
A Hydrographer monitors the quality and standard of water systems. You might specialise in a particular catchment area or in particular waterways such as rivers, lakes or oceans. Hydrographers might collect water samples for testing or use other survey methods such as GPS. You’ll prepare reports and may present them to water agencies or government departments.

Hydrographers should be able to use a range of technical equipment and software. You should be able to communicate well and present your information professionally. Hydrographers need strong attention to detail and must be able to work as part of a team. You should be able to take accurate measurements and use correct procedures when taking samples in the field.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $88,400
Skill level Advanced

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Further reading

Choosing a security licence course in Australia: A step-by-step guide for jobseekers

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Careers for people who love the outdoors

14th September 2021)

What is the Role of a Business Analyst?

14th October 2022)