About Community College Northern Inland

Welcome to Community College Northern Inland. We're delighted to share with you the latest information about the Adult and Community Education our campuses are providing in our region.

As an approved community-based vocational education and training (VET) provider, our college is assisted in reaching students in regional and remote communities that experience barriers to training and employment through the NSW Government’s ACE Program and Smart and Skilled funding.

We have a track record delivering our training under these programs in a way we think makes us special. We take the opportunity here to provide a snapshot of some of the subsidised and supported programs we deliver.

Our College continues to be at the heart of the community, making a positive impact in everything we do. Please get in touch with us if your organisation needs help to address skills shortages, or if you have an interest in partnering with us to bring about positive change.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 90027
Legal name Community College-Northern Inland Inc

All Community College Northern Inland Courses