About Signature Training

We specialise in training that is delivered in the workplace, and combine this with centralised classroom-based learning in our modern training facilities with visits to the workplace or communicating over the phone or emails to monitor the progress of students. Our trainers then undertake assessment in the work environment after the students have finished the work placement. The workplace provides a context for learning and assessment. The student can base their learning on real workplace situations and arrangements. At Signature Training, we believe this is the ultimate training arrangements as it provides a blend of controlled learning with workplace experience and assessment.

At Signature Training, we believe learners need hands on experience in real world environment to compliment their theoretical learning. This is the ultimate training arrangements as it provides a blend of controlled learning with workplace experience and assessment. Our trainers undertake assessment in the work environment after the students have finished the work placement. The workplace provides a context for learning and assessment. The student is able to base their learning on real workplace situations and arrangements. Which makes them job ready by the time they complete their qualifications.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 32000
Legal name Signature Training Pty Ltd

All Signature Training Courses