About Fresh Start Education

Fresh Start Education is an Australian owned and operated training and professional development company, focusing on best practice of delivery in an environment that supports up skilling and continual improvement of our students.

The starting premise of Fresh Start Education was to create a dedicated industry skilled Registered Training Organisation (RTO) of experienced operational people with core values of business integrity and honesty.

Our principle aim is the provision of quality training and assessment, with an emphasis to add real value to client’s operations by delivering an array of technical, soft skill, innovative supportive training applications.

Another attribute of Fresh Start Education is our dedication and personalised attention towards students. We believe that the provision of quality learning impacts not only on our students, but also upon the broader society, both directly and indirectly.

All Trainer & Assessors and operational staff make particular effort to get to know each student personally in order to provide a service which best suits individual needs, with an outcome of enhancing your career prospective, enabling Fresh Start Education to Build Your Future with You!

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 45237
Legal name Fresh Start Education Pty Ltd

All Fresh Start Education Courses