Vocational Education and Training
All GoTrain Courses
This is a general qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure environment who performs tasks involving a broad range of skilled applications in a wide variety of contexts. It may involve application of some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. It may also include responsibility for coordinating the work of others.
The entry requirement for this qualification is TLI21315 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure or relevant industry experience gained by working within the rail infrastructure environment.
Learn moreThis is a general qualification for a person engaged in basic operations in the rail infrastructure environment undertaking track protection activities. This includes a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures, and taking some responsibility for the quality of work outcomes.
Learn moreThis is a general qualification for a person engaged in basic operations within the rail infrastructure environment undertaking a range of tasks involving known routines and procedures, and taking some responsibility for the quality of work outcomes.
Learn moreThis course is aligned to the specific requirements of Queensland Rail Network rules and procedures MD-12-189.
It is designed to give learners the skills and knowledge required to safely enter and navigate around the rail corridor and danger zone with the permission the access provider in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements.
It includes the following policies, procedures and protocols of the access provider for situation awareness and rail safety, and to operate under local track protection rules in accordance with safe working and regulatory requirements and workplace procedures, including accessing and interpreting information about track protection requirements, carrying out assigned protection and /or work activities, and responding appropriately to safety incidents and abnormal situations within the limits of person responsibility.
Learn moreThis is a general qualification for a person engaged in the rail infrastructure environment who performs tasks involving track protection in a variety of contexts. It may involve application of some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. It may also include responsibility for coordinating the work of others.
The entry requirement for this qualification is TLI21915 Certificate II in Track Protection or relevant industry experience gained by working in the rail infrastructure environment providing track protection services.
Learn moreThis is a general qualification for a person driving a medium/heavy rail track vehicle from one location to another over main line track. It involves a broad range of skilled applications in a wide variety of contexts, which may involve application of some discretion and judgement in selecting equipment, services or contingency measures. It may also include responsibility for coordinating the work of others.
Learn moreThis is a general course for a person working in an operational or supervisory role, who needs to conduct traffic management tasks in a live traffic environment for the resources and infrastructure industries in Victoria.
This course is about controlling vehicle and pedestrian traffic using a stop-slow bat, and setting out, monitoring and closing down traffic management plans and traffic guidance schemes in civil construction.
Learn moreThis unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue management strategies within the transport and logistics industry.
It includes identifying and acting on signs of fatigue and implementing appropriate strategies to minimise fatigue during work activities, in particular when operating equipment, trains, vehicles, load shifting equipment, marine vessels and aircraft.
Learn moreThis course involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fundamentals of track maintenance and construction, and to carry out basic track measurement, in accordance with approved rail industry standards, safe working and regulatory requirements, and workplace procedures. It includes identifying track terminology, track components and track tools and equipment; and undertaking basic track measurement.
It involves the application of routine operational principles and procedures to the fundamentals of track maintenance and construction, as part of workplace activities across a variety of operational contexts within the Australian rail system.
Learn moreThis unit involves the skills and knowledge required to apply effective safety critical communications and is considered best practice for general communications in the rail environment.
This unit is intended for rail safety workers who are required to identify and respond to operational information as part of their job role. They may be working within rail operational or infrastructure environment.
Safety critical communications is any communication that, if not delivered or not delivered accurately or promptly, could result in death, serious injury or incur significant damage to property, infrastructure or the environment.
Learn moreThis courses covers the skills and knowledge required to adjust rail in accordance with safeworking and regulatory requirements, and workplace procedures.
It includes identifying and determining the requirements for rail adjustment, undertaking rail adjustment, and completing all required documentation.
Once you have completed training in the Unit of Competency, you can complete the ARTC ETM-06-10 course for Person In Charge of Stressing (PICS).
Learn moreThis course is aligned to the specific requirements of Queensland Rail Network rules and procedures MD-12-189.
This course is designed to give learners the skills and knowledge required to communicate with Network Controllers, Rail Traffic Crew and other workers within Queensland Rail Network.
Learn moreThis course involves testing plain rail and field welds using ultrasonic equipment in accordance with rail industry standards, safeworking and regulatory requirements, and workplace procedures.
It includes determining test requirements, conducting testing using hand directed equipment, conducting visual examination and measurement of welds, identifying and classifying defects, and completing all required documentation.
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