About Wattle College

Wattle College, named after the Golden Wattle, known for its resilience and versatility, is established to provide high quality education to both local and international students.

We are a comprehensive, learner-centred institution which strives to become the standard of excellence for fostering intellect, creativity, and character in an active, student-centred learning community.

Wattle is committed to helping you achieve your goals. With our carefully designed courses, you will gain skills to be job ready. We are proud to offer a technologically enriched environment, flexible timetable and a comprehensive student support to make your educational experience a rewarding one. With students from all over the globe, you will build countless memories for the rest of your life. Come study with us!

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 45676
Legal name Prime Education Group Pty Ltd

All Wattle College Courses