About Pro Leaders Academy

Pro Leaders Academy Pty Ltd, or Pro Leaders for short, is a leader in government procurement, contract management, project management, business management and leadership development with over 30 years of professional training and consultancy experience. Our business model evolves around excellent customer service and being responsive and flexible to our client’s needs to stand out from other service providers.

As a Nationally Registered Training Organisation (National RTO# 45024) we deliver quality accredited and non-accredited training to individuals and organisations seeking knowledge and skills development, be recognised for any prior learning or relevant experience, or those wanting to seek a certain career pathway. Our reputation is based on our facilitators, consultants, and management staff’s vast knowledge, experience, professionalism, and our ability to work with our client to meet their business or education objectives. As an RTO, we are bounded by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs) 2015 to ensure our services to our clients and participants will meet the Australian Qualifications Framework as well as comply with the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s (ASQA) VET Quality Framework.

Pro Leaders have also got a consultancy arm that consists of highly experienced and knowledgeable consultants who have worked extensively in all levels of the Australian Government, private organisations, and not-for-profit organisations. Our expertise in procurement, contract management and project management are well respected in amongst our government and private clients, and we also specialise in executive coaching and mentoring with certified professional coaches in amongst our team.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
RTO code 45024
Legal name Pro Leaders Academy Pty Ltd

All Pro Leaders Academy Courses