About Happy Days Training

Happy Days Training is located in the TYTO complex at 73-75 McIlwraith Street, INGHAM QLD 4850.

It is a central location to train both Indigenous and non-Indigenous clients from Mackay to Mt Isa to the Gulf. We offer a professional, friendly, flexible and individualised service to all our clientele. Our company is a Registered Training Organisation approved to conduct Nationally Recognised Training. Our company conducts training for small and large private organisations as well as a range of State and Federal Government Departments.

Qualified trainers have extensive experience in urban, rural, remote and Indigenous Communities. We assist with needs analysis in human resource management, industrial relations, site safety, and identify risk areas in storage and handling food and clinical interventions. We have extensive experience training people from non-English speaking backgrounds and work closely with the refugees in Townsville.

Happy Days Training specialises in training our Indigenous Australian and those with English as a Second Language (ESL) clientele by offering extra support to meet their individual needs. The company has a solid track record in helping these clients meet their training goals to gain that job in the competitive markets.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 31954
Legal name North Queensland Training Services Pty Ltd

All Happy Days Training Courses