IPL and Laser Technician

An IPL and Laser Technician uses light and laser therapies to conduct cosmetic skin treatments. You’ll address a range of patient concerns such as pigmentation and vascular issues. IPL and Laser Technicians conduct non-surgical therapeutic treatments and may perform specialist procedures such as tattoo removal or skin peels.

IPL and Laser Technicians should have strong observational abilities and excellent attention to detail. You’ll need good fine motor abilities and should be skilled in using light and laser equipment. IPL and Laser Technicians should have excellent interpersonal skills and must be able to communicate clearly with clients and colleagues.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $78,000
Skill level Unknown

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Further reading

What can you do with an Advanced Diploma of Cosmetic Dermal Science?

10th January 2022

What can you do with a Graduate Diploma of Dermal Science?

13th March 2022

What can you do with a Certificate III in Beauty Services?

29th September 2020