About South Coast Community College

South Coast Colleges has led the way for almost 40 years as the community services training provider of choice. As our vocational training programs have grown (so has our footprint) we believe now is the time to launch a dedicated branch of the business that focuses wholly on nationally accredited qualifications and career pathways.

The majority of our programs are classroom-based face to face, interactive and project-based where possible. The programs are realistic in their time frame and we take the time to understand exactly what each student requires to get the very best out of the experience. All training is relevant to the local labour market and relevant to our ‘students’ needs.

We understand that programs need to be affordable and accessible and we value our ongoing relationship through Training Services NSW and with the delivery of Smart and Skilled. Smart and Skilled enables us to offer subsidised training to enable people to enter, reskill or progress within the workforce.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 6558
Legal name The Eurobodalla Adult Education Centre Inc

All South Coast Community College Courses