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Performer Courses

A Performer entertains an audience by singing, acting, dancing or playing a musical instrument. You might also specialise in other types of performance such as circus skills or stunt performance. Performers may appear as individuals or as part of a larger ensemble group. You might focus on one particular type of performance or you may be skilled in several areas.

Performers need to show excellent talent in their field and should be ready to spend a lot of time rehearsing (either on their own or with their performance group). It’s important that you can follow directions and respond well to feedback. You’ll need to be comfortable performing in front of a crowd and you should be flexible with your performance roles. You may work irregular hours and may have to perform on weekends or public holidays.

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Popular Performer Courses

There are 7 courses available for people who want to become a Performer. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Performer earn?

In Australia, a full time Performer generally earns $850 per week ($44,200 annual salary) before tax. This is a median figure for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only. As you gain more experience you can expect a potentially higher salary than people who are new to the industry.

What are the job opportunities for a Performer?

There are currently 9,900 people working as a Performer in Australia. Job opportunities in this industry have increased strongly over the last five years. Performers may find work across all regions of Australia.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights

How do I become a Performer?

A Certificate II in Music Industry is an ideal qualification if you’re planning a career as a Performer. You could also extend your skills with a Certificate III or IV in Music Industry. You could also consider a Certificate II in Community, Dance, Theatre and Events (Acting) or a Certificate III in Dance Practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within acting, dancing and performing arts. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.

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