The South Australian state government (in partnership with the federal government) have allocated more than $88 million in new training opportunities for the residents of South Australia.
The initiative is known as JobTrainer SA and enables thousands of job seekers, new workers, and school leavers to access free and heavily subsidised training. Additionally, the wages of apprentices and trainees are subsidised to ensure the completion of their trade qualification.
What courses are being funded in South Australia?
JobTrainer SA is designed to upskill workers in high demand employment sectors and growth industries. These include health care and personal support (disability, child care, aged care), defence forces, IT and cybersecurity, and creative industries.
Courses approved under JobTrainer South Australia include nationally recognised qualifications (from Certificate I though Advanced Diploma), as well as skill sets and short courses that enable the student to obtain a licence or work permit.
How much will the courses cost?
JobTrainer SA will open up approximately 23,500 new training opportunities — either free or at very low cost.
Who is eligible for JobTrainer?
To qualify for a free or subsidised course under SA JobTrainer you must be a resident of South Australia, aged 17-24 years of age or currently out of work (this includes school leavers and those who have recently lost their job) or receiving an income support payment (eg, JobSeeker, Austudy, Youth Allowance).