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Nutritionist Courses

Nutritionists help people improve their diet and eating habits. They may give personalised advice to individual clients, create educational programs to address public health concerns, or provide advisory services to organisations like food manufacturers, health and wellness organisations, and hospitality outlets.

As a Nutritionist you could be creating a healthy eating plan for a client who wants to lose weight, delivering an educational session on recipes and food choices to participants at a weekend wellness retreat, carrying out a nutritional assessment for a new client, calculating the nutritional value of a recipe, recommending dietary supplements to a client, or designing a tool to help clients monitor their eating and lifestyle habits.

To succeed in this occupation you will need a genuine interest in the scientific value and structure of food, as well as the desire to help people make healthier dietary choices.

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Popular Nutritionist Courses

There are 15 courses available for people who want to become a Nutritionist. These are the top 5 most popular courses.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Nutritionists earn?

There are no clear salary figures for Australian Nutritionists. Increase your earning capacity by obtaining post-graduate qualifications such as the Master of Nutrition and Dietetic Practice and registering with a professional association.

What are the job opportunities for Nutritionists?

There are 11,800 nutrition professionals currently working in Australia, some of these are Nutritionists. They are employed by hospitals, aged care and mental health facilities, wellness centres and retreats, community health organisations, and government agencies. Some nutritionists work in private practice.

There is a growing need for qualified nutrition professionals across Australia and job opportunities are expected to increase by 7.4% over the next 3.5 years.

How do I become a Nutritionist?

You can become a Nutritionist in Australia with a Bachelor of Health Science (Clinical Nutrition) or Bachelor of Nutritional Science. You will also benefit by joining a professional association such as the Nutrition Society of Australia.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within nutrition and dietetics. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.