About Rosehill College

Welcome to Rosehill College! Established in 2016, we are dedicated to empowering students to shape their future and succeed in their careers through a comprehensive and supportive learning environment. We offer a wide range of courses designed to meet industry needs and prepare students for the global workforce.

Rosehill College is a registered training organization (RTO Number: 41257) and CRICOS provider (CRICOS Code: 03622A), ensuring compliance with Australian educational standards. We maintain strong affiliations and partnerships with industry bodies and educational institutions to enhance the learning experience and provide better opportunities for our students. Our commitment to compliance and quality assurance ensures that our educational offerings meet national standards and provide value to our students.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
RTO code 41257
Legal name AISL PTY LTD

All Rosehill College Courses