About Yarra College Australia

Yarra College Australia is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) provider based in Melbourne and is focused on providing the next generation of professionals and business leaders with the necessary skills and training required to succeed in their careers.

Our mission is to provide the next generation of professionals and business leaders with a superior quality education experience that gives them the necessary skills and training required to succeed in their careers.

Envisioning a future where excellence thrives, Yarra College aspires to be a beacon of transformative education, empowering the upcoming professionals and visionary business leaders. Through an unparalleled educational journey, we instil the essential skills and comprehensive training imperative for their triumphant journey in the realms of their careers.

Our state of art campus equipped with modern training aids is located at heart of city - level 6,190 Queen street,Melbourne

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
RTO code 45992
Legal name Yarra Education Australia Pty Ltd

All Yarra College Australia Courses