Central Coast

Devops Engineer

A DevOps Engineer develops software for an organisation to meet their individual needs. You might meet with clients to find out their requirements and manage their information technology needs. DevOps Engineers might find IT solutions to particular problems or provide general support and recommendations for software and networks.

DevOps Engineers should have strong technical skills and excellent problem solving abilities. It’s important you can work as part of a team and communicate clearly with a range of stakeholders. DevOps Engineers must have good analytical abilities and should be able to adapt their skills to suit a range of circumstances.

Future demand High
Average yearly income $139,984
Skill level Unknown

How do I become a devops engineer?

All skill levels Beginner Experienced

Certified Full Stack Developer

6 months
  • There are no mandated entry requirements.
Additional requirements may apply.
  • There are no mandated entry requirements.
Additional requirements may apply.
*Showing course fees for all providers. Some providers may not be available in your area.

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Common questions

Further reading

Anything but binary

26th February 2020)

Choosing a security licence course in Australia: A step-by-step guide for jobseekers

10th November 2023)

How do I get started as a professional web developer?

7th August 2019)