About Bellarine Training and Community Hub

The Bellarine Training & Community Hub services the Bellarine Peninsula in particular Ocean Grove, Barwon Heads, Leopold and Point Lonsdale. This community is the fastest growing community outside metropolitan Melbourne.

The Bellarine Training & Community Hub is a non-profit charity organisation and is recognised as this under the Tax law. The centre commenced operation in 1980, initially as the result of a community initiative rather than as a Government inspired project, this is reflected in the activities and the philosophy of the Centre.

The Bellarine Training & Community Hub is currently funded for 20 hours of Co-ordination program funding from the Department of Health and Human Services, Adult and Community Further Education fund student contact hours for delivery of programs, the City of Greater Geelong provide annually a Community Development Grant, philanthropic trusts provide program funding for specific needs, Skills Victoria provides student contact hours for the Certificate III to Diploma courses for those meeting funding eligibility and fee for service charges make up the income of the centre.

The centre programs a quarterly newsletter offering over 60 courses each time. The centre also offers, support groups, youth programs, accredited training, community development projects and referrals.

The Bellarine Training & Community Hub is the biggest centre on the Bellarine Peninsula offering and catering to all community needs within the region.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 20459
Legal name Bellarine Training and Community Hub Inc.

All Bellarine Training and Community Hub Courses