About LEAD

LEAD RTO specialises in providing quality education to support workers, and people with a disability.

We use a personalised approach to your training by offering a flexible learning experience, accommodating your strengths, and developing your skills. The Trainers approach your plans individually so you receive ongoing support and development. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfer (CT) will also be discussed on a case by case basis.

Our role is to provide opportunities for participants to gain the knowledge and skills to enhance their career paths.

Training programs are designed to best support your current work situation. If you are currently looking for work, we have training programs to assist you in gaining the skills and qualification to enter a new industry. Should you be employed, we will provide you with training programs to help you advance in your current career.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 6022
Legal name LEAD Disability Services Ltd

All LEAD Courses