About NECA Training

NECA Electrical Apprenticeships is a not-for-profit group training company that employs over 750 apprentices in NSW, QLD and the ACT. NECA EA is owned by the National and Electrical Communications Association (NECA), providing apprentices with the full range of work available in the electrical industry. This ensures that the apprentices receive the broad experience needed to complete their trade and pursue careers that align with their areas of interest. NECA Electrical Apprenticeships is part of a national network of NECA businesses that supports the electrical industry in all Australian states and territories.

NECA Training:’NECA has been operating since 1916. You can rest assured NECA Training will be around to continue training future generations. As the industry peak body, NECA has direct access to 5300 members, industry, employers, and regulators. These stakeholders provide direct input into training outcomes. This ensures training is current, relevant and meets the needs of the industry. These improved skills feedback into better workplace outcomes and improved productivity. This gives NECA Training hands-on experience with apprentices and employers and identifies skills gaps that feedback into improved training. NECA Training is a not for profit organisation.’​

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 91632
Legal name NECA Training Ltd

All NECA Training Courses