About Bamara Training

Bamara Training – RTO Code: 4011 has been operating since 2021, is a majority Indigenous owned organisation and is registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority.

We take a professional, holistic and tailored approach to the learning needs of our student cohorts. Our team takes into account the local and regional education and employment needs, cultural awareness and creating culturally safe workplaces, along with industry and sector growth areas.

Our interest is in the individual and in how we can assist each person to achieve their career goals and their personal and professional aspirations.

Bamara Training caters to the training needs of businesses and their employees through a range of micro skill, pre-employment and entry-level courses focused on better performance in the workplace.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 4011
Legal name Pinewood River Pty Ltd

All Bamara Training Courses