About Fire And Safety Australia

Welcome to Australia’s leading provider of emergency response services and emergency response & safety training.

With 80+ courses and a team of emergency services officers and emergency response trainers employed across the country, we can help your organisation with its safety needs. Fire & Safety Australia provides nationally accredited certificates through our Registered Training Organisation (No. 22250) and we have ISO9001-2015 Quality Certification. All actions of our company are based on our vision for the future and the core values that we live by. Read more by clicking the images below.

All of our training courses are nationally recognised through the Australian Qualifications Training Framework and are recognised in all States and Territories of Australia. We are a Registered Training Organisation (RT0:22250) that has government authority to deliver accredited training.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 22250
Legal name Fire and Safety Australia Pty Ltd

All Fire And Safety Australia Courses