About Australian Training Company

The Australian Training Company is a ‘not-for-profit’ company formed in 1994, to introduce structured training and employment opportunities for sports people through promoting apprentices and traineeships. The underlying strategy was to better equip these young people for life beyond sport. ATCs group training operation has progressively grown by offering the same opportunities to a broader market and providing innovative solutions to business needs.

In 1998, in response to increasing industry demands for tailored education programs ATC became a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). ATCs training operation promotes flexible study arrangements and an inclusive learning culture for all.

ATCs Group Training Company and Registered Training Organisation has provided employment and training for more than 20,000 apprentices, trainees and students nationally.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 5673
Legal name Australian Training Company Limited

All Australian Training Company Courses