About Spectrum Training

The Spectrum Organization is a non-profit, benevolent association committed to the wellbeing of the community. The organisation’s ethos is inclusive, celebrating those things that make us all alike and human, by providing service options that are accessible and appropriate for all in our community. Service provision is person-centred and holistic, a wellness model that seeks to build strength and capacity in the individual through service delivery and connection with the community. Spectrum provides a venue where all members of the community are welcome and where the capacity of the individual to make a valuable contribution to their community is recognised and facilitated.

Spectrum commenced operation as an employment service, formed by a sub-committee of the Redcliffe Special School’s Parents and Citizens Association. At this time the local area offered a limited range of options for students with disabilities exiting the school system and the committee sought to establish a service focused on extending these options. Spectrum Employment Service Association Inc. commenced service delivery in 1991, providing community based employment support services to people with disabilities in the local area. Over the 22 years of operation, the service maintained an ongoing commitment to facilitating sustainable, long-term employment opportunities with equitable remuneration for clients of the service. In 1997 Spectrum’s CEO facilitated the commencement of The Spectrum Organization Association Inc. to work in partnership with the employment service to provide an holistic model of service delivery to people with disabilities. Since this time, the organisation has grown to provide a range of community service options to support and engage the broader community.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 2441
Legal name The Spectrum Organization Association Inc

All Spectrum Training Courses