Vocational Education and Training
All Horizon2 Courses
CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. They support children’s wellbeing, and development in the context of an approved learning framework. Educators use a range of well-developed skills and knowledge using discretion and judgment when carrying out their work in the context of established policies and procedures. They may work independently or under the guidance of others, though in some contexts that guidance may not be on-site.
Learn moreCHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. Educators at this level are responsible for designing and implementing curriculum that meets the requirements of an approved learning framework and for maintaining compliance in other areas of service operations. They use specialised knowledge and analyse and apply theoretical concepts to diverse work situations. They may have responsibility for supervision of volunteers or other educators.
Learn moreDiploma of Community Services reflects the roles of community services, case management and social housing workers involved in the managing, coordinating and/or delivering of person-centered services to individuals, groups and communities.
At this level, workers have specialised skills in community services and work autonomously under broad directions from senior management. Workers support people to make change in their lives to improve personal and social wellbeing and may also have responsibility for the supervision of other workers and volunteers. They may also undertake case management and program coordination.
Learn more- Housing Officer
- Family Support Worker
- Support Worker
- Community Corrections Officer
- Community Development Worker
- Senior Support Worker
- Welfare Worker
- Youth Justice Officer
- Outreach Worker
- Intake Worker
- Aboriginal Community Care Worker
- Case Manager
- Community Care Worker
- Social Worker
- Park Manager
- Rehabilitation Counsellor
- Life Coach
- Remedial Yoga Therapist
- Intelligence Officer
- Case Worker
- Regional Coordinator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Financial Counsellor
- Conservation Manager
- Student Experience Officer
- Council Member
CHC62015 – Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management reflects the role of workers who are middle managers or managers across a range of community sector organisations. These people work independently and report to executive management, directors or boards of management. They undertake a range of functions requiring the application of knowledge and skills to achieve results in line with the organisation’s goals and strategic directions.
At this level, workers have responsibility for planning and monitoring service delivery, recruitment and performance management of other paid or unpaid workers, managing risk and contributing to continuous improvement within the scope of their specific role. This may include management of a specific programs or project, or broader management of a community-based organisation, early childhood education service, not-for-profit organisation or community centre.
Learn moreCHC32015 – Certificate III in Community Services reflects the role of entry level community services workers who support individuals through the provision of person-centred services. Work may include day-to-day support of individuals in community settings or support the implementation of specific community-based programs. At this level, work takes place under the direction of others and supervision may be direct or indirect. Work may take place in a range of community services organisations.
Learn moreCHC33021 – Certificate III in Individual Support reflects the role of individuals in the community, home or residential care setting who work under supervision and delegation as a part of a multi-disciplinary team, following an individualised plan to provide person-centred support to people who may require support due to ageing, disability or some other reason.
These individuals take responsibility for their own outputs within the scope of their job role and delegation. Workers have a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as some theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support.
Learn more- Aged Care Worker
- Personal Carer
- Residential Care Worker
- Community Care Worker
- Home Care Assistance Worker
- Disability Support Worker
- Trainee Support Worker
- Home Carer
- Care Coordinator
- Community Support Worker
- Patient Care Assistant
- Peer Support Worker
- Residential Care Officer
- Senior Support Worker
- Support Worker
- Trainee
- Kennel Hand
- Animal Shelter Attendant
- Remedial Yoga Therapist
- Hospital Orderly
CHC43015 – Certificate IV in Ageing Support reflects the role of support workers who complete specialised tasks and functions in aged services; either in residential, home or community based environments. Workers will take responsibility for their own outputs within defined organisation guidelines and maintain quality service delivery through the development, facilitation and review of individualised service planning and delivery. Workers may be required to demonstrate leadership and have limited responsibility for the organisation and the quantity and quality of outputs of others within limited parameters.
Learn moreCHC40421 – Certificate IV in Youth Work reflects the role of workers who develop and facilitate programs for young people through a range of community-based programs designed to address the social, behavioural, health, welfare, developmental and protection needs of young people. This work may be undertaken through employment in community, government and youth sector agencies and workers will be responsible for implementing policies and guidelines of the employing organisation, and largely self-directed with fairly autonomous decision-making capacity under the indirect supervision of a manager.
Learn moreCHC42021 – Certificate IV in Community Services reflects the role of community service workers who design and deliver person-centred services to individuals and/or groups. Workers may provide support, advocacy or interventions to individual clients, groups or communities across a range of services. At this level, workers may be autonomous with limited responsibility within established parameters and may be required to supervise and lead other workers in projects or teams. Work may take place in a range of community service, case work or case management contexts.
Learn more- Youth Worker
- Housing Officer
- Family Support Worker
- Case Manager
- Community Corrections Officer
- Community Development Worker
- Senior Support Worker
- Welfare Worker
- Youth Justice Officer
- Outreach Worker
- Aboriginal Community Care Worker
- Community Support Worker
- Community Care Worker
- Intake Worker
- Mental Health Support Worker
- Peer Support Worker
- Residential Care Officer
- Residential Care Worker
- Support Worker
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Youth Case Worker
- Rehabilitation Counsellor
- Animal Shelter Attendant
- Life Coach
- Case Worker
CHC50321 – Diploma of Child Youth and Family Intervention reflects the role of workers in out-of-home care facilities and settings related to child protection and family support work. These workers work under limited supervision or within a team and are responsible for planning and prioritising their own work program to achieve targets. They may, depending on the focus of their role, supervise other workers and carry out activities related to improvement of personal living and emotional circumstances of a child or young person at risk. They may exercise legal authorities and delegated decision making on relevant statutory matters.
Learn moreCHC34015 – Certificate III in Active Volunteering reflects the role of people working in a volunteer capacity across a range of industries and organisations in a variety of contexts.
At this level, work takes place under the direction of others and supervision may be direct or indirect.
Volunteers may also be required to lead volunteer teams and have limited responsibility for the output of others within a project or event.
Organisations may require volunteers to undergo relevant background checks.
Learn moreCHC40321 – Certificate IV in Child Youth and Family Intervention reflects the role of those who work in youth and family intervention, including practice specialisations in residential and out of home care, family support and early intervention.
Workers operate under a broad supervision framework and within clearly defined organisational guidelines, service plans and position specifications. Completing this course will qualify you to work in a range of different community settings.
Learn moreCHC43515 – Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work reflects the role of workers who have lived experience of mental illness as either a consumer or carer and who work in mental health services in roles that support consumer peers or carer peers. Workers are employed in the mental health sector in government, public, private or community managed services.
Learn moreCHC24015 – Certificate II in Active Volunteering reflects the role of entry level volunteer workers. At this level, work takes place under direct, regular supervision within clearly defined guidelines. This qualification may be used as a pathway for workforce entry. Organisations may require volunteers to undergo relevant background checks.
Horizon2 is a specialist training provider with a training team of experienced community service professionals. Through this team of industry professionals you have the opportunity to achieve a nationally recognised qualification — CHC24015 – Certificate II in Volunteering. Successful candidates will need to complete 7 units of competency comprising 4 mandatory core and 3 elective units. Elective units have been chosen to meet industry requirements.
Learn moreCHC43121 – Certificate IV in Disability Support reflects the role of workers in a range of community settings and clients’ homes, who provide training and support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work without direct supervision and may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.
Learn moreCHCSS00124 – Disability Work – Behaviour Support provides a set of skills for work supporting people with disability who require positive behaviour support.
This skill set is for individuals who hold a qualification at Certificate III level or higher in Community Services, Health or a related field who wish to develop skills in supporting people with disability requiring positive behaviour support.
Learn moreCHCSS00141 – Child Protection provides a set of skills for undertaking child protection functions in a variety of roles in the community services sector. Work may involve providing support to children, families or communities. This Skill Set is targeted at individuals currently working in the child protection sector or with existing qualifications or experience in community services roles seeking to broaden their skills in child protection.
Learn moreCHCSS00130 – Individual Support – Disability provides a set of skills for providing person-centred support to people with disability in various settings. This skill set is for individuals who hold a qualification at Certificate III level or higher in Community Services, Health or a related field, work in various care and support roles and who wish to develop skills in providing person-centred support to people with disability.
Learn moreCHCSS00128 – High Support and Complex Care – Disability Support provides a set of skills for work supporting people with complex care needs requiring high levels of support in a disability work context. This skill set is for individuals who hold a qualification at Certificate III level or higher in Community Services, Health or a related field, work in various care and support roles who wish to develop skills in supporting people with complex care needs requiring high levels of support in a disability work context.
Learn moreCHCSS00133 – Induction to Disability Support represents A set of skills for supporting the induction of new workers into a variety of roles supporting people with disability. This skill set is for individuals who are entering the disability sector.
Learn moreCHCSS00082 – Lead and Mentor reflects the skill requirements for team leaders or managers to coordinate, mentor and lead teams and individuals.
This skill set is for workers with existing experience or qualifications in community services or health sector roles seeking to broaden their skills.
Learn moreCHCSS00140 – Case Management provides a set of skills for case management work in the community services sector in various contexts.
This Skill Set is targeted at individuals with existing qualifications in community services, or experience in community services roles who are seeking additional skills in case management.
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