Vocational Education and Training
All Safety Direct Solutions Courses
This course is for those who provide first medical response and deliver basic first aid in the pre-hospital or out of hospital environment.
Participants will learn basic information regarding the human body through anatomy and physiology and first response procedures in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
Learn moreThis course is for those working in the construction industry, it specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work.
Participants are required to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It includes identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.
Learn moreThis course applies to those who may be required to collect specimens via urine, saliva and oral breath testing, following special procedures that apply for drugs of abuse testing. Participants will confirm collection requirements and prepare clients and equipment in accordance with standards and regulatory requirements.
This course applies to workers in collection centres, hospitals, other health care environments and workplaces where drugs of abuse testing takes place.
Learn moreThis course is for those who provide initial pre-hospital and out-of-hospital basic health care to patients requiring urgent medical services.
The qualification applies to people working in a variety of roles within the health care system including industrial medics, volunteer ambulance officers and patient transport officers. To achieve this qualification, participants must complete at least 80 hours of workplace clinical practice providing direct patient care.
Learn moreThis course is for emergency workers that are required to perform peripheral intravenous cannulation on clients as part of their job role and includes those working in hospitals, primary health care in rural remote locations, pathology services, out-of-hospital settings or in other allied health care environments.
Learn moreThis course provides the skills and knowledge required to prepare for and conduct ECG procedures, producing traces that are suitable for diagnostic purposes. It does not include interpretation of the ECG.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
This course applies to workers who may be required to provide CPR in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to provide emergency life support and first aid response to a casualty in a remote or isolated situation. This course applies to workers who are required to prepare and provide a first aid response in locations beyond the reach of timely medical assistance.
Learn moreThis course is for those who provide initial pre-hospital and out-of-hospital patient assessment, healthcare, and transport services. Participants will possess clinical skills and provide clinical assessment and pre-hospital and out of hospital interventions to patients in an emergency, including providing advanced skills in life support.
Learn moreThis course applies to those who work within the command, control and coordination structure of an Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and are required to implement the instructions specified in workplace emergency procedures or to implement instructions that are given by a person at a higher level in the emergency control organisation.
Learn moreThis course applies to those required to make decisions about people’s safety during a workplace emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to the emergency incident in the area.
This course includes leading the preparation of emergency response procedures; commanding, controlling and coordinating facility emergency response procedures and responses and concluding the facility emergency incident. Individuals who undertake this work may also act as the primary liaison with emergency services after their arrival.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to effectively work as part of an Emergency Response Team. This course can be fast paced and is physically demanding as it involves the rescue of casualties weighing approximately 70kgs in tight and enclosed spaces, therefore, participants should be physically fit and be able to hold their own body weight relying on arm, leg, and core strength.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to operate vehicles both on and off road during public safety operations. Participants will learn the skills and knowledge required to drive emergency vehicles safely, including the systematic, safe and efficient control of all vehicle’s functions and effective management of hazardous situations under operational conditions.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to recognise and manage a suspected spinal injury and minimise further injury when applying medical aid. Participants will evaluate the need to move a casualty, prepare a casualty for transport, monitor the casualty, and perform casualty handover techniques.
Learn moreThis course is for those who work in emergency services as a first responder and are required to administer restricted analgesics to provide pain management.
This course provides participants with the skills and knowledge to identify the needs for analgesia; accessing, preparing, and administering restricted pain relief such as analgesics and aspirin according to medically endorsed protocols; performing casualty handovers and completing analgesic use requirements.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to issue work permits. Participants will learn the understanding of the permit system and the limitations of each permit, and making decisions regarding the need for and correct use of each permit.
This course applies to personnel who are required to issue permits to persons conducting a variety of activities in workplace environments in which hazards exist or specific procedures need to be followed and monitored to protect the safety of personnel and the integrity of plant or process. This includes confined space, heights, hot work, and other work permits.
Learn moreThis course applies to those who may be required to confidently and safely assess an emergency situation involving fire in the workplace and undertake initial response utilising first attack fire equipment such as fire blankets, extinguishers and hose reels.
Learn moreThis course is for those who perform work at height and require the essential skills and understanding of the safety systems including fall protection and associated equipment necessary to undertake the work safely and ensure quality work outcomes.
This course will require participants to understand, build and utilise height safety systems to protect themselves from injury in the unlikely event of a fall. Practical components of this course may require participants to be exposed to open edges, climb fixed and/or portable ladders and access areas such as roof structures.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to undertake first response to non-aggressive fire incidents in emergency situations and work as part of the emergency control organisation (ECO) that have responsibility for pre-emergency, emergency, and post emergency actions.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to complete a complex extrication of a casualty involved in a road or industrial accident. This course is designed for workers who may be required to perform a rescue of trapped persons in motor vehicles.
Road crash rescue involves the extrication of casualties from vehicles that have been involved in various types of impact. This is carried out using hydraulic rescue tools, various hand tools and stabilisation equipment. You will form part of an operational crew to resolve road crash incidents, this may require you to be inside the car while hydraulic tools are in use, while wearing P2 masks, structural firefighting kit with helmets and visors as a basic form of PPC.
Learn moreThis course provides participants with the skills and knowledge required to undertake vertical rescues in a range of emergency situations in both natural and manmade environments. It is aimed at those working in emergency response roles in any industry where vertical rescues may be required.
As a participant on this course, you will be introduced to various items of software and hardware that you will then need to utilise to perform various tasks on rope, suspended and at ground level. Participants will be required to wear a rescue harness and utilise equipment to ascend and descend ropes on their own up to a height of approximately 10 meters. While the shown techniques will assist in accomplishing these tasks the participant will be required to shift and hold their own body weight relying on arm, leg, and core strength to do so.
Participants are also required to conduct a mid-pitch rescue using specialized equipment and the above-mentioned muscle groups to release a fallen casualty and bring them safely to the ground. Participants will be required to build and operate mechanical advantage systems and act as part of a haulage team that will be lifting rescuers and casualties (at times simultaneously) at a height of approximately 6 meters.
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