Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
With over ten years of experience providing engineering education, the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) continues to create pathways and opportunities for aspiring engineers that help close the gap between education and the professional workplace, whether you are studying online or at one of our Australian campuses.
Our mission is to provide students throughout the world with measurable and significant productivity gains in their workplace through cutting-edge and applied engineering vocational and higher education.
EIT is proud to offer awards in a growing array of engineering fields. We deliver professional certificates of competency, diplomas and advanced diplomas, undergraduate and graduate certificates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and a doctor of engineering. These program types have been designed to suit the needs of engineers and aspiring engineers from varied backgrounds. Our engineering lecturers and instructors have extensive real engineering experience in the industry from around the world.
Our unique online programs are taught using live and interactive sessions, combined with practical exercises completed using remote laboratories and simulation software. As an online student, you will benefit from EIT’s unique personalized synchronous delivery methodology that encourages you to advance your technical and technological knowledge, while forming global networks and balancing life and work commitments.
EIT has campuses across Australia in Perth (Western Australia), Melbourne (Victoria), and Brisbane (Queensland).
Their new Brisbane campus, centrally located and just a short walk from the central station, provides students with easy access to public transport. Facilities include classrooms with internet access, teaching labs, student support, breakout areas, a first aid room, and a library.
Brisbane, dubbed the 'sunny capital' of Australia, offers a blend of modernity and natural beauty with its stunning skyline and river. Ranked among the top 30 best student cities globally, it attracts students who enjoy its cosmopolitan atmosphere, warm climate, and outdoor lifestyle.
Regardless of whether you are a domestic or international student, when you study on-campus with EIT, our supportive blended learning model and small class sizes encourage you to advance your technical knowledge and remain engaged in your studies while forming global networks.
By joining EIT’s strongly industry-oriented programs, you will gain graduate attributes that will make you an employee of choice and help you advance your career.
The Graduate Certificate in Renewable Energy Technologies is an advanced program. It is presented at a considerably higher level than the Advanced Diploma and bachelor degree level programs and intending students should be aware of the greater challenge. This Graduate Certificate has identical standing and level to that of a university Graduate Diploma, but is focused on the career outcomes of a professional engineer and technologist. As the title suggests, it has a greater vocational or ‘job related’ emphasis, and focuses more on developing practical skills that you can apply to the workplace, rather than theory alone.
A feature of this program is that in using web collaborative technologies you will not only study and work with your peers around the world on various renewable energy design projects, but you will do this conveniently from your desktop using the latest techniques in live web and video conferencing. The Graduate Certificate in Renewable Energy Technologies focuses on the mainstream technologies viz. photovoltaic, wind and small hydro, but also covers other less common technologies such as biomass, osmotic and tide power generation, among others.
The course deals with practical issues of renewable energy that will confront an advanced practitioner in the field. For example, you will be exposed to the modeling and simulation of wind turbines, and the design of wind farms. You will also be expected to undertake advanced design and conceptualization work in which you will apply the calculations learned in less advanced programs. Some of the work and study you will be undertaking will involve pioneering technology and exploring new approaches. There is a definite ongoing need for highly qualified and skilled specialists in the renewable engineering field and this course caters for that need. Upon completing this program you will be able to show technical leadership in the field of renewable energy, and be known as an advanced practitioner in the field.
Whether you are moving from a purely technical role to that of managing a business unit within a large organisation, setting up a small business or working as a freelance consultant – this program will provide you with key skills and industry-related knowledge in leadership and management.
Most engineering professionals, with jobs ranging from tradesperson, supervisor, technician or engineer, spend the majority of their careers in a leadership role to some extent, but an overwhelming number of them are often dissatisfied with the transition from ‘engineering professional to leader’. Technical people are often so engrossed with the technical aspects of their job, that they can lose sight of the need to be ‘managing people’ effectively – along with the other aspects of a business such as: financial, marketing, and projects. Much of this frustration is due to a lack of preparation and lack of appropriate skills training, a problem which this program aims to rectify.
Completing this program will build enormous value into your life and career – you will learn to focus on managing people and a business, all within an engineering and technical context without sacrificing quality or quantity of your own output. The core principles of business are ultimately very similar. You will gain these skills through real life examples, exercises and assignments, all designed around, and focused for use in, the engineering and technical industries and trade applications.
This advanced diploma of power systems provides the skills and knowledge required to work in the electricity supply industry (ESI) as a High Voltage (HV) Substation Project Manager or a Senior Systems Operator or a Power Systems Technical Officer. Upon completion of this program, you will gain skills and knowledge in the latest and developing technologies in electricity supply and power systems.
This advanced diploma is delivered with a strong practical focus. It covers a variety of skills for implementing and utilizing engineering solutions to lighting design and illumination and designing complex lighting systems, that are required in the illumination engineering and lighting design industry. Upon completion of this program, you will gain skills and knowledge in the latest and developing technologies in illumination engineering.
Join the next generation of senior civil and structural engineering experts. Embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by taking this comprehensive and practical course. It is delivered over 24 months by live distance learning and presented by some of the leading civil and structural engineering instructors in the world today.
Civil and structural engineering encompasses a range of disciplines, including road, rail and drainage systems, dams, harbours, bridges, buildings and other structures. Civil and structural designers and drafters plan, design, develop and manage construction and repair projects.
This qualification develops your skills and knowledge in the design and drafting of engineering plans to recognised standards. You will learn about different areas of civil engineering, including construction, project management, design and testing. You will also learn about the design and drafting of concrete, steelwork, roads and pipes, as well as hydrology, stormwater drainage and foundations.
While it is essential that those who work in the supervisory or management levels of this discipline have a firm understanding of drafting and planning principles, this qualification goes much further. To be effective on the job, you will need to know how to apply knowledge of fundamental civil and structural engineering concepts, including geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, engineering maths, and properties of materials. Throughout the program this subject matter will be placed into the context of engineering management. Our aim is to ensure that you are an effective, knowledgeable and skilled supervisor or manager, someone who can work beyond a “plan and design” brief to ensure that a project is delivered effectively.
This qualification aims to provide theoretical and practical education and training such that graduates may gain employment at the engineering associate (“paraprofessional”) level within the building and construction industry.
There are eight threads in the course to give you maximum, practical coverage. These threads comprise environmental issues, engineering technologies, drawing, 2D and 3D CAD design, building materials, civil and structural sub-disciplines (roads, steel, concrete, pavement, drainage, soil, water supply, sewerage), construction sites and engineering management.
This program avoids too much emphasis on theory. This is rarely needed in the real world of industry where time is short and immediate results, with hard-hitting and useful know-how, are required as a minimal requirement. The instructors presenting this advanced diploma are highly experienced engineers from industry who have done the hard yards and worked in the civil and structural areas. The format of presentation — live, interactive distance learning with the use of remote learning technologies — means that you can hit the ground running and be of immediate benefit to your company or future employer.
There is a growing shortage, and hence opportunity, for Electrical and Instrumentation (E & I) technicians, technologists and engineers in the oil and gas industry. This is due to an increasing need for higher technology methods of obtaining and processing oil and gas as it is a finite declining resource. The price of oil is heading upwards steadily, thus making personnel and their associated oil and gas expertise in these industries even more valuable. The technical challenges of extracting oil and gas are becoming ever more demanding, with increasing emphasis on more marginal fields and previously inaccessible zones such as deep oceans, Polar regions, Falkland Islands and Greenland. The aim of this 18-month e-learning program is to provide you with core E & I engineering skills so that these opportunities may be accessed, to enhance your career, and to benefit your firm.
This advanced diploma is presented by lecturers who are highly experienced engineers from industry, having 'worked in the trenches' in the various E & I engineering areas. When doing any course today, a mix of both extensive experience and teaching prowess is essential. All our lecturers have been carefully selected and are seasoned professionals.
This advanced diploma course provides a practical treatment of electrical power systems and instrumentation within the oil, gas, petrochemical and offshore industries. Whilst there is some theory this is used in a practical context giving you the necessary tools to ensure that the Electrical and Instrumentation hardware is delivering the results intended. No matter whether you are a new electrical, instrumentation or control technician/technologist/graduate engineer or indeed, even a practising facilities engineer, you will find this course beneficial in improving your understanding, skills and knowledge of the whole spectrum of activities ranging from basic E & I engineering to advanced practice including hazardous areas, data communications along with a vast array of E & I equipment utilised in an oil and gas environment.
Mining equipment has come a long way since the days of mule-drawn carriages for haulage, and canaries or Davy lamps for safety.
In terms of high-voltage equipment, large AC and DC motors are still at the order of the day, but with increased sophistication. Load-haul-dump trucks operate in hazardous environments without a driver on board. Sophisticated Motor Control Centers now house Variable Speed Drives and soft-starters, and the motor control equipment is often networked via Ethernet.
It is, however, on the low-voltage side where the developments are almost breathtaking. In certain parts of the world all mines in the region are monitored centrally on a SCADA system, with backhauls (fiber and wireless) to all mines in the region, forming a large Wide Area Network.
At the mine sites Ethernet networks, both wired and wireless, are at the order of the day both above and below ground level. Leaky Feeder wireless systems are still to be found, but nowadays they support Ethernet and TCP/IP, making them suitable for voice and data. IEE802.11 wireless (a.k.a. Wi-Fi), suitably adapted for the mining environment, is making vast inroads into mining operations. Wi-Fi-based systems are used for both data and voice (VoIP), and with suitable Radio Frequency ID interfaces they also provide the infrastructure for monitoring personnel and vehicle movement. Some 802.11-based systems can even be configured in mesh topologies, delivering military-grade reliable communications between moving personnel and vehicles in an open mine environment.
Industrial field buses such as HART, AS-i, Profibus, Foundation Fieldbus and DeviceNet are widely used in the mining industry. As is the case with most other electronics, they are increasingly moving towards a co-existence with Ethernet, and augmentation with wireless. And, of course, some of them can perform safety functions as well as operate in intrinsically safe environments.
SCADA and distributed control is at the order of the day, and data from these systems are used as inputs to expert systems. These systems are used for various purposes such as providing data for optimized mine management, safety, and advanced process control. It is, in many cases, not even necessary for control room staff to understand anything about PID control in order to optimize a given control loop; the advanced process control system will heed their ‘operator’ inputs and optimize the process on their behalf.
Personal safety has not lagged behind. For example, ground radar can detect sub-millimeter ground movements, UWB and Wi-Fi systems are teamed up to avoid collisions between people and vehicles, and integrated headlamps for miners not only have built-in radio communications facilities, but also Ultra-Low Frequency ground-to-surface pagers for emergency location.
In short, the mining industry is attracting the best of the best cutting-edge commercial and industrial electrical and electronics technologies. The question is are you capable of dealing with it? Welcome to the EIT Advanced Diploma of Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Engineering in Mining.
This Graduate Certificate in Power System Analysis and Design will provide you with an opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills to analyze power systems, stability of systems, power quality analysis and earthing/grounding and protection of electrical systems.
It offers an opportunity for industry professionals in the field to review, refresh and enhance their knowledge and skills in Power System Analysis and Design without having to complete a full Master’s degree.
Remote Engineering, also referred to as Online Engineering, is a recent development in Engineering and Science. Its aim is to facilitate the shared use of equipment, resources, and specialized software such as simulators.
The International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) is an international non-profit organization. Its objective is to encourage the wider development, distribution and application of Online Engineering (OE). The main forum of the OE community is the annual International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation ('REV').
Mechatronics, on the other hand, is an interdisciplinary field of engineering and integrates several technologies or subsystems. Mechatronics is the key to modern video and CD disk drives, camcorders, avionics, aircraft fly-by-wire, computerized fuel injection for motor vehicles, anti-lock braking systems, smart (autonomous) vehicles and smart weapons such as military drones used for aerial reconnaissance purposes. In the process automation field Mechatronics is also present in systems such as smart conveyer lines and assembly robots.
A Mechatronics engineer or technician has to view a system as a whole, and offer solutions to problems with multiple variables. As explained above, modern systems do not only combine several fundamental disciplines such as control theory, electronic systems, mechanical systems and computers, but they often require hybrid technologies where these basic disciplines overlap, such as electro-mechanics and Programmable Logic Controllers. It is therefore mandatory for the engineer to transcend the traditional barriers between these disciplines, and acquire skills such as developing microprocessor software, designing and implementing sophisticated PID control schemes, developing mathematical models of processes (for simulation purposes), selecting appropriate drives (linear, rotary, electrical, hydraulic, etc), selecting appropriate sensors and signal conditioning, and designing or integrating mechanical components.
Just like Ethernet networking and IEEE 802.11 wireless (Wi-Fi), the integration of technologies in engineering applications as embodied in Remote Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics is upon us, and it is here to stay. And, what’s more, it is evolving at an exponential rate that will, in 10 years’ time, make some of today’s technology look like museum artifacts. This makes it almost mandatory for everyone in the Engineering world to become familiar with relevant technology or face obsolescence.
The society in which we live today is fundamentally dependent on the structures that structural engineers design and deliver. This graduate certificate addresses a very fundamental requirement in our society, the ability to provide structural engineering services which deliver safe and reliable structures. You will be able to identify, critically analyse and creatively solve intellectually complex, specialized professional engineering problems relevant to civil and structural engineering.
The curriculum covers a diverse range of topics geared to producing well-rounded graduates equipped with the knowledge that employers require. This program aims to provide the student with a multitude of tools and techniques, including those that tackle specific organizational problems and also those needed to design and implement engineering structures.
There is a global shortage of automation, instrumentation, and control engineers. Due to the rapid growth of new industries and technologies, industrial processes are becoming increasingly automated. Previously mechanized systems that required human intervention now use computerized control systems for higher accuracy, precision, and cost-effectiveness.
Industrial automation is one of those expanding streams of engineering with an increasingly profound influence on most industries and enterprises. This graduate certificate will provide you with advanced skills in Industrial Automation. Students with a background in electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control, or industrial computer systems engineering can benefit from this program.
The content has been carefully designed to provide you with relevant concepts and the tools required in today’s fast-moving work environment. Our Programmable Logic Controllers unit covers in-depth principles of operation of PLCs, networking, distributed controllers, and program control strategies. The unit on industrial process control systems combines the process identification and feedback control design with a broad understanding of the hardware, system architectures, and software techniques widely used to evaluate and implement complex control solutions.
Our industrial instrumentation unit identifies key features of widely used measurement techniques and transducers combined with microprocessor devices to create robust and reliable industrial instruments. Undertaking process engineering will enable you to evaluate and apply complex process calculations through the application of control principles.
This graduate diploma course is designed for engineers with a background in electrical, electronics, instrumentation & control, or industrial computer systems engineering, who seek to advance their career and to build on their current engineering specialization.
The rapid development of the renewable field has led to a shortage of fully skilled electrical engineers who are competent in both classic power system operation and renewable system integration. The Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Electrical Systems) is designed in consultation with industry and addresses the issues associated with emerging technologies in electrical power generation, transmission, and distribution systems. The program offers eight core units to provide knowledge, skills and professional competencies required for this industry.
Biomedical engineering is the synergy of many facets of applied science and engineering. The advanced diploma in biomedical engineering provides the knowledge and skills in electrical, electronic engineering required to service and maintain healthcare equipment. You will develop a wide range of skills that may be applied to develop software, instrumentation, image processing and mathematical models for simulation. Biomedical engineers are employed in hospitals, clinical laboratories, medical equipment manufacturing companies, medical equipment service and maintenance companies, pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering manufacturing companies, research centres. Medical technology industry is one of the fast-growing sectors in engineering field. Join the next generation of biomedical engineers and technicians and embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by embarking on this comprehensive and practical program. It provides a solid overview of the current state of biomedical engineering and is presented in a practical and useful manner - all theory covered is tied to a practical outcomes. Leading biomedical/electronic engineers with several years of experience in biomedical engineering present the program over the web using the latest distance learning techniques.
There is a great shortage of biomedical engineers and technicians in every part of the world due to retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies. Many companies employ electrical, electronic engineers to fill the vacancy and provide on the job training to learn about biomedical engineering. The aim of this 18-month online learning program is to provide you with core biomedical engineering skills to enhance your career prospects and to benefit your company/institution. Often universities and colleges do a brilliant job of teaching the theoretical topics, but fail to actively engage in the 'real world' application of the theory with biomedical engineering. This advanced diploma is presented by lecturers who are highly experienced engineers, having worked in the biomedical engineering industry. When doing any program today, a mix of both extensive experience and teaching prowess is essential. All our lecturers have been carefully selected and are seasoned professionals.
This practical program avoids weighty theory. This is rarely needed in the real world of industry where time is short and immediate results, based on hard-hitting and useful know-how, is a minimum requirement. The topics that will be covered are derived from the acclaimed IDC Technologies' programs attended by over 500,000 engineers and technicians throughout the world during the past 20 years. And, due to the global nature of biomedical engineering today, you will be exposed to international standards.
This program is not intended as a substitute for a 4 or 5 year engineering degree, nor is it aimed at an accomplished and experienced professional biomedical engineer who is working at the leading edge of technology in these varied fields. It is, however, intended to be the distillation of the key skills and know how in practical, state-of-the-art biomedical engineering. It should also be noted that learning is not only about attending programs, but also involves practical hands-on work with your peers, mentors, suppliers and clients.
Join the next generation of electronic engineers and technicians and embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by embarking on this comprehensive and practical course. It provides a solid overview of the current state of electronics engineering practice and is presented in a practical and useful manner - all theory covered is tied to a practical outcome. Leading electronics engineers present the course over the web using the latest distance learning techniques.
Successful completion of the course will equip the graduate to take a leading role in the development of research investigations into current and future problems of industrial and community concern within their area of expertise. The program will give candidates the skills and experience to act as independent researchers or group leaders for investigations of practical importance in their professional area over their professional life.
The doctorate will run over three years (with four 12-week terms per year). The first year consists of four academic coursework units and a research project proposal, which allows candidates to demonstrate their aptitude for research by undertaking a state-of-the-art literature review. This extends knowledge and skills attained in their undergraduate program and the four foundation doctoral units.
The second year of the DEng will require the candidate to successfully complete a further four units (two course work and two research units) that will address deeper concepts in their discipline area. Each of these units will have a significant research component as required by AQF Level 9/10. Complex theory will be applied to current industry problems. The synergies and importance of theoretical constructs to professional practice will be explored in detail. The second year has the important objective of providing the candidate with appropriate skills and expert knowledge to undertake a doctoral-level dissertation in the final year with the requisite rigor. This includes identifying a suitable research problem and undertaking an introductory literature review relative to the chosen topic.
The third year of the Doctorate of Engineering is the dissertation year. Here the candidate will be expected to extend their work on the project that they have developed over the first and second year. The candidate will draw upon the research training, course learning, and research undertaken during the second year, to support this substantive body of work at AQF Level 10. This must make a significant and original contribution to knowledge in the context of professional practice. In other words, the doctoral candidate must create new knowledge that can be applied in an industrial context. Academic supervision, coupled with guidance from an industry advisor, will be an integral part of this program.
Successful completion of the course will equip the graduate to take a leading role in the development of research investigations into current and future problems of industrial and community concern within their area of expertise. The program will give candidates the skills and experience to act as independent researchers or group leaders for investigations of practical importance in their professional area over their professional life.
The doctorate will run over three years (with 2 semesters per year). The first year consists of four academic coursework units and a research project proposal, which allows candidates to demonstrate their aptitude for research by undertaking a state-of-the-art literature review. This extends knowledge and skills attained in their undergraduate program and the four foundation doctoral units.
The second year of the DEng will require the candidate to successfully complete a further four units (two course work and two research units) that will address deeper concepts in their discipline area. Each of these units will have a significant research component as required by AQF Level 9/10. Complex theory will be applied to current industry problems. The synergies and importance of theoretical constructs to professional practice will be explored in detail. The second year has the important objective of providing the candidate with appropriate skills and expert knowledge to undertake a doctoral-level dissertation in the final year with the requisite rigor. This includes identifying a suitable research problem and undertaking an introductory literature review relative to the chosen topic.
The third year of the Doctorate of Engineering is the dissertation year. Here the candidate will be expected to extend their work on the project that they have developed over the first and second year. The candidate will draw upon the research training, course learning, and research undertaken during the second year, to support this substantive body of work at AQF Level 10. This must make a significant and original contribution to knowledge in the context of professional practice. In other words, the doctoral candidate must create new knowledge that can be applied in an industrial context. Academic supervision, coupled with guidance from an industry advisor, will be an integral part of this program.
The Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management has been tailored to meet the needs of the engineering industry. You will gain the necessary leadership and management skills in areas such as problem solving, critical thinking, developing business and operational plans, people management, business risk management and organizational digital strategy.
What you will gain:
Gain indepth skills and knowledge by undertaking this Advanced Diploma in Industrial Data Communications, Networking and IT over 18 months (intensive, part-time). Delivered by live distance learning and presented by some of the leading industrial data communications and IT instructors in the world today. There is a serious shortage of industrial data communications and industrial IT engineers, technologists and technicians in the world due to these new technologies only recently becoming a key component of modern plants, factories and offices. This critical shortage of experts in the area has been accentuated by retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies.
Whilst there is probably not a serious shortage of theoretically oriented practitioners in mechanical engineering, there is a shortage of highly skilled practically oriented mechanical technologists and engineers in the world today, due to the new technologies only recently becoming a key component of all modern plants, factories and offices. The critical shortage of experts in the area has been accentuated by retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies. This is regardless of the recession in many countries.
Many businesses throughout the world comment on the difficulty in finding experienced mechanical engineers and technologists despite paying outstanding salaries. For example, about two years ago a need developed for mechanical technologists and engineers in building process plants. The interface from the traditional SCADA and industrial automation system to the web and to mechanical equipment has also created a new need for expertise in these areas. Specialists in these areas are few and far between.
The aim of this 18 month online learning program is to provide you with core skills in working with mechanical engineering technology and systems and to take advantage of the growing need by industry here.
The Graduate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering addresses the specific core competencies and associated knowledge and aptitudes required of mechanical engineers. The program will provide you with the requisite skills in mechanical engineering technology and maintenance to take advantage of these growing needs in the industry. Ultimately the program will imbue graduates with the confidence required of professional and proficient mechanical engineers.
Employers hold those who possess these skills in high regard, and graduates can expect a significant advantage when interacting with employers, clients, consultants, and fellow engineering peers.
The field of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity and electromagnetism is electrical engineering. Essential to our modern infrastructure and conveniences, electrical engineers employ their skills across a large number of specializations, including the design of household appliances, lighting, building wiring, telecommunication systems, robots, power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become an electrical engineering technologist.
The field of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity and electromagnetism is electrical engineering. Essential to our modern infrastructure and conveniences, electrical engineers employ their skills across a large number of specializations, including the design of household appliances, lighting, building wiring, telecommunication systems, robots, power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become an electrical engineering technologist.
Electrical engineers are responsible for designing new systems, solving problems, testing equipment, and working on a wide range of components and systems, including communications systems, power plants, electrical machines, navigation systems, and electrical systems for automobiles and aircraft. Upon completion of this undergraduate certificate, you will have fundamental knowledge, skills, and understanding of the electrical engineering discipline. You will be able to apply fundamental physics, chemistry, electrical circuit theory, and analysis, demonstrate scientific, mathematical, contextual factors and design practice knowledge that has been contextualized for engineering applications.
Due to rapidly evolving technology, industrial processes are becoming increasingly automated. Previously mechanized systems, which required human intervention, now use computerized control systems for higher accuracy, precision, and cost-effectiveness. As industrial automation continues to develop with technological advancements, it is essential that prospective engineers graduate with skills that can be applied within the industry. Our undergraduate certificate provides you with cutting-edge skills that are valuable in the workplace.
The Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Industrial Automation) program offers eight core units that address the growth and new technologies in the industrial automation industry.
There is a global shortage of automation, instrumentation, and control engineers due to the rapid growth of new industries and technologies. This program equips students with core competencies and the associated knowledge and aptitudes required of engineers working with automation. Students from a background in electrical, electronics, mechanical, instrumentation & control, or industrial computer systems engineering would benefit from this program as it prepares them to further develop their skills in the automation space within the process and manufacturing industries.
Gain strong underpinning knowledge and expertise in Industrial Automation covering a wide range of skills ranging from instrumentation, automation and process control, industrial data communications, process plant layout, project and financial management, and chemical engineering with a strong practical focus. Industrial Automation is an extremely fast moving area especially compared to the more traditional areas such as electrical and mechanical engineering. The field is diverse and dynamic and offers the opportunity for a well paid and enjoyable career. The aim of the course is to empower you with practical knowledge that will improve your productivity in the area and make you stand out as a leader in industrial automation among your peers.Gain strong underpinning knowledge and expertise in Industrial Automation covering a wide range of skills ranging from instrumentation, automation and process control, industrial data communications, process plant layout, project and financial management, and chemical engineering with a strong practical focus. Industrial Automation is an extremely fast moving area especially compared to the more traditional areas such as electrical and mechanical engineering. The field is diverse and dynamic and offers the opportunity for a well paid and enjoyable career. The aim of the course is to empower you with practical knowledge that will improve your productivity in the area and make you stand out as a leader in industrial automation among your peers.
The EIT Advanced Diploma of of Industrial Automation is recognized worldwide and has been endorsed by the International Society of Automation (ISA).
Embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by undertaking this comprehensive and practical course. It is delivered by live distance learning and presented by some of the leading Plant Engineering instructors in the world today. There is now a critical shortage of senior Plant Engineers around the world due to retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies. Many industrial enterprises throughout the world comment on the difficulty in finding experienced Plant Engineers despite paying outstanding salaries. Often universities and colleges do not teach Plant engineering as a core subject. Much of the vital knowledge (e.g. practical maintenance planning and procedures) you need when commencing work as a qualified Plant Engineer is missing from their curricula. However, there are a few notable exceptions with some highly dedicated practitioners. Many of those universities and colleges that do teach Plant Engineering do so mainly from a theoretical point of view.
Furthermore, lecturers often have insufficient experience in industry due to the difficulty in attracting good engineers from the highly paid private sector. The aim of this 18 month online learning program is to provide you with core Plant Engineering skills. The course gives extensive coverage in the various fields of Plant Engineering. Subjects are covered such as Plant Operations, Facility Management, Instrument Control Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Safety and Financial Management. Practical knowledge is not neglected; a Plant Engineer should also be well informed about metal forming, joining, heat treatment and protection.
This course avoids over emphasis on theory. This is rarely needed in the real industrial world where time is short and immediate results are required. Hard-hitting and useful know-how, are needed as minimum requirements. The format of presentation, live, interactive distance learning with the use of remote labs, means that you can hit the ground running and be of immediate benefit to your company or future employer.
The society in which we live today is fundamentally dependent on the structures that structural engineers design and deliver. This Master of Engineering (Civil: Structural), therefore, addresses the specific core competencies and associated underpinning knowledge required of structural engineers.
The curriculum covers a diverse range of topics geared to producing well-rounded graduates equipped with the knowledge that employers require. This master’s program aims to provide the student with a multitude of tools and techniques, including those that tackle specific organizational problems and also those needed to design and implement engineering structures.
The Project Thesis is the capstone unit of the program and draws on the topic and reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the preceding units. As a significant research component of the program, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation along with the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling students to critique and potentially enhance current professional practice in the civil engineering industry. The Project Thesis requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability.
The society in which we live today is fundamentally dependent on the structures that structural engineers design and deliver. This Master of Engineering (Civil: Structural), therefore, addresses the specific core competencies and associated underpinning knowledge required of structural engineers.
The curriculum covers a diverse range of topics geared to producing well-rounded graduates equipped with the knowledge that employers require. This master’s program aims to provide the student with a multitude of tools and techniques, including those that tackle specific organizational problems and also those needed to design and implement engineering structures.
The Project Thesis is the capstone unit of the program and draws on the topic and reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the preceding units. As a significant research component of the program, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation along with the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling students to critique and potentially enhance current professional practice in the civil engineering industry. The Project Thesis requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability.
The rapid development of the renewable field has led to a shortage of fully skilled electrical engineers who are competent in both classic power system operation and renewable system integration.
The program presents the widely used wind and solar energy as centralized and distributed power sources as well as the effects of renewable integration on classic power issues. You will also learn energy storage as an integral part of a microgrid or at a larger utility level. You will get the opportunity to understand the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning as data-driven approaches in smart grids with the application of smart meters. The section on project management provides the skills required for effective management of power generation, transmission, and distribution projects.
The Project Thesis, the capstone of the program, requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, as it reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the previous units. As a significant research component of the program, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation, and the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling you to critique current professional practice in the electrical engineering industry.
The rapid development of the renewable field has led to a shortage of fully skilled electrical engineers who are competent in both classic power system operation and renewable system integration.
The program presents the widely used wind and solar energy as centralized and distributed power sources as well as the effects of renewable integration on classic power issues. You will also learn energy storage as an integral part of a microgrid or at a larger utility level. You will get the opportunity to understand the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning as data-driven approaches in smart grids with the application of smart meters. The section on project management provides the skills required for effective management of power generation, transmission, and distribution projects.
The Project Thesis, the capstone of the program, requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, as it reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the previous units. As a significant research component of the program, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation, and the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling you to critique current professional practice in the electrical engineering industry.
There is a global shortage of automation, instrumentation, and control engineers due to the rapid growth of new industries and technologies.
The Master of Engineering (Industrial Automation) addresses the growth and new technologies in the Industrial Automation industry. The Master of Engineering (Industrial Automation) course offers twelve core modules and a project thesis to provide the knowledge and skills required for this industry. Students with a background in electrical, electronics, mechanical, instrumentation & control, or industrial computer systems engineering would benefit from this program as it prepares them for automation in the process and manufacturing industries.
Industrial Automation Introduction provides the fundamental knowledge that is essential in the automation area. Power Engineering covers major equipment and technologies used in power systems, including power generation, transmission and distribution networks. Programmable Logic Controllers covers in-depth principles of operation of programmable controllers, networking, distributed controllers, and program control strategies. Industrial Process Control Systems combines the process identification and feedback control design with a broad understanding of the hardware, system architectures and software techniques widely used to evaluate and implement complex control solutions.
Furthermore, Industrial Instrumentation identifies key features of widely used measurement techniques and transducers combined with microprocessor devices to create robust and reliable industrial instruments. Industrial Data Communications provides the requisite knowledge to manage modern field buses and industrial wireless systems. Safety Instrumented Systems introduces the common safety philosophy of hazard identification, risk management and risk-based design of protection methods and functional safety systems. SCADA and DCS cover hardware and software systems, evaluation of typical DCS and SCADA systems and configuration of DCS controllers. Advanced Process Control covers advanced control systems, algorithms and applications. Machine Learning for Industrial Automation provides the intelligent control basics in the automation area.
The Project Thesis, as the capstone of the course, requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, and reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the preceding subjects. As a significant research component of the course, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation and the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling students to critique current professional practice in the Industrial Automation industry.
There is a global shortage of automation, instrumentation, and control engineers due to the rapid growth of new industries and technologies.
The Master of Engineering (Industrial Automation) addresses the growth and new technologies in the Industrial Automation industry. The Master of Engineering (Industrial Automation) course offers twelve core modules and a project thesis to provide the knowledge and skills required for this industry. Students with a background in electrical, electronics, mechanical, instrumentation & control, or industrial computer systems engineering would benefit from this program as it prepares them for automation in the process and manufacturing industries.
Industrial Automation Introduction provides the fundamental knowledge that is essential in the automation area. Power Engineering covers major equipment and technologies used in power systems, including power generation, transmission and distribution networks. Programmable Logic Controllers covers in-depth principles of operation of programmable controllers, networking, distributed controllers, and program control strategies. Industrial Process Control Systems combines the process identification and feedback control design with a broad understanding of the hardware, system architectures and software techniques widely used to evaluate and implement complex control solutions.
Furthermore, Industrial Instrumentation identifies key features of widely used measurement techniques and transducers combined with microprocessor devices to create robust and reliable industrial instruments. Industrial Data Communications provides the requisite knowledge to manage modern field buses and industrial wireless systems. Safety Instrumented Systems introduces the common safety philosophy of hazard identification, risk management and risk-based design of protection methods and functional safety systems. SCADA and DCS cover hardware and software systems, evaluation of typical DCS and SCADA systems and configuration of DCS controllers. Advanced Process Control covers advanced control systems, algorithms and applications. Machine Learning for Industrial Automation provides the intelligent control basics in the automation area.
The Project Thesis, as the capstone of the course, requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, and reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the preceding subjects. As a significant research component of the course, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation and the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling students to critique current professional practice in the Industrial Automation industry.
The Online Master of Engineering (Mechanical) addresses the specific core competencies and associated knowledge and aptitudes required of mechanical engineers. The program will provide you with the requisite skills in mechanical engineering technology and maintenance to take advantage of these growing needs in the industry. Ultimately the degree will imbue graduates with the confidence required of professional and proficient mechanical engineers.
The learning journey culminates with a project which integrates the knowledge acquired during the program. You will gain an accurate understanding of the content, and the process will exercise your creativity and design-thinking capabilities. Employers hold those who possess these skills in high regard, and graduates can expect a significant advantage when interacting with employers, clients, consultants, and fellow engineering peers.
The Project Thesis, the capstone of the program, requires a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, as it reinforces the knowledge and skill base developed in the previous units. As a significant research component of the program, this project will facilitate research, critical evaluation, and the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative, enabling you to critique current professional practice in the mechanical engineering industry.
The Master of Engineering (Mechanical) addresses the specific core competencies and associated knowledge and aptitudes required of mechanical engineers. The program will provide you with the requisite skills in mechanical engineering technology and maintenance to take advantage of these growing needs in the industry. Ultimately the degree will imbue graduates with the confidence required of professional and proficient mechanical engineers.
The learning journey culminates with a project which integrates the knowledge acquired during the program. You will gain an accurate understanding of the content, and the process will exercise your creativity and design-thinking capabilities. Employers hold those who possess these skills in high regard, and graduates can expect a significant advantage when interacting with employers, clients, consultants, and fellow engineering peers.
Civil and structural engineering is one of the oldest forms of engineering which involves the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Engineers in this field are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure around us gets developed, is safe, meets our needs, and improves our quality of life. This includes buildings, bridges, railways, tunnels, water distribution, and waste management networks. As a civil engineer, you could be involved in sustainable urban development, environmental protection, conservation of energy and water resources, or even geotechnical, hydraulic, or transport engineering. You could even specialize in fields such as earthquake and blast-resistant technologies.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become a civil and structural engineering technologist.
Civil and structural engineering is one of the oldest forms of engineering which involves the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Engineers in this field are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure around us gets developed, is safe, meets our needs, and improves our quality of life. This includes buildings, bridges, railways, tunnels, water distribution, and waste management networks. As a civil engineer, you could be involved in sustainable urban development, environmental protection, conservation of energy and water resources, or even geotechnical, hydraulic, or transport engineering. You could even specialize in fields such as earthquake and blast-resistant technologies.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become a civil and structural engineering technologist.
Due to rapidly evolving technology, industrial processes are becoming increasingly automated. Previously mechanized systems, which required human intervention, now use computerized control systems for higher accuracy, precision, and cost-effectiveness. As industrial automation continues to develop with technological advancements, it is essential that prospective engineers graduate with skills that can be applied within the industry. Our Bachelor of Science (Industrial Automation Engineering) provides you with cutting-edge skills that are valuable in the workplace.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become an industrial automation technologist.
Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering that applies physics and the material sciences to develop machinery. Mechanical engineers use the principles of force, energy, and motion to improve the safety, efficiency, and technological advancement of the world around us.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become a mechanical engineering technologist.
Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering that applies physics and the material sciences to develop machinery. Mechanical engineers use the principles of force, energy, and motion to improve the safety, efficiency, and technological advancement of the world around us.
With this qualification, you will have acquired the essential knowledge which underpins both this and other fields of engineering. More importantly, you will have become a mechanical engineering technologist.
Join the next generation of electrical engineers and technicians and embrace a well paid, intensive yet enjoyable career by embarking on this comprehensive course on electrical engineering. It is presented in a practical and useful manner - all theory covered is tied to a practical outcome. Leading electrical engineers who are highly experienced engineers from industry, having 'worked in the trenches' in the various electrical engineering areas present the course over the web in a distance learning format using our acclaimed live e-learning techniques.
The course starts with an overview of the basic principles of electrical engineering and then goes on to discuss the essential topics in depth. With a total of 16 modules, everything that is of practical value from electrical distribution concepts to the equipment used, safety at work to power quality are all looked at in detail. Each module contains practical content so that the students can practice what they learn including the basic elements of designing a system and troubleshooting.
Most academic courses deal with engineering theory in detail but fall short when it comes to giving practical hints on what a technician is expected to know for a job in the field. In this course, the practical aspects receive emphasis so that when you go out into the field you will have the feeling that ‘you have seen it all.
Civil and structural engineering is one of the oldest forms of engineering and involves the design, construction, and maintenance of the built environment. Engineers in this field are responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure around us gets developed, is safe, meets our needs, and improves our quality of life. Upon completion of this undergraduate certificate, you will acquire fundamental knowledge, skills, and understanding of the key core units of the civil engineering discipline. You will also demonstrate scientific, mathematical, contextual factors, and design practice knowledge that has been contextualized to engineering applications such as surveying.
Mechanical engineering is the field of engineering that applies physics and the material sciences to develop machinery. Mechanical engineers use the principles of force, energy, and motion to improve the safety, efficiency, and technological advancement of the world around us. Upon completion of this undergraduate certificate, you will acquire fundamental knowledge, skills, and understanding of the key core units of the mechanical engineering discipline. You will also demonstrate scientific, mathematical, contextual factors, and design practice knowledge that has been contextualized to engineering applications.
This course is focused on the skills needed to select construction materials suitable for different applications, such as buildings, bridges, roads, and tunnels among other civil construction projects. The course structure is unique and designed to equip students with knowledge of conventional and emerging construction materials, covering materials characterization, quality control and standards.
Worldwide, the civil construction sector plays an important role in the global economy via infrastructure and building projects. The construction engineering industry seeks qualified professionals capable to understand materials performance and its quality control commonly employed in civil engineering and construction (aggregate, steel, timber, bitumen, asphalt, and concrete).
This course aims to empower construction engineering professionals with the capability to combine skills from construction materials behaviour and application in infrastructure and building projects.
This applied industry focused advanced diploma is designed to equip students to adapt and evolve with the new technologies in the energy sector. Upon completion of this program, you will gain skills and knowledge in electrical engineering fundamentals, electrical machines, transformers and switchgear, power system protection, power quality, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and generation, smart grids, distributed generation and energy management.
Course Benefits:
This applied industry focused advanced diploma covers a variety of skills such as electrical technology fundamentals, rotating machinery and transformers, energy efficiency, earthing and safety regulations, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment, power supply systems, quality network protection and operation. Upon completion of this program, you will gain skills and knowledge in the latest and developing technologies in electrical engineering.
Course Benefits:
Hydrogen has become a significant player in energy production and distribution, offering both exciting possibilities and persistent challenges.
The Graduate Certificate in Renewable Energy Technologies is an advanced program, presented at a considerably higher level than the advanced diploma and bachelor’s degree level programs. This program has equal standing and level to that of a university Graduate Diploma but focuses on the career outcomes of a professional engineer and technologist. It has a higher vocational or ‘job related’ emphasis and focuses more on developing practical skills that you can apply to the workplace, rather than theory alone.
This program dives deep into the complex and ever-evolving world of hydrogen-based technologies. It equips students with specialized knowledge in hydrogen production, storage, and delivery, alongside insights into effective deployment strategies for specific industries, hydrogen’s role in the energy market, relevant policies, standards, and emerging trends. Designed for those seeking a comprehensive grasp of hydrogen’s potential beyond standard renewable energy courses, this program also caters to employers in need of highly skilled engineers in this niche field. Engineers will explore a wide array of design, implementation, and safety considerations in hydrogen technologies. Graduates with the program’s certificate will hold a competitive advantage in the job market, well-prepared for the demands of hydrogen engineering and management.
The realm of Internet of Things (IoT) systems is intricate and ever-evolving, demanding expertise across diverse domains, including hardware and software development, wireless communication, data analytics, cybersecurity, and project management.
This program is tailored for those seeking a deeper understanding of IoT project options, going beyond the scope of short professional development courses. It is also ideal for employers in search of professionals with advanced engineering knowledge in the IoT field. Engineers will explore extensive choices and justifications involving platforms, hardware, networks, digital languages, cloud services, and embedded systems, all of which are thoroughly covered in this program.
As an advanced “Foundations” program, it complements the Graduate Certificate in Internet of Things (IoT) Security, Deployment, and Management, serving as a valuable preparatory step. Applicants typically possess a bachelor’s degree in related engineering fields and aim to bolster their expertise with a specialized credential that offers academic rigor, enhancing their competitiveness in the job market.
The Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Mechanical) will provide you with the requisite skills in mechanical engineering technology and maintenance to take advantage of the growing demands of the industry.
This Graduate Diploma of Engineering (Civil: Structural) addresses specific core competencies and associated underpinning knowledge required of structural engineers.
Engineers are responsible for designing new systems and solving problems for a wide range of fields like mining, oil and gas, construction, power generation, manufacturing, automotive, marine and agriculture. Upon completion of this undergraduate certificate, you will have fundamental knowledge, skills, and understanding of these foundational engineering subjects. You will be able to apply fundamental principles of mathematics, design, drawing, physics, chemistry, and engineering programming. You will be able to demonstrate scientific, mathematical, contextual factors and design practice knowledge that has been contextualized for engineering applications.
This program is specifically designed to provide a foundational skill set that is useful and applicable to almost every engineering discipline in the world, including mechanical, electrical, civil, construction, mechatronics, agricultural, marine, aeronautical, automotive, and many more. The undergraduate certificate provides you with cutting-edge skills that are valuable in the workplace as well as further studies in any engineering discipline.