About Select Security Training Academy

Our mission is to become the specialist Security Training Academy completely dedicated to Security Training for Security Officers.

We not only provide Certificate II in Security Operations but Certificate III in Security Operations, White Cards – Work safely in Construction Industry, RSA – The responsible Service of Alcohol and finally Gambling – provide responsible Gambling Services.

At SELECT we believe in providing students both new and ongoing with as much training and skills as we can to ensure that we are producing quality and suitably trained officers to support and protect not only the companies they work for, but their clients and the general public.

We are committed to providing security professionals ready to deploy and highly trained to commence their services as soon as they have completed their qualifications and are licensed for service. When you seek professional and qualified Security Officers then SELECT is your answer.

Provider type Nationally recognised:
Vocational Education and Training
RTO code 40873
Legal name Select Security Training Academy Pty Ltd

All Select Security Training Academy Courses