Vineyard Manager
A Vineyard Manager is responsible for producing a quality crop of grapes for sale or for wine production. You’ll oversee all aspects of planting, growing and harvesting grapes from managing soil health to tending to vines and organising picking of fruit. You’ll need to identify and correct any plant health issues and ensure your grapes are suitable for their intended purpose. You’ll need to organise irrigation and weeding schedules and plan ahead for future crops. You’ll also spend time liaising with winemakers or suppliers.
Vineyard Managers have a very physical job and often work long hours in all sorts of weather. You’ll need a strong knowledge of grape production but also need to manage the administrative tasks involved in managing a vineyard. You’ll also have to make sure your vineyard meets all industry regulations. Vineyard Managers need good people skills and need to be able to manage several tasks at once.
Average yearly income