About Validum Institute

At Validum Institute, we know that it takes more than a qualification to have a successful career.

Our commitment is to ensure that Validum Institute graduates not only have the qualification they need, but are equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed in the world of real estate. We take the time to mentor and coach our students for real life situations they may face in the real estate world, equipping them with real on-the-job skills and training.

All our trainers and assessors are acknowledged specialists in their fields and are extensively involved in the real estate industry.

At Validum Institute, you can receive the additional value and support that we believe should be part of any real estate training experience that prepares you for the real world.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 41224
Legal name Validum Group Pty Ltd

All Validum Institute Courses