About AUSWIDE College

We equip you with the knowledge and skills so that you’re ready for work in your chosen industry or profession.

Studying with AUSWIDE College is about more than just training. It’s about getting to work closely with experienced educators and professionals who have expert industry knowledge, combined with a hands-on learning environment where you can grow and develop your skills, and put what you’ve learnt into practice.

The AUSWIDE College experience is about getting the support you need, when you need it — via phone, email or online — so that you are always able to work to your full potential and get the most out of your training. And most importantly of all, studying with AUSWIDE College is about gaining real world industry experience that will mean you are ready for work.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
Higher Education
RTO code 45893
Legal name Vocational Trainers Pty Ltd

All AUSWIDE College Courses