About Early Childhood Training & Resource Centre

ECTARC is a community owned, not for profit registered training organisation that specialises in early childhood training and professional development. NTIS No: 90331. ECTARC is a division of Illawarra Area Child Care Limited (IACC).

ECTARC has in place a quality management system to ensure compliance with the VET Quality Framework including the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations. ECTARC conducts its operations in line with the organisation's Code of Practice.

ECTARC distance study qualifications can be studied from any location within Australia. ECTARC students come from regional, remote and metropolitan areas of every state. You can enrol at any time of the year and commence study as soon as you receive your learning materials. Printed learning materials are posted to students and no additional texts are required. Assessments are submitted online via the ECTARC Training Portal.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 90331
Legal name Illawarra Area Child Care Ltd

All Early Childhood Training & Resource Centre Courses