The Product Management: Transform course is perfect for those seeking a rapid entry into Product Management. Suitable for strategic thinkers who excel in leading diverse teams through various project phases, this course focuses on identifying unmet customer needs, addressing unresolved product issues, and devising feasible, financially viable solutions that add value to a business. It's designed for individuals ready to embrace a career that combines strategic oversight with practical problem-solving in a dynamic business environment.
Study mode
6 months
Estimated fee*Unknown
* Fees are indicative only and vary based on your circumstances and eligibility for
government funding.
VET courses are designed with industry feedback which ensures your qualification meets current job market demands and aligns with the latest industry standards.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements for VET courses include both national standards and additional criteria set by
individual Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
It’s important to review these requirements for each course provider to ensure you meet all necessary
prerequisites before applying.
There are no mandated entry requirements.
Additional entry requirements are set by individual course providers
Course fees
Course fees vary depending on the course provider.
Estimated Fee*
*Showing course fees for all providers. Some providers may not be available in your area.
Career opportunities
The Product Management: Transform will prepare you for the
following roles.