Gallery Manager

Gallery Managers oversee the daily operations at art galleries and museums. This may include business administration, art sales, advertising, recruitment, and exhibition events. Gallery Managers are employed by government-owned and private galleries and have a mix of leadership, business administration, and marketing skills as well as a solid knowledge of fine art.

As a Gallery Manager you could be meeting with the finance team to develop the upcoming budget, hiring a curator or art technician, overseeing the development of a new gallery website, approving advertising copy for an upcoming exhibition, negotiating sales commissions with an artist, and chatting with an art collector at an industry event.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $89,960
Skill level Unknown

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Common questions

Further reading

How do I become a sales manager?

22nd December 2022)

What can you do with a Diploma of Leadership and Management?

20th April 2021)

How to start a career in Practice Management

11th January 2022)