Providers U to Z
- University of Wollongong
- University Preparation College
- UOW College Australia
- Upskill Institute
- Upskilled
- Upskills QLD
- UQ Skills
- Urban Forest Training
- Urban Rail Safety
- UTA Institute of Technology
- Validum Institute
- Valley International College
- Vardhan Institute of Management and Technology
- VASS College of Vocational Education
- VC Education
- Venture Education
- Veritas Institute Australia
- Vertical Horizonz
- VFA Learning
- Vibe College
- Victoria University
- Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
- Victorian Academy Of Commerce and Technology Startups
- Victorian College of Education
- Victorian Institute of Education
- Victorian Institute of Technology
- Victorian International Academy
- Vigil International College
- Vigil Training College
- Vital Training Solutions
- VIVA Institute
- Vocation Education Training Australia
- Vocational Careers Institute
- Vocational Training Services
- Volt Edge
- Vostro Institute of Training Australia
- WA College of Agriculture-Harvey
- WA School of Pathology
- Wakefield International College
- Walan Miya
- WAM Training
- WANT Training Services
- Waratah Polytechnic
- Warner Institute
- Warp Training Australia
- Warwick Institute of Australia
- Wattle College
- Watto Training
- WAYS Youth Training
- WEA Illawarra
- WEA Sydney
- Wells International College
- Wentworth College
- Wesley Institute of Training
- Wesley Vocational Institute
- West Australian Institute of Further Studies
- West Coast Property Training
- West Melbourne Institute of Technology
- Westbourne College
- Western Australian Academy
- Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark
- Western Sydney College
- Western Sydney University
- Western Sydney University The College
- Westgate Community Initiatives Group
- Westin College
- William Angliss Institute
- Wilson Medic One
- WIN College
- Winslow College
- Wisdom Learning
- Wise Workplace Training
- Wiseman Institute
- Wodonga TAFE
- Wollongong First Aid
- Women's Fitness Education
- Woodstock International College
- Work & Training
- Work Savvy
- Work Skills
- Workbase Training
- Workforce Development
- Workforce Education Institute
- Workforce Training Group
- Worklinks
- Workplace Training Group
- Workplace Training Strategies
- Worksafe Connect
- Workzone Training
- Wright Institute
- Yalagan Registered Training
- Yalga-binbi Institute for Community Development
- Yarra College Australia
- York Business Institute
- Yorke Institute
- Youth Development and Training
- Youth Off The Streets
- YWAM Training
- Zenith Institute of Management
- Zest Institute