About Richmond School of Business

At Richmond School of Business, we have a wide range of courses available covering the business, leadership, and management fields suited for different stages of your career. Whether you’re just starting out or know exactly where you want to be, finding the right course is an important next step.

Richmond School of Business helps individuals achieve their educational and career goals. Our Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses offer a variety of entry and exit points to suit learners at the post school stage of their education or career from.

All courses are different and will have a blend of what the industry needs in terms of both practical skills as well as knowledge based components.

Our courses are developed and delivered with learner needs being our ultimate focus. Above all, our courses will give you the confidence you need to progress in your studies as well as your chosen career.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
RTO code 45432
Legal name Richmond School of Business Pty Ltd

All Richmond School of Business Courses