About ESI Training and Consulting

ESI Training and Consulting has been created by Rob McDowell, a trainer with over 30 years experience in the Electrical Supply Industry, who identified a need for tailoring training services to meet the needs of industry rather than industry having to adjust to fit in with the requirements of an educational institution.

ESI Training and Consulting is a specialised training provider serving the needs of businesses in the Electrical Supply industry (ESI) and related industries. This is a specialised high risk industry. One of the key means of minimising this risk is implementing a regime of both initial and refresher training for all personnel working in this industry. These training requirements include both Nationally Recognised Training and Industry Specific Training. Visit our links page for a breakdown of who requires what training!

In the Electrical Supply Industry this training is administered, and paid for, by businesses/employers operating within the industry. If not managed effectively the costs of administering these training requirements can be considerable. ESI Training and Consulting works with employers to deliver training to meet their needs in a cost effective manner.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 45463
Legal name ESI Training & Consulting Pty Ltd

All ESI Training and Consulting Courses