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Resilience Officer Courses

Resilience Officers are responsible for ensuring business continuity across all areas of the organisation, with a focus on operations, supply chain, and information security. They oversee disaster recovery plans and crisis management systems.

As a Resilience Officer you might be identifying potential causes of business disruption, investigating an IT security breach, developing fraud control procedures, or discussing supply chain interruptions with the executive team.

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Popular Resilience Officer Courses

There are 2 courses available for people who want to become a Resilience Officer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Resilience Officers earn?

In Australia, a full time Resilience Officer generally earns $1,550 per week ($80,600 annual salary) before tax. This is a median figure for full-time employees and should be considered a guide only.

What are the job opportunities for Resilience Officers?

There are no clear figures for Resilience Officers working in Australia at this time. Resilience Officers are usually employed by larger businesses and corporations in all industries — but very often in IT, manufacturing and financial services.

Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights

How do I become a Resilience Officer?

Resilience Officers need an advanced knowledge of risk management practices, leadership, and financial management. Apart from your degree qualification in finance and risk strategies, we recommend the Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership or Executive Certificate in Resilience Policy. These courses take 12-18 months to complete.

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Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within executive leadership and risk management. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.