
Substance Abuse Counsellor

A substance abuse counsellor is somebody who treats patients who are experiencing issues with addiction to alcohol or drugs. Some substance abuse counsellors work with a broad set of clients, while others specialise in treating those with specific circumstances or dependencies, such as older or younger people, military veterans and those who have faced or continue to face economic, social or mental hardship.

Substance abuse counsellors help determine the best courses of action for clients and speak with not only them, but also their family, friends and others to develop a support plan. Substance abuse counsellors are adept at understanding the different needs and capabilities of patients in regards to their personal and professional lifestyles and have a full understanding of available resources. They have the ability to suggest and develop a range of options for navigating past, present or potential future drug and alcohol abuse. Counsellors can work in call centres, medical institutions, patients' homes or other group or individual settings.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $83,200
Skill level Beginner

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