many centuries. Earth Science deals with complex systems and brings together aspects of chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology to understand the processes that shape our planet. Earth Science is central to many pressing issues of our time such as the supply of resources including energy and water, climate change and natural hazards.
The major in Earth Science will examine the origin of Earth from its beginning as one of several planets orbiting the sun to the evolution through time of rocks, the oceans and the atmosphere and how this made life on Earth possible. In the past 50 years, we have come to appreciate the global mobility of plates encapsulated in the paradigm of plate tectonics. Interactions between plates generate earthquakes, mountain belts and volcanos. In addition to understanding the fundamental mechanisms driving these global forces, Earth Scientists are engaged in understanding the origins of global resources. An increasingly important aspect of Earth Science is the understanding of past and present climate systems through integrated studies of the interactions between the lithosphere, oceans, atmosphere and biosphere.
Studying the Earth involves testing hypotheses and many opportunities arise in the major for field studies. A major in Earth Sciences opens up possibilities for work in the mining and minerals industries, government agencies and science education. It serves as a pathway to higher degree research at Australian or overseas universities.
Learn moreThe long term survival of humanity relies on sustainable management of our natural environment, including its landscapes; and sustainable management is dependent upon our having a strong scientific understanding of the fundamental processes that interact to shape the complex environmental system.
The major in Environmental Science develops that understanding by providing an integration of scientific knowledge and practice in environmental and landscape sciences. It focuses on how key areas of environmental science relate to and are underpinned by landscape processes. Only by understanding these key landscape processes can successful environmental outcomes be achieved. The major includes a focus on current understandings of the science of the environment, and a range of response strategies for their sustainable management. Students develop their ability to evaluate recent and current advances in environmental science, and in policy and management approaches; and to integrate a range of discipline-based knowledge relevant to specific regions or issues in sustainable environmental and landscape management.
Learn moreGeography is a dynamic discipline that is increasingly recognised as an integral part of developing holistic approaches to contemporary problems in society and environment. The advent of products such as Google Earth (TM) and the rapid uptake of spatial technology in many facets of day-to-day life has also put geography on the public agenda. In essence, geographers study Earth's diversity, its resources, and humankind's survival on the planet. This involves analysing the associations of things and events that give special character to particular places; the interconnections between different areas; and the working of complex systems through time. Geography is the only academic discipline in which an integrative perspective focusing on spatial relationships and processes is a fundamental concern. Geography takes an integrative approach to environmental problems and their solutions, including the study of economic, cultural and social goals and processes that determine strategies for resource use and ecosystem management.
Students undertaking the major in geography are provided with a rich learning environment characterised by an exciting mix of theoretical and practical training in an applied setting. The course options in the major expose students to a diverse range of skills that are much in demand, including experiential and field-based learning, GIS and spatial technology, the principles of modeling, integrated research training, and small-group learning that draws upon the diversity of student and staff professional and cultural backgrounds. The major in geography will equip students with a thorough yet broad-based grounding in the discipline, the background to pursuing a professional career related to geography.
Learn moreHuman biology is the interdisciplinary study of our species, ranging from molecules and cells, through tissues and systems to the interactions of humans with their environment. This major has a focus on the basic principles that underlie normal human physiology and the molecular basis of disease. These studies will be situated within the larger context of biological and biochemical mechanisms common to all life forms. This major provides a solid grounding for further study in biological and biomedical science, including medicine and allied health areas. It is also of value to a range of careers including global health and disease, laboratory research and support, pharmaceutical industry and sales, and biotechnology.
Learn moreModels are becoming an increasingly important tool in many branches of modern society due to advances in science and technology. As our understanding of these models improves, the complexity of the types of questions being asked increases. The objective of this major is to train students in techniques of model development, use and assessment.
A key requirement for future scientists, industry leaders, resource managers, and policy makers is an ability to build and evaluate models and/or interpret model outputs. Career opportunities for graduates extend into every part of society, including: research (e.g. CSIRO, Universities); public sector (e.g. Bureau of Meteorology, Murray Darling Basin Authority, state government agencies); and private sector (e.g. engineering, finance).
Students may choose to complement this major with a quantitative applications major or minor consisting of courses from areas such as: physics; earth and environmental science; global change science; climate science and policy; environmental geoscience; geophysics; quantitative finance; or mathematical finance.
Learn moreMathematics is the study of universal patterns and structures; it is the quantitative language of the world; it underpins information technology, computer science, engineering, and the physical sciences; and it plays an increasingly important role in the biological and medical sciences, economics, finance, environmental science, sociology and psychology.
The Mathematics major is designed to provide a foundation in Calculus, Linear Algebra and basic modelling techniques using differential equations. In parallel, critical thinking will be developed through the analysis of quantitative problems. With this background students will be ready to pursue their interests in a broad range of mathematical areas, by choosing appropriate later year courses in pure or applied mathematics areas, or a combination of these. These later year courses reinforce and extend the students' quantitative skills as well as providing a greater awareness of the many branches of mathematics and of the interconnections among them.
Learn morePsychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. It is a broad-ranging discipline that spans topics including perceiving and thinking, the biological basis of behaviour, human development, perception and cognition, social psychology, personality psychology, and research methodology.
Students taking the psychology major will gain an understanding of how to apply the scientific perspective to psychological phenomena in the laboratory and in the real world. Within the major there is flexibility to select courses to meet individual career objectives. The intention of the Psychology major is to ensure the acquisition of contemporary knowledge in psychological theory and evidence across core themes in psychological science.
Learn moreImprove the health of future populations with the globally-focussed ANU Master of Public Health.
Through innovative and applied education, you’ll gain an understanding of contemporary public health issues, and learn practical techniques for analysing public health problems.
Whether you study online or on campus, this program provides real experience in public health through core courses designed to give you the skills you need and electives that suit your interests. Workplace-related learning can be readily incorporated for those who work in relevant public health jobs.
This Advanced program incorporates a research project and thesis.
Learn moreImprove the health of future populations with the globally-focussed ANU Master of Public Health
Through innovative and applied education, you’ll gain an understanding of contemporary public health issues, and learn practical techniques for analysing public health problems.
Whether you study online or on campus, this program provides real experience in public health through core courses designed to give you the skills you need and electives that suit your interests. Workplace-related learning can be readily incorporated for those who work in relevant public health jobs.
Learn moreThe Software Development major integrates the conceptual and practical skills related to the technology of computer systems used in the creation of high quality software. Students develop the knowledge and skills needed to build software based solutions to complex problems in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), as well as understanding the systems context within which software is developed and operated, preparing them for a professional career in the ICT industry.
Learn moreThe Cyber Security major provides principles, theories and practical skills required to analyse and manage current cyber security situations. Students will learn how to reverse-engineer a given system and to identify and test vulnerabilities. The addressed systems cover the complete range of architectures from individual controllers to the internet.
Learn moreThe data science major teaches the principles, theories and skills used in developing methods to collect, manage, analyse, and interpret data in various formats and at a large scale. Students will learn to use a broad range of techniques to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex data, including structured and unstructured data. The program will involve courses in areas such as database systems, data mining, document analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Learn moreThe Information Systems major integrates conceptual and practical skills related to the creation, flow and usage of information within organisations. Students develop an understanding of organisations, and the knowledge and skills required for systems analysis and design, and to manage organisational computer systems applications, preparing them to pursue a professional career in the Information Technology industry.
Learn moreThe Master of Professional Psychology is an alternative pathway to your career as a professional psychologist, without needing an Honours degree.
The two-year program includes coursework on psychological assessment, interventions and professional skills; a group research project in the first year and practical placement experience in the second year. The Master of Professional Psychology is less research-intensive than Honours.
Learn moreThe Biology Honours specialisation encourages you to develop a rich and active appreciation of the latest research in biology. Usually taken full time for two consecutive semesters, it is structured around the planning and execution of a substantial research project under the supervision of a research supervisor, culminating in the production of a thesis. Along the way, you will develop skills in laboratory or field techniques, analysis and critical reasoning, and written and oral communication. Biology honours provides you with a solid foundation in the principles of evidence-based enquiry, and can be an entry into many careers both within and outside of science.
Learn moreThe Chemistry Honours specialisation is intended for students who have a foundational knowledge of the field and are interested in undertaking an independent research project under the direction of a supervisor. The Honours specialization is usually taken full time for two consecutive semesters and includes research training, in-depth analysis of current concepts in the field as well as a substantial research project culminating in the production of a thesis. It provides a solid foundation in the basics of research, and can be an entry into many careers both within and outside of science, or a pathway to a PhD in chemistry.
Learn moreHonours in Computer Science is a program offered within the Bachelor of Science. It offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in computer science. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent research with the guidance from academic staff, and who wish to be prepared for exciting careers as computing professionals or who wish to pursue further study.
Note that students may also pursue an honours year in Information Technology through the ANU Bachelor of Information Technology honours program.
Learn moreThis research-intensive Honours program provides the opportunity to conduct independent, in-depth research on a topic of your choice, with supervisory guidance. It is intended for students who have foundational knowledge in one or more of environmental science, environmental studies, geography, human ecology, forest sciences, resource and environmental management, and sustainability, as well as students who wish to apply their knowledge from another field in one of these multi-disciplinary areas.
The program is usually taken full-time for two consecutive semesters and includes research training; in-depth analysis of current concepts in the broad environment field and in the selected specialized research area; and a substantial, original research project culminating in the production of a thesis. Honours extends the knowledge and skills developed during the Bachelor degree and provides a solid foundation in the practice of research suitable for entry to a broad range of careers or to a PhD.
Learn moreThe Mathematics Honours specialisation is intended for students who have a foundational knowledge of the field and are interested in undertaking an independent research project under the direction of a supervisor. The Honours specialisation is usually taken full time for two consecutive semesters and includes research training, in-depth analysis of contemporary topics, and a substantial research project culminating in the production of a thesis. The Honours specialisation is a solid foundation in the basics of research and can provide either a pathway to a PhD or entry to careers in finance, education, public service, or technology.
Learn moreThe ANU Physics Honours program provides an opportunity for high achieving students to undertake a substantial program of original research, as well as studying advanced Physics coursework. The research project may be undertaken in any relevant area of the University. Projects are individually supervised by an academic staff member, usually embedded within a larger research group and/or Department. Research projects are available in theoretical and experimental Physics across a wide range of Physics disciplines (For an up to date list see our project website physics.anu.edu.au/projects). Honours in Physics prepares students for careers in a wide range of occupations, and sufficiently high marks qualify the student for entry into a PhD program.
Learn moreThe Psychology Honours specialisation is intended for students who have successfully completed an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited undergraduate sequence in psychology, and are interested in undertaking an independent psychological research. The honours specialisation is usually taken full time for two consecutive semesters and includes research training, in-depth analysis of current concepts in psychology as well as a substantial research project culminating in the production of a thesis. Honours is a solid foundation in the basics of research and can be an entry into many careers both within and outside of psychology, and a pathway to the profession of clinical psychology.
Learn moreThe statistics honours specialisation is a program offered within the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in statistics. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent statistical research with the guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating from the Honours in Statistics program have been highly successful in professional practice and a number have progressed to PhD studies.
Learn moreThe Master of Project Management (MPM) program equips graduates and professionals from any discipline to become evidence-based decision makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders. The MPM program provides specialised knowledge and skills in the area of project management, and can be tailored to include another specialisation (in different discipline) or personal choice of studies via the ANU wide electives.
Learn moreGraduates with a specialisation in Business Information Systems will learn to identify, interpret and analyse stakeholder needs, and apply problem solving, design and decision making methodologies to develop information systems components, systems and/or processes to meet those needs.
Graduates with a specialisation in Business Information Systems will have a coherent body of knowledge of the fundamental principles of business information systems, and an understanding of conceptual frameworks as a basis for future discovery in education and practice.
Learn moreGraduates with a specialisation in Entrepreneurship & Innovation will learn to combine foundational knowledge of core theory and best practices in these fields, which will form the basis for independent lifelong learning. Graduates with a specialisation in Entrepreneurship & Innovation will have a coherent body of knowledge of the fundamental principles of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, and an understanding of conceptual frameworks as a basis for future discovery in education and practice.
Learn moreGraduates with a specialisation in International Business will be provided with an overview of the principal issues and considerations in the growth and functioning of international businesses. The core courses in the specialisation aim to develop skills and competencies in international business relating to the international business environment, as well as strategic management, societal business systems, marketing and human resource management in an international business context.
Learn moreThe major in Business Information Systems is concerned with the study of business information and its production, flows and usage within organisations. It encompasses both manual activities and those involving computing and telecommunications. The goal of the major in Business Information Systems is to develop skills and competencies in students that will enable them to embark upon a professional career in the ICT, information systems and associated industries. Specifically students develop skills in the design, specification and implementation of information systems in addition to understanding the financial and other resources required to assist organisations to effectively utilise information systems and technologies.
Learn moreThe major in Finance introduces students to the basic concepts underpinning finance, applying them to the study of financial instruments and markets; the financial decisions facing the firm; investment decisions and portfolio management; derivatives and risk management. In addition, depending upon the electives chosen students will study portfolio construction; corporate valuation; and debt markets. The aim of the major in Finance is to develop skills and competencies in students that will enable them to embark upon a professional career in the fields of financial management, financial consulting and planning, funds management, investment banking and stockbroking.
Learn moreThe major in Management incorporates a range of disciplines to analyse the principal issues and considerations relevant to management. Students are introduced to the important concepts and practices in managing people and resources in the organisational context. The core courses in the major aims to develop skills and competencies in management relating to human resource management, organisational behaviour, and corporate strategy. Depending on the electives chosen, students have the option of developing their understanding of specific management practices including those related to cross-cultural management, labour economics and industrial relations, corporate sustainability, employment relations, organisational change, business project management, business ethics, leadership, international human resource management, and entrepreneurship and innovation.
Learn moreThe major in Marketing combines aspects of economics, commerce, psychology, sociology and statistical analysis in the assessment of market behaviour and the development of
Learn moreA Masters in Finance from the Australian National University equips graduates with the necessary skills to excel in the global financial marketplace. Students enrolled in the program examine fundamental principles in finance which are applicable to: valuing financial securities and corporations; utilising derivatives for risk management purposes; and, exploring diversification methods to create investment portfolios. You will be challenged to solve financial problems and will develop a keen analytical mind which is essential when working in the fast paced world of finance. As a Master of Finance graduate from the Australian National University you will be highly sought-after by employers both in Australia and around the world.
Learn moreDecode the puzzle of the human brain with the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours).
This degree will allow you to explore both the research and applied components of psychology, with the opportunity to specialise in an area of interest when completing Honours in your fourth year.
This program is suited to those who intend to complete a postgraduate qualification in psychology and pursue a career as a clinical psychologist.
Learn moreInternational law regulates the relations between States and with other actors at the international level and can affect society in a variety of ways, both internationally and at the domestic level. It helps us to explain and analyse interactions in the international community and their impact within national societies.
This International Law specialisation will give you the skills necessary to navigate the international legal system, with the opportunity to focus on areas of particular interest through a wide array of elective courses, many of which require the completion of a substantial research paper.
This specialisation is highly flexible, allowing you to choose courses that are compatible with your current profession or that extend your knowledge in new directions. Whether you are working in private practice, an NGO, within government or are looking to expand your legal knowledge for a future career – this program offers diversity, flexibility and knowledge suitable for a wide range of students.
Learn moreThis specialisation requires the completion of 24 units, which must consist of:
24 units from completion of the following course(s):
Studying Public Law will involve you in examining both the process and product of government regulation and the underlying legal structures upon which government is built.
This specialisation combines comparative and multi-disciplinary perspectives in examining the design, implementation, and effectiveness of regulation in Australia. This enables you to develop a strong understanding of the modern regulatory state and the laws that govern its operation.
This specialisation is highly flexible, allowing you to choose courses that are compatible with your current profession or that extend your knowledge in new directions. Whether you are working in private practice, within government, or are looking to expand your legal knowledge for a future career – this program offers diversity, flexibility, and knowledge suitable for a wide range of students.
Learn moreA student admitted to a program for a coursework award must enrol in the courses, sequences of courses, or combinations of courses, that the University determines may be included in the program for the year in which the student is admitted to the program.
Study a Master of Laws at Australia’s national law school at Australia’s top-ranked University. This highly valuable qualification deepens your understanding of the way law operates in, and interacts with, the modern world and equips you with skills and knowledge for the 21st century job market.
Learn moreAt ANU, we are making breakthroughs in mental health prevention and treatment, from understanding how children and youth can build stronger and happier futures, to breaking down stigma so that those affected can live more fulfilling lives.
Join us and help make our society a better place with the Master of Clinical Psychology.
You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the core areas of clinical psychology and develop practical skills that will underpin your career success.
Our contemporary training is founded on the scientist-practitioner model where clinical skills and interventions are considered on the basis of available scientific evidence and knowledge.
Learn moreThe Anthropology Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of anthropology, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Archaeology Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of archaeology, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Criminology Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of criminology, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Economics Honours specialisation is offered by Research School of Economics to students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies. The honours year is a challenging but rewarding year of study in economics. The Research School seeks outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent economics research with guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating with Honours in Economics have been highly successful with careers in government, industry and academia in leading institutions and organisations around the world.
Learn moreThe English Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of English, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Environmental Studies Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of environmental studies, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe History Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of history, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe International Relations Honours Specialisation gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of international relations, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a thesis of up to 20,000 words, that develops new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreStudying international relations at ANU means you will be studying the best program of its kind in Australia and graduating with one of the most respected degrees in this field in the world. The Master of International Relations is the only international relations program in Australia that blends a concern with global politics, leading disciplinary innovations in thought and practice, and an engagement with the Asia-Pacific region. The program equips you with a keen understanding of the pressing issues of our time by providing you with access to globally recognised experts in face-to-face seminars.
In this degree, students will learn to make sense of the big political and security trends taking place in the region and the world and come to terms with the significant debates in the field of International Relations. The Master of International Relations encourages and equips students to form their own world views and generate their own analyses of the important issues shaping our world today.
Learn moreThe Master of Management (MoM) program equips graduates and professionals from a cognate discipline to become evidence-based decision makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders. The MoM program provides specialised knowledge and skills in a single specialisation area chosen from:
Research School of Management graduates complete their studies having demonstrated all the attributes of:
Are you looking at changing the direction of your career to help tackle the problems facing today’s world? Or do you want to take your existing public health education to the next level? The ANU Graduate Certificate of Public Health provides you with a flexible education experience and acts as an entry point for more advanced coursework degree programs in Public Health.
It can also be used as an exit award for students who are unable, for a variety of reasons, to complete a Master degree but have completed 24 units of credit toward their postgraduate program.
Learn moreAre you looking at changing the direction of your career to help tackle the problems facing today’s world? Or do you want to take your existing public health education to the next level? The ANU Graduate Certificate of Public Health provides you with a flexible education experience and acts as an entry point for more advanced coursework degree programs in Public Health.
It can also be used as an exit award for students who are unable, for a variety of reasons, to complete a Master degree but have completed 24 units of credit toward their postgraduate program.
Employment Opportunities
This program can be a pathway to more advanced study.
Learning Outcomes
The ANU Bachelor of Music nurtures outstanding musical artistry through the intersection of performance, composition and technology. We believe that discovery lies at the heart of both creativity and excellence. We foster artistry through offering a diversity of musical experiences in an environment that encourages excellence, passion and entrepreneurship.
Our program provides students with a unique 21st Century musical experience which includes classical, jazz and contemporary performance, multimedia composition and audio engineering and recording.
Learn moreCombine cutting-edge digital practices with internationally-renowned art and craft studio disciplines in the Bachelor of Design.
Design students will benefit from deep immersion in digital, manual and theoretical studies and a wide overview of creative practices. From coding, to making, to manufacture, students apply hands-on design to digital and physical materials. Students delve into web design, data visualisation, and interaction design, and experiment in studios to develop expertise in the latest digital form and fabrication processes.
This degree prepares students with transferable knowledge and skills required to make their mark on a rapidly changing world.
Learn moreA Bachelor of Laws (Honours) degree provides candidates with a law degree that opens doors to a diverse range of professional careers in Australia and around the world.
In addition to equipping you with an understanding of law and the contexts in which it operates, the LLB (Hons) places a significant emphasis on building your high-level research skills through opportunities to conduct independent legal research.
Through the LLB (Hons), you will graduate with an honours-degree, giving you additional advantages in establishing your career or providing a strong foundation for postgraduate study. The program satisfies the academic component to be admitted as a legal practitioner in Australia.
Learn moreHonours in Information Technology is a program offered within the Research School Computer Science that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in computer science. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent research with the guidance from academic staff, and who wish to be prepared for exciting careers as computing professionals or who wish to pursue further study.
Note that students may also pursue an honours year in Computer Science through the ANU Bachelor of Science honours program.
Learn moreDo you dream of working in the leading financial cities of the world: New York, London, Shanghai, Sydney and Hong Kong? Have you ever wondered why some companies are successful and others fail? Are you interested in learning how to maximise profits and minimise risk? The ANU Master of Applied Finance will equip you to excel in the financial marketplace. This program is for you if you are, or are intending to become, a specialist in finance, or a professional offering advice in this area.
As a student you will be challenged to solve a variety of financial problems and will develop a keen analytical mind which will prove invaluable in the fast changing world of finance. As a Master of Applied Finance graduate from the Australian National University you will be highly sought-after by employers both in Australia and around world.
Learn moreThe Graduate Diploma in Public Health draws on existing courses offered in the Master of Public Health and Master of Public Health (Advanced) offered by the College of Medicine, Biology and Environment. It is intended primarily as an exit award for students who are unable, for a variety of reasons, to complete a Master degree but have completed 48 units of credit toward their postgraduate program.
Learn moreThe Master of Economics reputation for rigorous training in graduate economics - underlined by its research-active pedagogy - attracts outstanding students to the University.
In particular, influential economic policymakers in prominent organisations of national executive government (especially PM&C and Treasury) have found the MEc’s focus on national policy issues very rewarding.
The degree's accommodation of a focus on Australia's place in the region (through coursework choices and research) is worth stressing.
Learn moreThe Diploma of Languages prepares students for the increasingly multilingual and international life of the 21st century. You will be taken on a language learning journey designed to facilitate in-depth engagement with the linguistic and cultural aspects of your chosen language or languages. You can choose to study a wide selection of languages, many of which are not available at any other university in Australia. You can complete the Diploma by doing the equivalent of a major in one language (8 courses), or, for those who have prior learning, by doing an Advanced minor (4 courses) in one language as well as either a second minor (4 courses) in another language or four other language-related courses from those listed under the Program Requirements.
Learn morePlace yourself at the forefront of innovation, engineering organisms to address issues of food security, disease and climate change with the ANU Master of Biotechnology.
Study alongside our leading researchers who work on issues of global importance in areas of biochemistry and molecular biology in the biomedical, animal and plant sciences.
You will also consider the social and ethical impacts of biotechnological research.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate of International Relations equips students with the skills for analytical thinking and research while giving a profound insight into global and Asia-Pacific affairs. This is your opportunity to learn at one of the world’s leading centres for international affairs and to make sense of the key trends and challenges in international relations. Studying international relations at ANU means you will be studying the best program of its kind in Australia and graduating with a highly sought after qualification.This Graduate Certificate will encourage students to form their own world views and generate their own analyses of the important issues shaping our world today. The program also provides a pathway for entry into ANU's Master of International Relations.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) degree exemplifies a commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Medical Science, which brings together the disciplines of genetics, immunology, nutrition, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry and anatomy. Honours allows the exploration of research possibilities related to medical science from a diverse range of complementary disciplines including biology, neuroscience, chemistry and population health (to name just a few). It gives you preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of your discipline, and through the design and implementation of a research project, which develops new understandings or provides solutions to complex problems. Honours Specialisations are available that mirror the teaching and research strengths at the ANU in science, medicine and health.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Design (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Design, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of design, and through the creation and implementation of a research project, typically the formation and installation/exhibition of a coherent, imaginative, focused and speculative design project by integrating studio and contextual investigation/research, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Health Science (BHLTH) provides foundation knowledge of biomedical, environmental, and social health determinants; the skills to evaluate health protection initiatives; and, introduces quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods research approaches. In the BHLTH(Hons) you will identify a relevant research question within biomedical science, clinical science, sociology of health, health policy, health economics or population health. You will then conceive an appropriate research strategy for your question, reliably collect and analyse data, and integrate your conclusions to formulate an evidence-based argument, culminating in a written thesis. Skills gained include project management, information literacy, technical writing, and giving effective oral presentations.
Learn moreWhen undertaking the Bachelor of Visual Arts at the ANU, you will be immersed in a program of rigorous scholarship and intensive studio practice, tailored to your aspirations and informed by internationally renowned art practitioners within Australia’s top-ranking university. You will graduate with the essential creative skills and critical knowledge to address the grand challenges of a rapidly changing world.
You will develop deep disciplinary knowledge and learn specialist skills offered across the School of Art and Design studio disciplines, including ceramics, glass, painting, photography and media arts, printmedia and drawing, sculpture and spatial practice, and textiles. You will extend your study through access to courses in the Centre for Art History and Art Theory, combined with access to electives from across the ANU.
Learn moreOffered by the internationally-renowned Crawford School of Public Policy, this program examines the processes, institutions and practices of public policy. It is designed for graduates interested in pursuing a career in, or currently working in, public policy within or outside of government.
Core courses provide students with a solid foundation in policy processes, governance institutions, policy analysis and research.
The program equips students with important skills for analysing and researching public policy, and communicating persuasively on policy relevant matters. Through interactive and case-based teaching, students debate and reflect on the challenges of governing public policy in a dynamic, interconnected, global and increasingly digital world.
Designed and taught by world-class public policy scholars, this program equips graduates for successful and productive careers in public policy.
Learn moreThe Honours plan that will augment our newly established Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences will be an elite, research-focused program for exceptional students who want to pursue a career based in the quantitative modelling of the real world, a research oriented career in government, commerce or industry, or postgraduate research leading to a higher degree.
Learn moreHonours in Economics is a program offered within the Research School of Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in economics. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent economics research with the guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating from the Honours in Economics program have been highly successful with careers in government, Industry and academia in leading institutions and organisations around the world.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Criminology (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Criminology, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of criminology, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a 20,000 word thesis, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) degree exemplifies a commitment to research-led education. Biotechnology is a fast moving field where scientists use living organisms and their products, to solve real world problems facing modern society. This exciting field has broad applications in medicine, biology, agriculture, manufacturing, renewable energy and engineering. Honours allows the exploration of research possibilities in this field; it gives you preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of your discipline, and through the design and implementation of a research project, that develops new understandings or provides solutions to complex problems. Honours Specialisations are available that mirror the teaching and research strengths at the ANU in biotechnology.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Music Honours is characterised by the concept of music—be it performance, composition, music technology, or musicology—as a research-led process that explores questions relevant to our understanding of what it means to be human and of who we are.
The core of this program is a substantial piece of original research realised through either performance, composition, or a 20,000 word written document.
A performance or composition will be explained verbally through a 5000-word exegesis that explores the creative act as a research process and explains the contribution to knowledge that the creative act makes.
Learn moreCan you see yourself jet-setting the globe with a career in trade, foreign affairs, journalism, international business or research? You have found the right degree. ANU is a leader in the field of International Relations.
Our program will introduce you to International Relations, initially via the broad historical and intellectual framework which has framed the modern world of states since the 17th century.
It will then concentrate on the 20th century, the age of World Wars and the Cold War, before addressing contemporary issues, the age of global political economy, global culture and communication, global environmental concerns and post-Cold war political conflict, including the 'War on Terror'.
With our flexible program you can extend your chosen language subject into a major, and have the opportunity to go on exchange or an international/national internship.
Learn moreANU offers an outstanding variety of programs for Australia's next generation of language leaders, with more languages offered than at any other university in Australia. The ANU Bachelor of Languages is a wonderful way to take advantage of that, through the study of two (or more) languages, in combination with other areas of interest.
Your language education experience is designed to engage you with the structural, grammatical and idiomatic components of your chosen language or languages. This is further contextualised using cultural, social and historical concepts, issues and topics.
You can start at beginning level, or at higher levels if you have past experience. Exciting opportunities exist for you to immerse yourself in your chosen language and culture through study abroad, and to combine your language study with a range of other areas.
Learn moreThe MAppEc rigorous training in econometric and quantitative methods will attract outstanding students to the University. In particular, influential economic policy advisors in prominent organs of national executive government (especially PM&C and Treasury) have found very appealing the way the MAppEc provides training in putting national policy issues in a quantified frame.
Learn moreMathematics is at the core of all technological innovations.
If you’d like to master quantitative problem-solving, mathematical modelling and critical thinking, this is the degree for you.
It is an elite, research-focused program for exceptional students at Australia’s highest-ranked university.
Learn moreThe Master of Accounting allows students to develop accounting skills and critical thinking. Students with limited or no prior accounting training can undertake courses that allow them to meet the entry requirements of the Australian accounting professional bodies. Students who need additional courses to gain entry to Australian professional bodies can also complete this as part of the program. Students with prior accounting studies will take more advanced accounting courses. The program is taught by research active academic staff. Students are exposed to professional and scholarly academic accounting research, enhancing their academic and professional competence.
Learn moreThe Master of Business Information Systems (MBIS) program equips graduates and professionals from any discipline to become evidence-based decision makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders. The MBIS program provides specialised knowledge and skills in the area of business information systems, and can be tailored to include a second specialisation.>
Learn moreAre you a leader? The Australian National University is a leader too, especially in the fields of philosophy, politics and economics. This progressive and well-regarded degree will arm you with the moral, economic and political perspectives you need to make a real impact. You will develop exceptional problem solving skills and critical and conceptual thinking, all while gaining a passport to some of the world’s most promising careers.
Learn morePlace yourself at the forefront of innovation with the ANU Bachelor of Biotechnology. Biotechnology is about applying new technologies to agriculture, food and medicine production, and environmental problems in the context of research, industry and the applied health sciences. In this cutting-edge degree, you’ll learn the foundations of biology such as molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology and microbiology, as well as contemporary topics such as societal and ethical issues of biotechnology and intellectual property.
Learn moreThe ANU Master of Financial Management will equip you to excel in a business career anywhere in the world.
You will gain access to leading academics with extensive industry and research experience.
Courses within the Master of Financial Management have been developed in consultation with key industry partners in the finance sector, assuring you that the advanced skillset you will develop in the program will prepare you for a rewarding career in business.
This program can be combined with the Master of Applied Accounting in a double masters.
Learn moreEquip yourself with the skills to tackle the big environmental problems facing contemporary and future society with the ANU Master of Environment.
Studying at one of the top universities in the world for environmental sciences, you’ll be exposed to current perspectives on environmental issues and approaches, and will develop depth of knowledge in a selected disciplinary area.
You could choose to specialise in biodiversity conservation, climate science and policy, disaster studies, environmental policy, environmental studies and human ecology, geography, natural resource management, sustainability science or water science and management.
Learn moreThe Master of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MEI) program equips graduates and professionals from any discipline to become evidence-based decision makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders. The MEI program provides specialised knowledge and skills in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, and can be tailored to include a second specialisation.
In a typical first semester, students will study four courses (Management Core) that provide a common foundation for all Research School of Management (RSM) postgraduate coursework programs. This common core will enable students within RSM to have a broad understanding of key management discipline areas that will support future studies towards a wide range of potential career paths. The common core also provides scope for students to transition between programs (if desired).
Learn moreThe Graduate Diploma in Economics provides a program of study for those wanting a basic understanding of modern economic analysis. It is available to graduates in any discipline who have some background in economics and quantitative methods.
The Graduate Diploma in Economics will be attractive to those whose present or intended career requires a basic ability in economic analysis. It is also a foundation for further study at a more advanced level.
Learn moreAre you a maths whiz who wants stimulating work, limitless potential and an ever growing salary? This is the esteemed degree that will make you a thought leader in financial fields. With an ANU Master of Actuarial Practice degree, you will excel in your career literally anywhere in the world.
Risk is all around us - in investment markets, on the roads, from our health and the climate. This degree will teach you how to apply your mathematical talent in understanding, measuring and managing risks.
Graduates will apply mathematical, statistical, financial, economic and other skills to untangle the most complex and difficult problems facing the commercial world.
Learn moreThis is a flexible program intended for those who wish to broaden their knowledge, or to develop knowledge in areas that were not included in earlier studies, in the nominated area of specialisation. The Graduate Diploma also provides a route for candidates without an Honours Bachelor degree to progress to a higher degree.
Learn moreThe Graduate Diploma in Business is designed for students who wish to:
The Graduate Certificate of Economics is designed to provide a foundation in economics for whose prior economics training is minimal or nonexistent. The Graduate Certificate will be attractive to those whose present or intended career calls for them to understand and appreciate economic discussion and analysis.
Learn moreThe Graduate Certificate of Public Policy provides knowledge and professional skills for those who wish to broaden and deepen their general or technical skills in public policy.
The Graduate Certificate provides students with a wide menu of choice of Crawford School master degree courses.
Students who are thinking of later proceeding on to a Master degree should consider the course-selection requirements appropriate to the various Master degrees. Course advising is available to help with these choices.
Learn moreThis Graduate Certificate provides you with an understanding of current issues and approaches to environmental management; of current regulatory and policy frameworks and the ability to contribute to the governance of environmental sustainability and disasters.
Learn moreThis program provides opportunities for students wishing to continue their studies in a science based discipline. The program can also provide an entry pathway to other postgraduate coursework programs, such as Master degrees. This program is suitable of students who have completed tertiary studies in a discipline relevant to science.
This program can also be used as an exit award for students who are unable, for a variety of reasons, to complete a Master degree but have completed 24 units of credit toward their postgraduate program.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Politics Philosophy and Economics (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Politics Philosophy and Economics, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research.
You will develop an advanced knowledge of research principles, methods and theoretical concepts of politics, philosophy and economics, and design and implement a research project, namely a 20,000 word thesis, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours) degree exemplifies ANU’s commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Visual Arts, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of visual arts, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically the creation and installation/exhibition of a coherent, imaginative, focused and speculative body of artworks by integrating studio and contextual investigation/research, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of International Relations (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of International Relations, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of international relations, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a 20,000 word thesis, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreIn disciplines as diverse as biology, economics, actuarial studies, psychology, physics, archaeology, medicine and information technology, there is always a need for qualified statisticians to make proper sense of the data.
The Master of Statistics program will enable you to specialise in any of a large number of areas, as well as receive rigorous training in core statistical application and theory.
This will set you up as a professional statistician whose services will be highly sought-after.
With an ANU Master of Statistics you will excel in your career literally anywhere in the world.
Learn moreThe Master of Studies is an exit qualification only. It provides a flexible option for ANU students who require an early or different exit point from a single or Double Masters Degree or Master (Advanced) degree.
Learn moreCrawford School's Master of Public Administration (MPA) is designed to equip public sector professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an environment increasingly characterised by complexity, digital transformation, politicization; and the “hollowing -out” of analytical capacity and historical knowledge.
Learn moreImprove the population’s awareness and appreciation of science through the ANU Master of Science Communication. In this contemporary degree, you’ll join Australia's founding and leading science communication institution, and be taught by some of world’s leading science communicators.
Combining theoretical and practical aspects of science communication, you’ll delve into topics including science in the media, science and public policy, public engagement programs and methods, ethics of science and cross-cultural science communication.
Learn moreHow does our brain impact our behaviour and cognitive functions? How does our nervous system work? The ANU Master of Neuroscience will give you both theoretical and practical knowledge of the modern concepts in neuroscience and methodologies employed to answer these questions and more.
Based in the Eccles Institute of Neuroscience at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australia’s national medical research institute, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art, modern facilities, and some of the country’s leading scientists in the field.
Learn moreThe Master of Museum and Heritage Studies draws on our strong connections with Canberra’s leading cultural and collecting institutions to prepare you for an innovative career in this field.
Our local and national links mean you’ll regularly hear from senior institutional staff in classes, and can learn on the ground through our internship program. Our academics are international leaders in research in the field, and the masters offers a range of specialisations in either museum or heritage studies.
Within the museum specialisation you’ll learn traditional curatorship and collections management, in addition to new areas such as such as social inclusion, citizenship and community engagement, social activism and museums, Indigenous curation and collection, and innovative visitor studies.
The cultural heritage management specialisation offers you the opportunity to analytically address and assess national and international policy and practices in the context of a critical framework that explores the political and social phenomenon and impacts of heritage and its management and conservation.
Learn moreThe Master of International Management program equips graduates and professionals from any discipline to become evidence-based decision-makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders.
The program provides specialised knowledge and skills in the area of international business and can be tailored to include another specialisation (in a different discipline) or personal choice of studies via the ANU-wide electives.
Learn moreThe Master of Marketing Management (MMM) program equips graduates and professionals from any discipline outside of Business to become evidence-based decision-makers, innovative problem solvers, responsible social citizens, and future leaders.
The MMM program provides knowledge and skills in the area of marketing to supplement business leadership and managerial skills from non-business backgrounds.
Learn moreWith internationally renowned teaching staff, and surrounded by national cultural institutions, ANU is a historian’s dream.
Studying history at ANU you can draw upon our prize-winning teaching and research in Australian, North American, ancient, early modern and modern European, and British history, and the expertise of our leading centres for Indigenous history, environmental history, and biography.
The resources of the National Library of Australia, the National Archives of Australia, the National Museum of Australia, and the National Gallery of Australia are also all at your fingertips.
The Master of History provides the theoretical grounding and practical skills you need for the advanced study of history, plus the opportunity to tailor a program according to your interests. If you’re a secondary school teacher, you are able to focus on areas in the national curriculum for history.
Learn moreThe Master of Computing is a 2-year full-time (or equivalent part-time) degree with two target audiences: graduates without a computing background who wish to acquire a solid knowledge of computing, and graduates with a computing or information technology background who wish to broaden and deepen or refresh their knowledge. The program is professionally accredited by the Australian Computer Society.
Master of Computing graduates will develop a deep knowledge and understanding of professional software development and computing practices. Students have the opportunity to participate in many cutting edge courses and, depending upon their background and interests, may choose to specialise in artificial intelligence, human centred design and software development, or data science. The program culminates in a capstone project: either working in small groups with industry partners, with researchers, or in start-ups; or by undertaking a small research project supervised by an academic.
Learn moreAre you a maths whiz who wants stimulating work, limitless potential and an ever growing salary? This is the esteemed degree that will make you a thought leader in actuarial fields.
With an ANU Master of Actuarial Studies degree you will excel in your career literally anywhere in the world.
Risk is all around us - in investment markets, on the roads, from our health and the climate. This degree will teach you how to apply your mathematical talent in understanding, measuring and managing the risks.
Graduates will apply mathematical, statistical, financial, economic and other skills to untangle the most complex and difficult problems facing the commercial world.
Learn moreThe Master of Applied Data Analytics is a 1.5 year full-time (or equivalent part-time) degree that provides students with:
Are you looking at changing the direction of your career to help tackle the problems facing today’s environment? Or do you want to take your existing environment education to the next level? The ANU Graduate Certificate of Environment provides you with a flexible education experience and acts as an entry point for more advanced coursework degree programs.
Areas of study include environmental policy, environmental science, society & environment, environmental research methods, participatory and natural resource management and systems thinking.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Languages (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Languages, it gives you high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of language studies, and through the design and implementation of a research project, an honours thesis, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreHonours in Finance is a program offered within the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in finance.
We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent finance research with the guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating from the Honours in Finance program have been highly successful in professional practice with jobs in the leading investment banks around the world.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours) degree exemplifies the ANU commitment to research-led education. Building on the Bachelor of Development Studies, it gives high-level preparation for professional life or a higher degree by research through the development of an advanced knowledge of the research principles and methods and theoretical concepts of development studies, and through the design and implementation of a research project, typically a 20,000 word thesis, that leads to the development of new understandings or that provides solutions to complex problems.
Learn moreThe Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics is a three year full-time (or equivalent part-time) inter-disciplinary degree that is designed to address a global shortage of graduates with skills in data analytics as applied to high-quality, data-informed decision-making. It is designed to develop inter-disciplinary knowledge across the three base disciplines of computing, statistics and social science.
You will receive exposure to best practice in data analytics as well as an opportunity to acquire knowledge in a discipline that relies on data analytics, or deepen knowledge in one of computation, statistics, or social science.
Learn moreHonours in Actuarial Studies is a program offered within the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate actuarial degree a challenging but rewarding year of study. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent research with the guidance from academic staff. Sufficiently high grades in the coursework component of the honours year will enable students to receive exemptions from some of the Associateship and Fellowship requirements of the Actuaries Institute.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
Students who achieve excellent academic performance in their accounting studies will be eligible to apply for the Honours year.
The program extends undergraduate studies in financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and taxation. Students undertake advanced coursework and a research thesis. Classes are conducted in a seminar setting. Students will have the opportunity to interact with research active academic staff, engage in the analysis of advanced accounting issues, and develop critical thinking skills.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
The finance honours specialisation is a program offered within the Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in finance. We seek outstanding students who are keen to undertake independent finance research with the guidance from academic staff. Past students graduating from the Honours in Finance program have been highly successful in professional practice with jobs in the leading investment banks around the world.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
Honours in Marketing builds on undergraduate studies in marketing. It comprises three compulsory research methodology courses, one elective course and the completion of a research thesis.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
Honours in Management builds on undergraduate studies in management or corporate sustainability. It comprises three compulsory research methodology courses, one elective course and the completion of a research thesis.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
Honours in International Business builds on undergraduate studies in international business. It comprises three compulsory research methodology courses, one elective course and the completion of a research thesis.
Learn moreHonours in Commerce is a program offered within the College of Business and Economics that offers students who have excelled in their undergraduate studies a challenging but rewarding year of study in various disciplines.
Honours in Business Information Systems builds on undergraduate studies in Business Information Systems or Information Technology. It comprises three compulsory research methodology courses, one elective course and the completion of a research thesis.
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