About Wise Workplace Training

LKA Group is a leading national investigations firm established over thirty years ago. WISE Workplace has been providing specialist investigations and advice on workplace misconduct since 2001. From 2014, WISE Workplace and LKA Group Pty Ltd teamed up to form a powerful new national investigations and training firm.

Wise Workplace Training offers nationally recognised qualifications and short courses in all areas of investigation and human resources. With a strong focus on practical skills and industry relevance, our experienced, professional facilitators help our students get wise and get to work, with learning programs that produce immediate results in the workplace.

Wise Workplace Training is part of WISE Workplace and LKA Group Pty Ltd, currently registered as a training organisation under Rick Davis and Associates Pty Ltd as Trustee for Wise Up Training Trust – RTO 5797.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 5797
Legal name Rick Davis and Associates Pty Ltd as Trustee for the WISE Up Training Trust

All Wise Workplace Training Courses