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Common questions
How much do Nanotechnologists earn?
Nanotechnologists in Australia generally can earn between $80,243 to $88,940 per annum, which translates to about $1,540 to $1,710 per week. Increase your earning capacity by obtaining supporting qualifications in physics, chemistry, electronics engineering, biotechnologies, pharmaceutical engineering, and computer science.
What are the job opportunities for Nanotechnologists?
There are no clear employment figures for Australian Nanotechnologists. They are employed by medical research and technology companies, hospitals and health organisations, robotics manufacturers, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies, and academic research institutions.
How do I become a Nanotechnologist?
Launch your career as a Nanotechnologist in Australia with a Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) or Bachelor of Science (Nanoscience and Materials). As your career progresses consider post-graduate qualifications such as the Master of Nanotechnology and a PhD.
Source: Australian Government Labour Market Insights 2023