About Skilling WA

Skilling WA is a premier provider of quality training and assessment, unique in its approach we take an industry centric view looking at current practice and training solutions that fit our learners as individuals, and your business.  

As a training solutions provider, we work with our clients to identify their learning needs and objectives, finding and facilitating solutions.   

Skilling you, Skilling your people, Skilling your business, Skilling your future…..Skilling WA.  

Skilling WA offers both non-accredited and accredited (through our RTO scope) training options and solutions. 

Skilling WA is also a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) dedicated to providing high quality “accredited” training to individuals and Industry through “Australian Training Packages”.  Skilling WA provides Nationally Recognised Qualifications in WA providing students with the skills and knowledge to excel in their jobs. Our main objective is to ensure that our students receive the highest level of learning and service we can provide – tailored to their individual needs – using highly experienced trainer/industry specialists.

We are not just people who have recently got their TAE (training and assessment qualification), we are lifelong educators dedicated and passionate about how people actually learn …. supporting our clients achieve …. Skilling WA.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 52922
Legal name Skilling WA Pty Ltd

All Skilling WA Courses