Vocational Education and Training
All Spectrum Training Courses
This qualification reflects the roles of community services, case management and social housing workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities.
At this level, workers have specialised skills in community services and work autonomously under broad directions from senior management. Workers are usually providing direct support to individuals or groups of individuals. Workers may also have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers and/or case management; program coordination or the development of new business opportunities.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 100 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.
Learn more- Housing Officer
- Family Support Worker
- Support Worker
- Community Corrections Officer
- Community Development Worker
- Senior Support Worker
- Welfare Worker
- Youth Justice Officer
- Outreach Worker
- Intake Worker
- Aboriginal Community Care Worker
- Case Manager
- Community Care Worker
- Social Worker
- Park Manager
- Rehabilitation Counsellor
- Life Coach
- Remedial Yoga Therapist
- Intelligence Officer
- Case Worker
- Regional Coordinator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Financial Counsellor
- Conservation Manager
- Student Experience Officer
- Council Member
This course is designed for those who have a passion for working in management in the community services sector and want to advance their career by moving into more senior management roles. The Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management is aimed at management positions in a variety of community sector organisations, community centres and early childhood education services.
Employees at this level plan and monitor service delivery, recruit employees, undertake performance appraisals, manage risk and continuous improvement processes. This qualification is designed to assist leaders to build a high-performance client service ethos, increase staff capacity to make decisions, ensure decisions and projects are implemented, strengthen collaboration across the sector, and enable diverse work roles to have input into policy and practice developments.
This Advanced Diploma qualification is designed to equip participants with the required knowledge and skills to advance their career and to function as managers of program areas, projects or delivery of services in a variety of community services industry sectors including community houses and volunteer services/programs. This course will give you a well-rounded foundation for progressing in the community services industry.
Learn moreStart your career in community services with this entry-level qualification. This course will give you the foundation skills required to enter the community services industry or complete further studies in this field.
The Certificate II in Community Services (CHC22015) is a great choice for students wanting a pathway into the workforce as community services workers. Students gain the foundation skills required to communicate with clients and exchange routine information, as well respond to their immediate needs. The course places a great emphasis on interpersonal skills, personal safety and working with people from different cultural backgrounds.
The Certificate II in Community Services (CHC22015) is a nationally recognised training qualification and part of the official Community Services Training Package.
Learn moreGet out amongst the community sooner with this entry level qualification. This course is perfect for people who want to work in community services, or those looking for the foundation skills necessary to complete further studies in the field.
This qualification reflects the role of entry level community services workers who support individuals through the provision of person-centred services. Work may include day-to-day support of individuals in community settings or support the implementation of specific community-based programs.
You’ll gain skills, which will enrich the lives of clients. These skills range from offering assistance, counselling, case management and advocating for clients with complex needs to help them maintain a dignified lifestyle.
Learn moreThis qualification reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide personcentred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason.
These individuals take responsibility for their own outputs within the scope of their job role and delegation. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in aged care, mental health, disability and home and community care.
As an individual support worker, you are employed in a job where you can empower groups in your community. This role is a rewarding job and a great way to give back to your community by making a difference in people’s everyday lives.
Learn more- Aged Care Worker
- Personal Carer
- Residential Care Worker
- Community Care Worker
- Home Care Assistance Worker
- Disability Support Worker
- Trainee Support Worker
- Home Carer
- Care Coordinator
- Community Support Worker
- Patient Care Assistant
- Peer Support Worker
- Residential Care Officer
- Senior Support Worker
- Support Worker
- Trainee
- Kennel Hand
- Animal Shelter Attendant
- Remedial Yoga Therapist
- Hospital Orderly
This qualification reflects the role of workers who provide self-directed recovery oriented support for people affected by mental illness and psychiatric disability. Work involves implementing community based programs and activities focusing on mental health, mental illness and psychiatric disability. Work is undertaken in a range of community contexts such as community based non-government organisations; home based outreach; centre-based programs; respite care; residential services, rehabilitation programs; clinical settings; or supporting people in employment. Work is carried out autonomously under the broad guidance of other practitioners and professionals.
The training is delivered through a combination of face to face workshops (learning circles), self-paced and recognition of prior learning. Spectrum training will deliver the qualification through blended learning methods – experiential activities, reflections and completion of workbooks and assessment activities.
To achieve this qualification, the candidate must have completed at least 80 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in aged care, mental health, disability and home and community care.
As a Community Services Worker you are employed in a job where you can empower groups in your community. This role is a rewarding job and a great way to give back to your community by making a difference in people’s everyday lives.
Learn more- Mental Health Worker
- Family Support Worker
- Peer Support Worker
- Support Worker
- Outreach Worker
- Crisis Support Worker
- Mental Health Practitioner
- Mental Health Clinician
- Mental Health Counsellor
- Mental Health Support Worker
- Relationship Counsellor
- Student Counsellor
- Rehabilitation Counsellor
- Life Coach
Specialise in mental health with this advanced-level qualification. This course will give you the specialised skills and knowledge needed to work with people with complex needs in both community services and healthcare settings.
This course will equip you to work with a diverse range of clients, run early intervention and health promotion programs, and research and apply evidence to your practice. You will also develop the skills required to advocate on behalf of people with complex coexisting mental health, drug, and alcohol issues.
Learn moreThis qualification reflects the role of community service workers who design and deliver person-centred services to individuals and/or groups. Workers may provide support, advocacy or interventions to individual clients, groups or communities across a range of services.
At this level, workers may be autonomous with limited responsibility within established parameters and may be required to supervise and lead other workers in projects or teams. Work may take place in a range of community service, case work or case management contexts.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in aged care, mental health, disability and home and community care.
As a Community Services Worker you are employed in a job where you can empower groups in your community. This role is a rewarding job and a great way to give back to your community by making a difference in people’s everyday lives.
Learn more- Youth Worker
- Housing Officer
- Family Support Worker
- Case Manager
- Community Corrections Officer
- Community Development Worker
- Senior Support Worker
- Welfare Worker
- Youth Justice Officer
- Outreach Worker
- Aboriginal Community Care Worker
- Community Support Worker
- Community Care Worker
- Intake Worker
- Mental Health Support Worker
- Peer Support Worker
- Residential Care Officer
- Residential Care Worker
- Support Worker
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Youth Case Worker
- Rehabilitation Counsellor
- Animal Shelter Attendant
- Life Coach
- Case Worker
This qualification reflects the role of workers in residential facilities and/or non-residential settings related to child protection and family support work.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in child & youth safety, disability and home and community care.
Learn moreCertificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention is the preferred option for staff who do not hold a recognised qualification and need to satisfy the legislative changes to the Child Safety Framework, as it provides the most relevant skills and knowledge to the role of residential care service staff. This qualification reflects the role of those who work in youth and family intervention, including practice specialisations in residential and out of home care, family support and early intervention. Workers operate under a broad supervision framework and within clearly defined organisational guidelines, service plans and position specifications.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in aged care, mental health, disability and home and community care.
Learn moreThe Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work has been developed and supports a nationally recognised qualification for peer workers to help facilitate recognition and broader engagement of peer workers throughout the mental health sector. As a Mental Health Peer Worker you are employed in a job where you can empower groups in your community. This role is a rewarding job and a great way to give back to your community by making a difference in people’s everyday lives. The development of the qualification has involved a rigorous process with input from technical and advisory groups including peer workers and people with a lived experience.
To enrol in this qualification, it is essential that you identify as either a person with lived experience of mental illness and/or a carer supporting others affected by a mental health condition.
By undertaking this training, you will be provided with a foundation to recovery oriented practice through experiential activities, reflections and completion of workbooks and assessment items. Recovery oriented practice training involves participatory learning, which incorporates the concepts, principles and philosophical framework of recovery-oriented community and mental health practice. The training is delivered through a combination of face to face workshops, using self-paced learner resources and activities, and recognition of prior learning (including individualized training plans that incorporate robust reasonable adjustment).
This qualification reflects the role of workers who have lived experience of mental illness as either a consumer or carer and who work in mental health services in roles that support consumer peers or carer peers. Workers are employed in the mental health sector in government, public, private or community managed services.
Learn moreThis qualification reflects the role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision. They may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.
This qualification may provide an appropriate pathway into higher level qualifications, such as those in aged care, mental health, disability and home and community care.
As a Community Services Worker you are employed in a job where you can empower groups in your community. This role is a rewarding job and a great way to give back to your community by making a difference in people’s everyday lives.
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